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Avocado & Carrot Salad {So Easy To Make!}

I love combining hot and cold foods! This avocado & carrot salad makes the perfect condiment to your favorite sustainable meat or for a topping on fresh greens.

Also, having a salad that combines both raw and cooked foods helps you stay on track with a habit from my new #1 best selling book The Food Babe Way (see Day 11!). And, you’ll find several more raw food recipes in my new cookbook, Food Babe Kitchen.

I don’t know about you, but avocados and carrots are staples at my house. This salad has become a favorite around here, it’s very simple to throw together at the last minute and makes a big hit at an impromptu dinner party. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! 

Carrot Avocado Salad-1

Food Babe's Avocado & Carrot Salad

Prep Time:
15 mins
Cook Time:
25 mins
Total Time:
40 mins

Serves:  2


  • 10 carrots, peeled and sliced
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon ground cumin
  • ¼ teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • 1 avocado, peeled, seeded, and diced
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • ¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 4 cups mixed greens
  • 1 pinch fresh ground pepper, to taste


  1. Heat the oven to 400° F.
  2. Toss the carrots with the olive oil, cumin, coriander, salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the carrots are soft and golden brown.
  3. Take out of the oven and place the carrots in a bowl. Add the avocado, lemon juice and cilantro and toss to combine. Season with salt and pepper, if needed. Serve over the mixed greens or with grilled chicken or fish. Enjoy!


  • Please use all organic ingredients if possible


This salad is a featured recipe in this month’s Food Babe Eating Guide program. Each month members get a whole new set of Food Babe approved menu items, recipes, a weekly grocery list and bonuses! You can check it out here if you are interested in joining and supporting a healthy organic lifestyle that can help you lose weight for good, and keep it off!  



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49 responses to “Avocado & Carrot Salad {So Easy To Make!}

  1. Wow this sounds fantastic! I never would have thought to pair roasted carrots with those flavors, but I love the idea of something so rich and savory combined with such light and refreshing ingredients. Thanks for the recipe! Making it ASAP!

  2. What a unique recipe! It’s definitely harder for me to to enjoy salads in the winter- this warm addition sounds perfect! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Vani! It looks so good, but we shouldn’t peel our carrots! So much goodness is in the first layer of the skin (assuming they are organic).

    1. That’s true but classically carrots are peeled for aesthetics, texture and flavor.

      Personally, I don’t peel carrots for myself.

  4. Cilantro should never be chopped with metal knife as it will pick up metal and deposit in the liver. I suggest putting in whole, or, tearing by hand or a pestle to grind it. Cilantro is one of the best ways to remove metal from the liver. Metals in the liver has bee linked to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and a plethora of othe diseases.

    1. I disagree with the metal transfer statement. Knives would have to be very dull carbon steel and most kitchen knives today are stainless steel which is harder and more stable, even when heated. Stainless steel or titanium is used in aircraft engine firewalls.

      My stainless knives are kept razor sharp and there is no potential for metal transfer.

  5. What if I’m one of those people who’s chemistry makes cilantro taste like soap suds? Is there a substitute?

  6. Olive oil is a very delicate oil – doesn’t heating it, especially at that high a heat, oxidize it? I’d suggest coconut oil instead, one of the few healthy oils that’s also safe to heat.

    1. Sadly, there are NO healthy oils… I know…. bummer, but it’s true. They are inflammatory… I’m living proof!

      1. Hmmm … not sure what you mean and why you say that, have never heard anyone, even in the natural health camp, say so? I believe unheated extra virgin Olive oil has healthy fats, as does coconut oil (medium chain fatty acids), and coconut oil is supposed to be safe to heat as well.

      2. You are, sadly, absolutely correct. Google Dr. McDougall for more information.

    2. I was wondering about that too. Coconut oil is very healthy and would be better than olive oil at 400. But really, virgin coconut oil should not be heated over 350. Avocado oil may be the best one to use here. It can be heated up to 500. And it is very good for you!

      I’m making this today! Thanks Vani!!

      1. Hi, I think this Link explains it all very well. It’s hard to imagine; I know… but, it IS true. While at Dr. McDougall’s Ten Day Live-In Program, we watched a “live” video of blood racing through a vessel; then watched it as a fatty meal was consumed… it slowed down like a turtle and stayed that way for about 4 hours. All of my problems left when I stopped consuming ANIMAL PRODUCTS and OILS!

      2. Nancy:
        I find your comment ridiculous. How do you know what speed blood should flow? Maybe it’s not supposed to move fast.

        All of your cell walls are made of cholesterol which is derived from fats. All of your hormones are mades from fats. Your brain is mostly fat. In my highly educated opinion, you are really an unhealthy person and I bet your memory and cognitive skills will be fading fast.

  7. Looks so good. But I will probably use Coconut Oil instead of olive oil – I just love Coconut Oil + Carrots baked. and prefer Coconut Oil over olive oil anyway.

    But whatever oil anyone uses, this does look really good & I look forward to fixing – soon.

  8. I have heard that for health we should not cook with olive oil and instead use coconut oil. I’ve heard it from several sources, but most recently from Dr. Terry Wahl’s in the book Wahl’s Protocol.

  9. So tasty! Made it tonight for dinner…hubby & I loved it! Altho I cooked in coconut oil and also added quinoa & some greens (kale, spinach,
    & chard mix). Will definitely make again 🙂

  10. So Thankful for that we all keep each other on top of
    our healthy way of life, Thanks to the food babe

  11. Wondering if this is stand alone, or would you pair it with a lean protein like chicken? I am just starting to clean up my diet, and this looks yummy, but I wonder if this would keep me full.

  12. I am a fan of salad’s and I can’t wait to try this out. I do have the book and I’m hoping to lose weight, gain strength and feel healthier.

  13. So we should coconut oil instead of olive oil? This gets more confusing by the minute.

    Whole Foods brand virgin coconut oil is good up to 280 degrees, according to the label, while WF “refined’ coconut oil is good up to 360 degrees. So what oil should be used at 400 degrees? What about avocado oil? I spray it on popcorn and its flavor is very light. It’s supposed to be good up to 520 degrees!

  14. I would love to try this recipe! Question: Vani, can you set up a virtual recipe box for each subscriber on your website where we can place our favorite recipes? That way we can go back later and make them when we want. Thank you for your consideration!

  15. This salad sounds good! Unfortunately, my husband won’t eat avocado, so I’ll either have to substitute something else for him or make it when he’s out of town.

  16. this salad sounds so yummy!
    Going to make it tomorrow for dinner, and pair it with a lean protein.
    Love your recipes Vani, and helping us to stay healthy;-)
    Thank you!
    You Rock!

  17. Hi! What are your thoughts about the smoking point of olive oil? Isn’t 400 degrees too high to have EVOO cooked at? I’m trying to figure all of that out and would love your insight!

  18. This looks like just the perfect salad to experiment with… Love the info on advocado or coconut, but first gonna just follow the recipe and share it with my customers..can’t wait!
    The salad queen 😉

  19. Tried last night..was super easy, healthy and truly delicious…I added sweet potatoes and quinoa ..yummy….thanks a ton!

  20. I don’t know what it tastes like. Avocado and carrots together? Seems new to me. But i think this recipe is worth trying. It is time for me to make something new. I will give it a try.

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