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Creamy Avocado & Sweet Pea Pasta

One of my favorite investigations in The Food Babe Way was finally revealing what’s in Olive Garden’s marinara and alfredo sauce – and let me tell you – it shocked me to the core! These otherwise pretty basic “sauces” contain hidden MSG ingredients like hydrolyzed proteins and yeast extract, hydrogenated oils and added sugar that may be GMO. Their food is terribly processed and this is why every time my parents want to go there I cringe!

This is one of the reasons why I stopped outsourcing my meals. I started to learn how to cook and prepare my own food as much as possible including yummy pasta dishes like this one! You’ll find more recipes like this in the Food Babe Eating Guide. I created this program & membership for all of us to have an easier time deciding what to buy and cook each month without getting bored of the same old dishes! Living in this crazy food world actually can be simple. All it takes is a little planning and action.

This creamy avocado & sweet pea pasta dish is so light and rich at the same time and won’t leave you in a food coma! I love using Ezekiel, Mung Bean Pasta and/or Tolerant Pastas in my household – they contain a ton of protein and offer a complete meal when paired with delicious fats like avocado and vegetables like peas! This dish screams SPRING! I hope you try it soon! 

Sweet Pea Avocado Pasta_4-2

Food Babe's Avocado & Sweet Pea Pasta

Prep Time:
5 mins
Cook Time:
10 mins
Total Time:
15 mins

Serves:  2


  • 8 ounces cooked pasta
  • ¼ cup fresh basil
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • ¼ cup pine nuts
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
  • ½ cup sweet peas
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1 pinch fresh ground pepper, to taste


  1. In a blender, add the basil, garlic, pine nuts, cayenne, lemon, oil and avocado. Blend until smooth.
  2. Add the peas and pulse to blend until slightly mashed. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Pour the avocado mix over the pasta and toss to combine. Top with chopped fresh parsley and enjoy!


  • Gluten free: use lentil pasta or gluten free pasta of choice.


Do you know someone who would like a recipe like this? Please spread the word.



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86 responses to “Creamy Avocado & Sweet Pea Pasta

  1. Type 2 diabetics need to lay low on pasta, rice, potatoes and bread. Huge glycemic reactions. Since you don’t specify the type of pasta, I assume you’re leaving it up to the chef but also assuming many will choose some sort of gluten free concoction. The ret of the ingredients seem acceptable. Some people with high blood pressure might reduce or eliminate the salt.

    1. But she does say what pasta she uses – in the body of her blog.

      “I love using Ezekiel, Mung Bean Pasta and/or Tolerant Pastas in my household.”

      1. Perhaps it is just as well that she just said “pasta” in the recipe. It does seem clear that she is leaving it up to the chef what kind of pasta they will use.
        A good recipe’s ingredients should be accessible. Many people might not have access to “off the beaten track” pastas. Not sure what she means by tolerant unless it’s gluten tolerant. Maybe it’s healthy but has no taste so it comes down to whether you can tolerate eating it? : )

        I always have a good laugh when I look at the New York Times recipes. You have to subscribe now so I don’t go there anymore.

        It’s pretty rare when I find a recipe I like at the NYT. The photography is awesome but the recipes are made to be thrown in the wastebasket. They are often complicated and have ingredients where if you live outside of NYC or San Francisco, you might have a hard time finding them. Basically it’s not food for normal people. I think they must have some kind of random recipe generator software just to make it easier to fill the page.

        People are all different, and as they get older they all seem to have more limitations over what they can eat. Inviting people over for dinner can be a real minefield. Also, a lot of this “healthy” stuff caters to the upper class, people with money. While it’s great to be sitting up there on the mountain, there’s a lot of people who have problems putting food on the table. It’s not like they don’t want to eat healthy. They just might not be able to afford it. Just buying an organic chicken…the bird will likely be smaller and it will cost significantly more.

      2. Alma’s organic WW pasta tastes great. Even my son will eat it and he hates anything whole wheat.

    2. I too am diabetic and it’s not the starch in the pasta that worries me, but that it is high in protein. I only have one kidney and it is already showing some mild damage from my diabetes. I’m supposed to be eating a low protein diet. But it seems every time I turn around all the food is boasting high protein as if it is good for everyone.

      1. Well, I am sorry she is not perfect. I think she tries to think of everyone and all scenarios, but there is no way possible that she can do that or please everyone. People who have special dietary needs do not have to follow her and can look elsewhere for recipes.

      2. I too am a type 2 diabetic and I eat einkorn, kamut, spelt pasta, potatoes and sweet potatoes on a regular basis, without my blood sugar spiking. Einkorn, Kamut and spelt are relatively safe forms of ancient wheat that have not been hybridized to death. The trick is to not eat too much pasta and to balance it with just the right amount of protein. By using the diet that I’ve developed I have no need to take diabetic medication or cholesterol lowering drugs, and my chronic kidney disease that was supposed to put me on dialysis is no longer a problem. My diet is relatively low in protein, low to moderate in carbs but kept in check by adhering to the strict protein ratio described below, and high is healthy fat, with 50% to 70% of my calories coming from fat. (No! Healthy fats like organic butter or coconut oil do not clog your arteries, and cholesterol from food sources does not raise serum cholesterol levels.)

        The glycemic index is not the appropriate way to judge food appropriateness for type 2 diabetics. The correct criteria appears to the net protein carb balance for a meal. My research indicates that any meal that contains 1 gram of protein for every 3.6 grams of carbs will minimize the stress on both the kidneys and the blood sugar regulatory mechanisms, while minimizing blood sugar excursions, provided the total carbs ingested fall below a certain amount that can be determined but is unique to each individual. I’m writing a book on this. Because balancing calculations are needed, the book will have both balancing tables and lots of actual recipes to make it easy to eat a protein-carb balanced diet. I hope to have it finished within another year. I have a small group of people currently testing the recipes for taste and ease of use.

        Recently, I ate a meal that consisted of 1.3 oz. frozen organic peas & 1.1 oz. white mushrooms sauteed in 2 Tbsp. organic butter along with 1 clove of fresh garlic, 1/4 tsp unrefined sea salt, 1/4 tsp. dried oregano and 1 drop of cayenne pepper. This was served over 1.8 oz. (dry, pre-cooked weight) of Kamut spiral pasta. This meal supplied 476 calories that were provided by 12-1/4 grams protein, 44-1/2 grams carbs, and a total of 29 grams of healthy fat. Because my blood sugar response to this type of meal is relatively normal as long as I restrict the total carbs to under 50 grams per meal, at 5′ 7″ tall, I normally have to eat 4 meals a day. I would normally eat a little less peas and pasta and add a half an avocado to boost the soluble fiber content of the meal but I was tired and hungry when I prepared the meal. With this meal I also added a tiny amount of fruit (2 small sections of a Mandarin orange) to make sure that any unbalance leaned to the carb side of the balance ratio. I’m the type of diabetic whose blood sugar can be spiked by ingesting even a small amount of unbalanced protein as badly as by ingesting either a large amount of unbalanced carbs, or total carbs in excess of my carb limit.

        Recently several books have been published, where the authors point out that the use of the glycemic index pushes people toward high protein – high fruit diets, which tend to be high in fructose, and that more than 12 to 15 grams of fructose per day for an adult female or 15 to 18 grams of fructose per day for an adult male appears to make type 2 diabetes worse. The USDA nutritional database indicates that a large apple provides about 15 grams of fructose, and a careful scan of the database shows that almost all vegetables, even green vegetables, contain some fructose, which can add significantly to the fructose load for some meals.

        The Food Babe is on the right track with her recipe, the peas and pine nuts provide protein for balancing the carbs in the pasta, in terms of limiting blood sugar excursions, and the avocado, which is almost balanced, provides lots of soluble fiber, which is limited in grains and grain products. It is not quite right for type 2 diabetics because they will be healthier with stricter control on the protein-carb balance but it is better balanced than most people eat.

      3. I am not diabetic but was pre-diabetic and had lots of chest pains, shortness of breath. I don’t do the Food Babe way but I do take her recipes and modify them to what I am doing which is Dr. Fuhrman’s plan. She is healthy so she can eat the salt & olive oil & high protein pasta and be fine. Me, not so fine. I would use a spaghetti squash or some bean pasta or even beans instead of the pasta and leave out the salt & oil. This recipe looks very good. I am glad she is out here on the web showing us the many choices we have.

      4. I am not diabetic but was pre-diabetic and had lots of chest pains, shortness of breath. I don’t do the Food Babe way but I do take her recipes and modify them to what I am doing which is Dr. F’s plan. She is healthy so she can eat the salt & olive oil & high protein pasta and be fine. Me, not so fine. I would use a spaghetti squash or some bean pasta or even beans instead of the pasta and leave out the salt & oil. This recipe looks very good. I am glad she is out here on the web showing us the many choices we have.

      5. Thank you everyone for your input. Alas I am obese and in insulin. Working on loosing weight and eating healthier. Dr. Howard, lease let me know when you finish your book. I could really use a proper guide line to help me eat healthier.

      6. You need to be more concerned f your food choices are compatable with who you are by Blood Type and Individual Genetic Markers. We can lower our food costs by eating accordingly. I find I still eat too much. I am a palatable cook !!! Tha ups my costs. Eating to live respecting our individuality is much cheaper than living to eat. I’m still working on that.. Here’s a bit from my tutorial I’ll paste here; this is informed clinical nutrition science not Great Aunt Laura’s notion about what gave her tha gassies… If we eat what we should we will not have disease states. You don’t take your neighbour’s meds; hopefully, that would be nuts; likewise you shouldn’t necessarily eat your neighbours diet just because he does, even if he does well with it. He’s not you.

        No single diet theory can address all aspects of our individuality, and only a fool would claim that soy, red meat, grains, coconut oil or anything else is universally good or universally bad for everyone. This appears to be especially true of any discussion about dietary fats. No other macronutrient in the diet has veered as much from embrace, to vilification, and back to embrace, as the ‘expert’ opinions on the importance and dangers of fats in the diet. So, who’s right and who’s wrong?

        Blood type may provide the answer.

        For example, people who are blood groups O and B appear to derive significant benefit from a diet including healthy fats and lean animal proteins, such as hormone and antibiotic-free meats and poultry. There is a very basic physiologic reason for this: those with type O/B blood produce between 3 and 5 times the levels of an enzyme in their intestines known as intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP). IAP is a critically key enzyme involved in the process digesting proteins and fats. [link

        For a few short weeks of fetal life, IAP is actually the most abundant enzyme in the fetal physiology. This is due to IAP’s critical role in helping to produce and condition the absorptive surface of the digestive tract, in particular the microvilli, delicate finger-like projections of the gut lining that are responsible for the absorption of nutrients. IAP is also an important influence on the ability of the digestive tract to heal. Thus in most of our type O patients (44% of the population) we also observe a marked improvement in their irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis and Crohn’s disease when they increase their protein and cut back on their carbohydrates. [link]

        In adults, the IAP enzyme performs two very important functions, both having to do with digestion and assimilation. First, IAP splits dietary cholesterol into smaller fragments, allowing for their proper breakdown. Second, IAP enhances the absorption of calcium from the diet.*

        Blood group O seems to produce the most IAP, although blood group B makes considerable amounts of IAP as well, but blood group A and AB make very little.

        This probably explains why most studies that have looked at heart disease and blood type show a significantly higher rate of problems with blood group A individuals. These folks really should follow a plant-based, Mediterranean-type diet.

        Now, Here’s the Kicker

        What is the single biggest stimulant to the production of IAP? Protein and fat in the diet. Thus in individuals who are blood type O or B, a meal comprised of significant amounts of both protein and fat will stimulate an enzyme that helps break down fats and enhances their ability to assimilate calcium.

        Eat Right For Your Type over two decades ago, raised a hue and cry by many of the more fat-phobic nutrition experts, who warned that the book’s recommendations for types O and B would inevitably lead to ‘an epidemic of heart attacks.’ This of course never occurred, and in the vast majority of type O’s we’ve followed, the diet actually lead to a drop in total cholesterol and an increase in HDL (the ‘good cholesterol’.) Epidemiologic evidence suggests (at least for type O) a far more signifcant risk for heart disease was elevated triglycerides, which tend to rise, not from fats in the diet, but rather from excess carbohydrates.

        A 20 year cooperative study by Harvard Medical School and the UK’s University of London concluded that a diet like the ,” ATKINS diet,” was the better prescription for health than the SAD; and the better therapeutic choice for diabetics and folks dealing with insulin resistance.

        Them Bones, Them Bones

        Other nutrition ,”experts,” warn that excessive protein in the diet will lead to outbreaks of osteoporosis. This was thought to result from the acidity caused by the higher protein diet. Dubbed ‘The High Protein Bone Hypothesis,’ the theory was that the body would rob its bone of calcium to combat (buffer) the acidity from the high protein. This hypothesis would also predict that a long-term, high protein diet would increase fractures. However, in a recent study conducted over eight years it was found that a high protein diet induces high levels of urine calcium primarily because it increases intestinal calcium absorption. Second, a low protein diet acutely reduces intestinal calcium absorption, resulting in an abrupt rise in serum parathyroid hormone (the parathyroid is a key gland that helps regulate the amount of calcium in the blood and within the bones.) Had they stratified the study according to blood type I have no doubt the results would have been even more marked.

        Yet Another Connection

        IAP also seems to relate to a second protein found in the blood. Apolipoprotein B-48(APOB-48). Apolipoprotein B (APOB) is the primary apolipoprotein of low-density lipoproteins (LDL or “bad cholesterol”), which is responsible for carrying cholesterol to tissues. Both IAP and APOB-48 are exclusive to intestine, although only APOB-48 is found inchylomicrons, large lipoprotein particles that consist of triglycerides (85-92%), phospholipids (6-12%), and small amounts of cholesterol and proteins, that transport dietary lipid (fats) from the intestines to other locations in the body. After most of the lipids in the chylomicron have been digested, APOB-48 returns to the liver as part of the chylomicron remnant, where it is absorbed (endocytosed) and degraded.

        Levels of IAP in serum samples from 40 healthy subjects obtained after overnight fast and 3 hours after a high-fat meal. Both APOB-48 and IAP were greater in subjects without blood antigen A (blood groups B and O) than in those with this antigen (blood groups A and AB). The non-A group had 2.4 greater levels of IAP before the meal and a 4.7-fold greater level of for IAP after the meal. The non-A group had 1.5- and 2.0-fold level of apoB-48 over the A-group before and after the meal, respectively.

        Moreover, IAP and apoB-48 levels were strongly correlated in the subjects with the secretor phenotype These results indicate that IAP is strongly involved in chylomicron formation and that fatty acid metabolism varies considerably among the ABO and secretor blood types.

        Why Are The Levels in Types A and B So Low?

        Later studies showed that blood group A not only secreted almost no IAP in their intestines, but whatever little they did secrete was in and of itself inactivated by the presence of their own blood group A antigen. [link]

        The significant variations in APO-B48 and IAP as seen between the ABO blood groups are some of the strongest indications for the long term benefit of a low-fat diet in blood group A, both with regard to the susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, and (although not mentioned here) their additional susceptibility to cancer. An emphasis on a healthy fats, low animal protein and the avoidance of foods high in phenylalanine, is the best method to maximize digestive efficiency in individuals who are blood type A, lower their level of intestinal dysfunction, and to influence their susceptibility to cardiovascular disease.

        Now you’d think this IAP data was all was cutting-edge, late-breaking news, since it is obviously of tremendous nutritional interest in these nutrigenomic times. However, the first observations were made over four decades ago. [link]


        If you are blood type O or B, the best way you can keep you bones healthy and protect your cardiovascular system is to insure an adequate amount of healthy fats and animal protein in your diet. If you are type A or AB, your digestive strengths lie elsewhere, and you are best served by a plant-based diet.

        * Recently a third, possibly, new role for IAP appears to center around its role in conditioning the microbiome, the body’s internal ecosystem.

      7. Reading a lot of diabetic comments. If you’re borderline diabetic, try drinking Choice Organic Oolong Tea every morning. My test came back normal for the first time in years. And of course eat smart – lots of veggies.

      8. I myself modify recipes to suit myself, If I or my Husband do not like something we use an alternative… You might want to try using something to suit your liking or diet….

    3. I am not diabetic but was pre-diabetic and had lots of chest pains, shortness of breath. I don’t do the Food Babe way but I do take her recipes and modify them to what I am doing which is Dr. F’s plan. She is healthy so she can eat the salt & olive oil & high protein pasta and be fine. Me, not so fine. I would use a spaghetti squash or some bean pasta or even beans instead of the pasta and leave out the salt & oil. This recipe looks very good. I am glad she is out here on the web showing us the many choices we have.

      1. First off, I am not a doctor but your message makes me wonder if your issues were related to pre-diabetes. My thoughts would be more having to do with the heart or blood circulation.
        Get yourself a decent blood pressure monitor. They can be less than 50 dollars. Here I can buy blood glucose testers and test strips over the counter. It’s not a bad idea to get one of those now. You don’t need to check it all the time. Just make sure you aren’t creeping up.
        If your weight is a little high, try to get it down and make sure you are not loading up on salt. I have a friend who if he eats too much salt, he can be hospitalized for heart attack like symptoms. If you haven’t had an EKG or blood test in a while, you may want to discuss with your doc.

        On all the diabetes commercials, they always say that if you take this or that drug, with all its bad side effects, you MIGHT be able to lower your blood glucose. Out of the three parts of that triangle, drugs, diet and exercise, I find exercise has the most dramatic effect in lowering blood sugar.

        Speaking of big pharma commercials, it makes me laugh how they always have 30-something people with salt ‘n pepper grey hair and blue eyes trying to look like they’re 60-something. It’s pretty racist when you think about.

        It could also simply be related to high stress in your personal life or the job. Shortness of breath could simply mean you need some cardiovascular exercise. The chest pains, doesn’t hurt to look into.

        There was a guy, not too long ago, who developed a drug that could amazingly remove the plaque build up from your arteries. Co-incidentally, the makers of Lipitor, Pfizer (it might have been Parke Davis at that time) bought the rights to that drug for something like 6 billion dollars. I am not aware of any drugs that resulted from Pfizer’s purchase. Was Pfizer just looking to kill this drug? It stood a good change of killing Lipitor…and Pfizer’s profits. Lipitor is off patent now so there’s no incentive not to bring that new drug to market.

        There was a whole PBS (Frontline?) documentary on how that drug was discovered. There’s also a connection to a specific type of tomato that’s only found in Italy.

      2. I have never heard about that drug but I would not be surprised it the rights to it were purchased to keep consumers from having access to it. Thanks for your other input too. I did get a lot of tests done, I quit using salt, sugar, oil and processed foods. I am slowly getting back into exercising. I’ve lost 50 pounds, still about 50 more to go.

        What was the name of the documentary on PBS? Maybe I can catch it in the future?


    4. I agree with you, Brooksie, about the cost and not all people being able to afford things like “fancy” pasta. They are better off getting dried beans, and veggies to create their own “pasta”. At any rate, I was just showing you she did specify in the body of her post what SHE uses, even if the recipe doesn’t state the brand/type. But yes, she probably is leaving it up to the reader to choose a pasta they prefer. Namaste.

      1. Black bean pasta is good but very high in protein without enough carbs to balance it. My research indicates that food will help to control blood sugar better if protein is balanced with added carbs. Most people can tolerate an overload of protein, but some of us can’t. Peas and black bean pasta is what one would eat on an Atkins diet. The high protein stresses the kidneys as well as the pancreas. Ingested protein causes the pancreas to release extra insulin. Continually ingesting too much protein over the years is very stressful for the pancreas and may eventually lead to damage for some people. Try zucchini pasta rather than a form of whole bean pasta. Avoid pastas made with high protein and low carbs just as you would tend to avoid the pastas at the other end of the spectrum that are made exclusive from bean starch. Zucchini pasta is reasonably well balanced in this regard.

  2. i go to el pollo chicken for BRC and corn on cob once a week, i am in the middle of four locations so i will go to a different one each time. Every single time, at every single location, that ask if i would like “butter”, and i always say the same thing…”if it’s real butter” and they always…every time look at me confused. I take the land o lakes mini container and point out to them it’s “Vegetable spread” not butter.

    I’ve done this seven times at four locations in the last couple months, i think they need to be called out on it.

    they should not call it butter, when it’s not LOL

    1. I was using Land O’ Lakes–albeit sparingly–until I read a long article on what’s in it. I’m fortunate enough now to have found totally organic butter in my supermarket. From free-range cows’ milk, cows given no hormones or antibiotics. The trick, though, is finding it all the time. My grocery store stocks only a few packages as it doesn’t seem to be very popular yet in my neck of the woods. When I find it, I buy two packages and keep most of it in the freezer until I’m ready to put another package in the fridge.

      Good for you for speaking up in the restaurants you frequent. One thing, though: I’d cut down on that corn on the cob if I were you. Pretty high in carbs, and sugars, plus it’s no doubt GMO.

      1. Your statement about corn is completely off. Corn is a complex carbohydrate with NATURAL sugars. To be honest GMOs are not that bad. Neither is MSG. GMO, genetically modified foods is as simple as interbreeding foods. Not kidding. Without GMO there’d be no food and there would be, a more severe form, of world starvation. MSG, is about as basic as salt can get. It enhances the taste of foods! Just like your normal table salt does.

      2. I agree with you and about GMO corns causing a lot of farm animals’ health issues and become infertility in third generation. Think what it would do to human’s health? So these farmers stop using GMO feeds to their livestock then switch it to non-GMO feeds.

      3. To Alice: Seriously? Do you work for Monsanto? Or is this your first time to even think about a natural food? Unlike hybrid seeds, GMO seeds are NOT created using natural, low-tech methods. GMO seed varieties are created in a lab using high-tech and sophisticated techniques like gene-splicing.

        Furthermore, GMO seeds seldom cross different, but related plants. Often the cross goes far beyond the bounds of nature so that instead of crossing two different, but related varieties of plant, they are crossing different biological kingdoms — like, say, a bacteria with a plant.

        For example, Monsanto has crossed genetic material from a bacteria known as Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) with corn. The goal was to create a pest-resistant plant. This means that any pests attempting to eat the corn plant will die since the pesticide is part of every cell of the plant.

        In case anyone missed that last sentence: THE PESTICIDE IS PART OF EVERY CELL OF THE PLANT.

        Ever read the label on the bottle of Round-up? Does it say it’s safe to eat? Yet it’s engineered straight into the food…

      4. To Gman, you have correctly stated that a bacteria is injected into the plant. It is bacteria, not a pesticide.

      5. Land O lakes does manufacture REAL butter which is just cream and/ salt* for salted butter. They also make some fake butter substitutes and that is what you’ll find in el Pollo Loco.

      6. Land ‘O Lakes makes different kinds of butter. LOL butter that I buy is just that, butter and salted if you want it. Now they don’t say if they are using growth hormones.

        Another alternative would be Kerry Gold from Ireland. The Europeans are ninnies when it comes to this sort of thing and the Irish are perhaps the biggest of the ninnies contributing little to the world besides whining and lecturing.

        As far the butter, it’s OK. Not sure the taste warrants the extra cost but it is likely to be hormone and antibiotic free.

        I do agree that if it’s not butter, it shouldn’t be called butter e.g. theater popcorn.

        Wasabi is another example. Most of the wasabi you’ll find on store shelves has no actual wasabi in it. It’s just horseradish and green food coloring. Wasabi root from Japan is very expensive and it will typically be grated onto your food at the table.

        A guy in the Pacific Northwest has found a way to grow wasabi commercially so the situation is starting to change.

        If you see Kobe beef in the store, they are lying, plain and simple. Only about 5000 head of Kobe beef are bred each year. The only place you can get real Kobe beef in the US is Las Vegas at the Wynn Casino. It is not sold at retail anywhere in the US. There’s actually a web site you can go to and lookup who bought each and every steer produced. Just looking at the meat, you can tell Kobe apart from any other beef. Kobe has a distinct “spider web” fat marbling. If you were able to buy Kobe beef at retail, a single steak would likely cost you $100-200.

    2. Although Land O Lakes does contain canola oil it is in fact butter! The canola oil that’s added just helps the butter to spread on your complex carbs (bread) or your simple carbs (vegetables) if you like your veggies with a little more flavor. What makes it butter? The sweet cream! Which is made by? MILK! So, all in all Land O Lakes is a two in one deal! Don’t be one of those guests. Enjoy the butter!

      1. Avoid geneticaly modified ingredients in your food, such as canola oil.
        Instead, try Olive Butter:
        Blend ½ lb of organic butter (at room temp) with ¾ cup organic olive oil. Refrigerate in glass jar. Spreads easily out of the refrigerator.

      2. Canola oil is an industrial solvent. The plant has been genetically modified to make the oil more palatable. The oil is banned as food product for human consumption in Canada, where the rapeseed plants are grown to product the oil, so they export it to the United States, where it’s citizens are allowed to be slowly poisoned.

        I would recommend using only organic butter, sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil.

      3. To Alice Brooksie & Gee: You have no idea what youre talking about & its sad. To Dr. Howard (and Vani): thank you for clarifying for these people. I’m a nurse practitioner and it scares me when I read how uninformed people are about the horrible & disease causing foods/ingredients they are consuming. Especially when they don’t have the proper education about the dietary needs for their medical issues. It seems way too many people are brainwashed by our societies unhealthy foods which the media promotes as “healthy”. Thanks again Vani for all you do, and to everyone else who is trying to teach people the right way to eat & take care of our bodies. Sure, you might spend a little more on organic but you’ll be saving A LOT on medical bills down the road. Not to mention you will feel a million times better & more energized when you consume an organic, non-processed diet.

      4. To Jac the nurse practitioner…Instead of just pointing the finger, why don’t you set us straight with some facts? If you can’t back it up, well then you’re just as uninformed as we are ; )

        How about quantifying how much longer we can expect to live and how much money we will save?

        There was a study done a couple years ago, a major study, that found that eating organic provides no additional benefit over eating non-organic.

        Now of course, you have to follow the money when looking at any study but I haven’t heard of any study that corroborates some benefit from eating organic…other than Whole Foods profit margin.
        Eventually, I would not be surprised if organic disappears. There will be too many people on the Earth and less and less farmland. Eventually, GMO will be the only food you’ll be able to buy. There may be some organic around but it will be too expensive for normal people. But at least we’ll have lots of parking lots.

    3. Indeed they should be called out on it. And it seems their servers need to learn a thing or two.

  3. Can’t wait to try! Is there a Pinterest button so I can save it? I’m reading on my phone and can’t seem to find one.

  4. Why no recipes with some real meat in them? All of us aren’t vegetarians and don’t plan to be. One can buy bison (American buffalo) which doesn’t have any of the growth hormones feed to it.

    1. No meat because plant based is healthier and leaves less of a global footprint. I do eat meat, but eat more plant based and when I have meat, it feels too heavy and I always feel sick.

    2. JT I agree! And I’ll take a bison burger over beef any day. The flavor is very rich and is good without having to add spices to hide the flat taste like you have to do with hamburger.

    3. Hormones are only one piece of the puzzle. Beta-agonists are widely used in beef, turkey, and pork. Residues of the drugs are routinely found in samples.

      As far as bison…I have not heard of any beta-agonist being approved for bison. That doesn’t mean none have been. I just haven’t heard.

      If bison has thus far escaped beta-agonist contamination, then that would be a good choice for a little meat in your diet.

      If you’re willing to try new things, alligator or python might work. Pythons in Florida are busy wiping out much of the native wildlife. Pythons become so large that even full grown alligators can become prey.

      Eat python. Save Florida.

  5. Pasta in any form, white or whole wheat, is pretty bad except in very small amounts. It spikes insulin when not accompanied by enough protein to quiet down that spike. I’m rather surprised, Food Babe, that you put up this recipe.

    It sounds yummy–kind of. I used to be addicted to pasta. Ever since going Primal/Paleo as much as my available food sources and budget will allow, I’ve lost all craving for the stuff. I pretty much live on quality animal protein, veggies, and berries–organic when I can get them.

    1. Homeboy, protein also stimulates insulin. Having protein AND pasta causes an even larger insulin spike.

      That being said, insulin spikes are nothing to be worried about unless you’re diabetic.

    2. It is not the pasta in general that is bad. It is pasta made from modern hybridized wheat that is bad for everyone. Pasta made from ancient forms of wheat are fine.

      Pasta made from ancient wheat that is served in excess and not balanced by sufficient protein is bad for diabetics and stresses everyone else’s blood sugar control systems. Udon noodles made from Kamut wheat is almost perfectly balanced and if not eaten in excess has minimal effect on blood sugar and helps to moderate insulin spiking.

      See my post above under posts for Laura for and explanation.

  6. that picture of sad peas makes me want to go to olive garden even more. thanks food babe

  7. Would this still turn out well if you left out the avocado? It sounds really good – I love pasta!! Unfortunately, me and my husband just can’t stomach it. I think its the texture more so than the taste. If the taste is well hidden though (and the texture is blended… you know, not chunky or something) then we could probably do it! I would be more willing to try it than him. lol Anyone else have this issue with avocados?

    1. I have had a few patient’s who have problem with avocados. Try pealing and slicing some kohlrabi bulbs instead. 3 ounces provides over 2 grams of soluble fiber. You will also need to add some healthy fat in the form of organic extra virgin olive oil. About 1-1/2 Tbsp. will be about right to replace the fat supplied by one avocado. Even better would be to use slightly warmed organic butter or coconut oil.

      It is the soluble fiber in the vegetables that has been neglected in our nutritional education. If you get enough soluble fiber in your diet you will almost always get enough total fiber, but the reverse is not always the case, especially when grains are involved, or with low carb diets. It’s the soluble fiber that keeps one regular and provides a good portion of the energy that a person requires, without stressing the kidneys the way high protein diets do.

  8. Can someone explain the problem with GMO sugar? By the time it’s refined, there is no DNA left, therefore it’s identical to organic sugar.

    1. It is mainly because Roundup and/or other toxic chemicals are routinely sprayed on the GM sugar beet crop and while the final product may pass tests that appear to indicate that the sugar is pure, Roundup has been shown to result in cumulative toxic damage to people at levels of parts per billion, way below what the USDA considers safe.

      Do your kidneys and other organs a favor and purchase organic cane sugar. It doesn’t cost much more and it’s better to hedge your bets when it comes to long term health.

      The problem with sugar in general is that it is half fructose, and a goodly number of people don’t appear to do well in the long run if they ingest too much fructose. Read one of the newer books being sold on Amazon regarding the problems resulting from ingesting excess fructose.

      1. Forgot about a the ‘toxins’ and what is organic and other crap. Eat fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and meat. Limit intake of processed foods as they are generally high in sugar and fat. Above all, don’t eat too many calories, and exercise. Thats it.

  9. Whole Foods (and Safeway to a lesser extent) have ‘pastas’ made from various healthy seeds such as quinoa and even brown rice. These are wonderful substitutes for white flour pasta. Just add a bit of oil (I use coconut oil sparingly) to keep these derived pastas from sticking together when boiling. The brown rice one will work well the recipe Food Babe gave us above. Avocados are not poisonous (the seed may be but you don’t eat apricot seeds and they are really dangerous) and avocados offer good fats and nutrients. I eat ONE per day period. Thank you Food Babe. You and Dr. Mercola saved my life a year ago with the changes you two suggested. 40 pounds lighter, cholesterol numbers through the roof are now in control and in the middle of the good range. I feel as if I may yet make it to 90 (I’m 75 and feel like a 60 year old for the first time).

  10. This recipe would be delist with zucchini noodles made with a spiralizer. Can be heated in hot water, a pan or in a dehydrater. Yum.

  11. Thank you food Babe, you are not only gorgeous but smart. God made a gift in you. I will use this recipe as pasta is really good for my ADHD and HFA. Thanks again.

  12. Everything I’ve seen on this site demonizes GMOs but I have yet to see a compelling scientific reason to avoid them. Farmers have been cross breeding different strains of plants and animals to get the best of each since the dawn of agriculture! Those are the original GMOs. These days a piece of DNA may be added, but when you eat from a plant that has a small piece of bacteria DNA it is going to be broken down in your gut into its nucleic acids and sugars, it’s not going to invade your genetic code.

    1. She can’t here you over the sound of money that she makes off of this misinformation.

    2. Your statements appear to be reasonable but they are not true. The bacteria DNA that has been introduced into GM corn has been shown to be able to transfer into bacteria in the gut. The problem is that it is not just the bacteria DNA that is in the corn but the corn also contains the transfer agent.

      The other problem with GM foods is the levels of Roundup that are present. Roundup has been found to be cumulatively toxic at levels of parts per billion, which is much less that the USDA allowed levels. In addition, Roundup has been shown to significantly increase the toxicity of some of the supposed non-toxic components in the herbicide, bringing their toxicity up to harmful levels.

      In addition, cattle fed GM grain exhibit significantly lower levels of CLA in their fat as well alterations in the structure of other tissues.

      Why play Russian roulette with your health? It will eventually catch up to you. I’m talking from experience. It’s only in recent years that I learned what’s really going on in nutrition and why organic foods are necessary. However, in all fairness there are some non-organic foods that are acceptable. However, no GM food is safe for human consumption, if only because of the highly toxic pesticide residues, that can hurt us in subtle ways.

      1. “However, no GM food is safe for human consumption, if only because of the highly toxic pesticide residues, that can hurt us in subtle ways.”

        That assumes that all GM food has (Roundup) residue. That’s a pretty broad statement to make.

        By the way, Roundup is a herbicide, not a pesticide. It will be interesting to see how the world is fed when no herbicides or pesticides are allowed and GM is banned. While we’re at it, we may as well ban fertilizers too. If I poop on your tomato plants, will they taste better?

        Before long, we’ll all have machines that turn our urine into drinkable water…just like the astronauts.

        The WHO is now zeroing in on Roundup as a carcinogen.

      2. In response to Brooksie’s reply. You are quite right Roundup is an herbicide, as I referred to it in one of my other responses to posts on this page. Instead, I should have used the word chemicals in this response.

        Others have also asked about my credentials. I have two doctor degrees, a PhD from the department of Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences from Princeton University with thesis work in Solid State Physics, and a DC degree from Life University. I am the author of a number scientific papers. I am mostly retired and currently writing a book on nutrition and it’s use in promoting health, specifically in managing type 2 diabetes with minimal medication if any.

        I have looked into both organic farming and chemical farming methods and there is ample evidence that organic farming is perfectly capable of feeding the world. It is also sustainable, while chemical farming is not sustainable and damaging to both people and the environment. I have visited organic farms first hand and seen the results. These farms have much higher yields and produce healthier foods than can be achieved with chemical agriculture. Do you know that organically grown peanuts are more resistant to fungal attacks than peanuts grown with synthetic chemical? Organically grown peanuts don’t need to be sprayed with fungicides. Chemically grown peanuts do. Organic farming does tend to be more labor intensive. However, if done correctly, the increased crop yields are more than adequate to compensate for the extra cost of the labor. GM plants lead to a monoculture that endangers our whole food supply.

        If you want a good, safe fertilizer, look into the use of worm castings. These are natural, safe and non-toxic. Research in Scandinavia into the use of diluted, day old, urine as a fertilizer resulted in very large tomato crop yields. Unfortunately urine is not allowed to be used in as a fertilizer in the U.S. Could it be because it is free? It is basically sterile, and any pathogens that might have contaminate it would be completely destroyed by the bio-flora living in the ground. Research in India into planting and crop tending methods found a 10 fold increase in rice crops grown using the human intensive methods used by certain families over the best yields obtainable by modern chemical methods. Don’t believe the biased news that we’re being fed. I learned this lesson in the 1950’s when I was a teenager. I had a shortwave receiver and listened to news from Europe and around the world. The same stories were reported with entirely different slants in different countries and they all differed from what what was being reported in the news in our Country. Often the news from foreign countries agreed with each other. It is often difficult to know what is real and what is made up. In terms of GM food or chemical vs organic agriculture, I often need to read the original journal articles and look at how the actual studies were performed to make my own determination with regards to what these studies really demonstrate, which is not necessarily what we have been told they mean. For years I’ve been teaching patients that it is good to eat eggs, and that cholesterol obtained from food does not raise serum cholesterol levels. Finally, my medical colleagues have given up on their crusade against eating eggs and now admit that the cholesterol in eggs and other foods is not harmful. Don’t believe what you are being told about our food supply. The Food Babe has most of it right, from personal experience.

      3. You have “doctor” degrees? That right there says to me that you are lying. You should at least learn the correct terms if you’re going to try to lie to people about it.

      4. In response to PaytonB’s comments:
        If the Food Babe wants to verify my credentials I’ll be happy to provide her with the necessary academic references as well as State license information.

        With regards to yourself, what is your background, and why are you presenting yourself as an angry person. Are you paid to do this? Do you get pleasure attacking people, do you have low blood sugar, or are you just confused?

        This paragraph isn’t just for you. It is addressed to all of the unhappy and angry people reading these posts. Complaining doesn’t help anyone. Criticizing doesn’t help anyone. However, making helpful suggestions can often help. If you recognize a problem, try to figure out a solution and then tell people about it. Criticizing people doesn’t do anyone any good, and getting upset and angry can damage a person’s brain over time. The effect is known to be cumulative. In addition, if a person continues to put toxins into their body in greater quantities than their body can remove it, there will be a cumulative effect which can directly impact their reason and cognitive functioning.

        What is your motivation? Will people gathering information on how to ingest less toxins harm you directly in some way? That’s all the Food Babe is doing. Who is she harming?

        You can choose not to believe her. You can choose not to believe me. I know from my personal experience as well as the experiences of my former patients what toxins can do to the body and what some of the effects of eliminating the toxins from our body can do towards improving our health. Just as I did, the Food Babe also found this out the hard way. The choice to listen or not is yours. No one is forcing the information down your throat. Some people can ingest toxins for years on end without being aware of apparent effects. Others react very quickly in terms of developing symptoms. If toxins don’t appear to hurt you it’s a blessing. But they hurt me. They hurt a lot of my patients. They hurt the Food Babe and a lot of her followers. Do you have a reason for wanting to hurt these people further? Just because you choose not to believe that toxins, even in small amounts, are cumulatively capable of harming people doesn’t mean that the toxins don’t harm some. I choose to believe that they harm everyone to some extent. However, because the cumulative damage can take years before the checks and balances in the body break down sufficiently for illness to manifest, it is very difficult to point to a single cause because there isn’t one. It is a cumulative effect that occurs over time, unless one has ingested an extremely toxic poison.

        Anyway, I wish you well with your beliefs and I hope that they help you to be happy.

  13. Common sense says avoid GMOs at all costs and eat organically.. GMOs have only been around since the later 90’s. I’m not willing to be a science project.

  14. 2 reservations; 1/ Type of pasta; HUGE. Buckwheat, Quinoa; Einkorn, Ancient Kamut or Spelt; soft veggies like steamed asparagus, spinach, can be incorporated into the batter; even Avocado; so easy to make. Pasta is nothing but unlevened dough, like pie dough, with or without Organic Egg; dried or cooked while still damp. While there are all sorts of fancy dies to configure shapes, the best restaurants simply roll the dough, dust with flour, I use Quinoa, rol up like a jelly roll and slice offrounds. They can be refrigerated until reaady to cook. Use 1/4 the usuql amount of waer and don’t salt the water. I advise avoiding wheat grown from seed not later than 1800; earlier better. The proteins ratio are so skewed they are unhealthy. Read Dr. William Davis, Board Certified Heart Specialist, now also Food Scientist.
    2/ Yeast Extract, ( Marmite) sourced as Nutritional Yeastis a wonderful healthy food. Remember Marmite is a super concentrated food; an 1/8th tsp in a TBL of Olive Oil or Ghee is about irght.The villain is the chemicalized process yeast sourced from the lakes of fermented slaughter house blood.

  15. Does anyone know the “food babes” credentials? I have been doing research and can find anything factual about her. Kind of suspicious

    1. You don’t need credentials to be a food blogger. You don’t even need to be a nutritionist. You only need a website an a DNS name.

    2. You will find some of my posts above as Dr. Howard. However, some have sent posts attacking my credentials that were apparently removed but were forwarded to me, so I figured that I should provide the full set of credentials up front. I assume that the attacks were from people paid by Monsanto or a similar company or group, who are trying to discredit the Food Babe and discourage her supporters.

      The Food Babe knows from personal experience what works for her and what doesn’t. For the most, she appears to be about99.9%right in what she is telling you, and the remaining 0.1%, more or less, is not of catastrophic significance.

      In terms of credentials, is it sufficient that people, like myself who have credentials support her views? (A more detailed description of my credentials is provided in another post on this page.) Are you asking because you have a hidden agenda or are you just confused. The producers of GM seeds and associated herbicides have done a good job of adding to the confusion. It benefits them. I am retired and have no affiliation with either the GM companies or the Food Babe. I spent a good bit of my life helping people and continue to do so when I can.

      1. Well said Dr. Howard. Support for those that present what works for most of us. The proof of the pudding is in the eating:)))

      2. I’m not so sure about your credentials when it comes to organic and conventional farming. I farm so have years of practical experience and knowledge of what actually works and what is sustainable. A key component of sustainability is economic sustainability. Organic is at a real disadvantage there. Do a google search about economics with organic crops. Money magazine did an article in the last year or so on this issue. Organic crop yields generally are much lower than conventionally produced crops. If every organic farm you have visited told you they yield higher than conventional than they have lost touch with reality or are smoking something organic. I have seen reports that show if we went to totally organic production there would have to be a 300% increase in cropland. Is that sustainable and good for the environment? Acres devoted to conventional farming are trending lower but our yields are getting higher and higher. We are producing more food on less acres. Surely you would have to agree that this is sustainable and acceptable. There is also very credible evidence that there is no nutritional advantage to eating organic/non-GMO over the alternative. A man of science should know this. I am not paid by Monsanto or any similar group. I really could care less what you or anybody else on this website likes to eat. However I don’t think saying things that range from not quite true to outrageous lies about foods you don’t care for is acceptable. I also don’t like someone with the credentials of the Food Babe trying to, as she states, change food production in this country to her liking. She bullies companies to change yet still attacks them even when they do change. Most of you here wouldn’t grace the doors of the food places that have changed something they were doing that the Food Babe demanded. Neither would she.

      3. I am a scientist and not a farmer. I’ve seen those reports too. Unfortunately many of them are being written by people who appear to have hidden agendas. It is obvious by noticing what they left our or didn’t bother to consider. I’ve also seen reports that show the opposite of what you have been told, and what you are quoting. Several major Universities in the U.S. have published papers showing the benefits of organic farming in terms of higher yields and healthier crops, with less damage from predatory insects and microorganisms. Rather than disseminating the information in the U.S. they have been exporting the information and training to underdeveloped countries, to help the people in those regions to have an adequate food supply. I suspect that this is the only way that they can keep their research funded. If they tried to push their work in the U.S. they would run up against a brick wall put up by the agricultural chemical industry and they would stand the risk of losing any funding that they currently have. That’s the problem with bucking the corporations that have money and power.

        I’ve read the news reports that purport to quote studies that say that there is no difference between organic and inorganically grown foods. I’ve also read the research papers that they were quoting. Most of them were meta studies, where they purportedly surveyed the published papers, grouped them together and then reanalyzed them as a whole. Almost invariably, they conveniently left out studies that were not congruent with the conclusions that they wanted to propagate. I’ve also examined some of the published research that they left out of their studies, which would have led to the opposite of what they concluded.

        I have been a member of a local chapter of the AFGA, a national association of organic farmers and people interested in supporting organic farming. Our local chapter, fortunately has an expert in organic farming who lives locally and was willing to educate our members. He has been doing research in organic farming for the past half a century. I’ve seen his 13′ tall corn plants with multiple ears. He advises farmers across the U.S. as well as internationally, and has been very successful in helping them to increase their yields. Some state agencies periodically seek his advice on agricultural questions, when things get too far out of control. If you can supply contact information, I will pass it on and ask him contact you. He charges for his professional services, and his clients appear to be very happy with his work and advice. By the way he was raised on a farm and helped run his family’s farm until he went into the military many years ago.

        One needs to be careful when examining organic farming yields. A lot of what people see as poor yields from organic farming is not the failure of organic farming practices but their failure to understand what the good practices are, and how to revitalize the land that has been abused for years. I’m not saying that this applies to your situation. I don’t know what you know or don’t know about organic farming practices.

        My best advice to you is to not listen to me, but to find a local AFGA group and talk to successful organic farmers. They will tell you real stories of successful organic farming practices, and what it would take to implement them.

        G-d bless you!

  16. Hey “Babe”.
    What is a “hidden” MSG? How is hydrolyzed protein and yeast extract considered monosodium glutamate?; a.k.a. MSG. “…may be GMO”? I don’t even like Olive Garden, but you don’t start off making a lot of sense.

    1. Check out Dr. Russell Blaylock for more info on the other pseudonyms for MSG – like hydrolyzed protein and yeast extract. Have no idea if of interest or benefit.

    1. Read some books about the long term damage to some people and their progeny by the ingestion of modern hybridized wheat and then ask this question. A free download on this subject is available from

      As discussed above in some of my other posts, the ancient forms of wheat are safe for most people. However, modern hybridized wheat should not be eaten. Modern hybridized wheat is not GM at this time. However, it has been cross bred to the point that it is toxic for humans in the long run. This toxicity is not immediately apparent. Therefore, its dangers are not apparent and have been difficult to prove.

  17. Looks great! I don’t think I would even need the EVOO with all that lovely fat from the avocados and pine nuts. Thanks for sharing!

    I just posted this over on Gawker about FoodBabe debunking.

    “It’s a goddamn stretch to say that sugar has deleterious effects.” Tell the doctors who understand that a PET scan with radioactive glucose is the standard method to find cancer because cancer is an obligate glucose metabolizer (meaning it needs sugar to grow). Wonder how much credibility you would have amongst oncologists with the kind of non-science based platitude.

  18. I’ve learned to just extract the buzzwords and go off and do my own research.

    This may seem like a very trivial thing, but in the foodbabe pantry, one of her essentials is ketchup. OK. Everybody has ketchup in their cabinets.

    The thing is, most ketchups are loaded with HFCS. Now, she could have said something like “Simply Heinz”. That’s a ketchup that Heinz makes that has no added sugar. It tastes just as good as the regular stuff.

    Trivial, but it illustrates to me that she is not verifying (anything?) that she puts out. She’s constantly ranting about GMO corn but yet she recommends ketchup (with HFCS?) as an essential for your pantry.

  19. “Their food is terribly processed and this is why every time my parents want to go there I cringe!”

    Much academic, such science. You really called out Olive Garden on this one. I’m sure they’ll be going out of business in a week now.

  20. I don’t buy pine nuts because they are $63.00/kg here ($28.58 per pound). I use toasted pumpkin seeds instead.
    For this Pasta recipe, I am going to use my homemade pesto. I make great quantities of it in the early fall and put in small containers for the freezer. It freezes beautifully. I am fortunate that I can grow my own garlic and basil. There is also a fabulous local organic dairy and cheese farm here where I get the hard cheese. See (

    Here’s the recipe:
    Pumpkin Seed Pesto
    • 3/4 cup unsalted organic pumpkin seeds, toasted
    • 1/2 cup Parmesan or other strong white cheese, grated
    • 2 cloves garlic
    • 8 cups sweet basil leaves, washed and dried
    • 1 cup olive oil
    • salt and pepper
    In batches, place ingredients in blender, processor or mortar and pestle and puree until smooth.
    Remove Pumpkin Seed Pesto from blender place in a container or directly into another dish. (recipe Copyright 2011 the Great Canadian Cooking School

    So if I just add my pesto to the avocado, lemon juice, cayenne and a bit more olive oil, the Avocado and Pea pasta recipe can be made very quickly I’m thinking.

  21. I am just joining the conversation and would like to know to which type of GMO are the comments referring? The term GMO can cover different types of food modification. A hybrid can be considered a GMO, cross pollinating can be considered GMO, and finally gene modification in laboratories is also considered GMO. We have been eating “GMO” foods by one of these definitions for hundreds of years.

    Also, what does GMO have to do with herbicides and pesticides? They do not necessarily go hand in hand. Amazingly enough, it is possible to have an “organic” (non-treated) GMO food. Automatically assuming that one includes the other is pure ignorance.

    Generalizations are the first sign of lack of understanding. Nothing is ever so black and white as to say ALL GMO IS TERRIBLE FOR OUR BODY. If it was black and white, GMO would not be a such a hot topic. If scientists don’t know, how can we as average citizens assume we know the long term effects of eating GMO food?

    I don’ t have an established camp on this issue, but definitely would never assume I knew so much as to claim one extreme or the other. Keep our minds, eyes and ears open and see what we can learn. 🙂 In the meantime enjoy your food, eat fresh, whole, and local and enjoy an ice cream cone once in a while!!

  22. I wasn’t able to comment on the other gawker response post, so just commenting here.
    I may not agree with you 100% on everything Food Babe, but I think you are doing great things. Your heart is definitely in the right place and it’s great to have someone standing up to the big food companies and just getting people to think about what’s in their food, and why it’s in there.
    It’s amazing what you have accomplished with your Food Babe army. You are one tough woman. Don’t stop!

  23. I just want to say – wow. This recipe was incredible. As a petite single man guy trying to make large gains, I’ve been struggling to make good homemade meals that let me bulk up without making me take my piggy bank and smash it against my $3,000 hand painted living room accent wall.
    Some guys at the gym have been telling me about “dirty bulking,” that involves going to high calorie fast food restaurants, which is cheap, but always makes me super tired and I fall asleep while driving sometimes (I know, I know).
    I started working out because one day I woke up, and as I was sipping on my bloody mary (which – can you PLEASE come up with a recipe for soon) took a long hard look at myself in the mirror.
    This is great- I feel more energized and although I am not too familiar with what hydrolyzed proteins are, it seems like the more natural protein in the pastas you recommend are going to help me more with my goals (I thought I was going to have to go on a beef binge!).

    Much appreciated,

  24. Sorry Food Babe but I don’t understand why you are so against GMO. Nearly ALL the food we rely on comes from GMO. Of course GMO isn’t perfect but honestly its helped make food WAY more accessible for us. Without GMO, millions of people in the US would be starving. Trust, there’s things far more worse than GMO in this world.
    I honestly think you should focus on the REAL issues like how California only has a year’s worth of water supply left. The US and Canada both get all their fresh produce from California, without water we will ALL starve.

    1. Genetically hybrid is different than GMO (Monsanto made in a lab adding chemicals and pesticides, like Round-up has already been added to corn, soy, beets, ect.) You want to eat conventional, fine. You have that right. Just like I have the right to not eat GMO foods. Why come here and start something, you aren’t going to change our minds, so perhaps you can move on and be a troll elsewhere. Have a good weekend.

  25. Just watch the eleven videos that Ty Bollinger put together on “The Truth about Cancer” and you will be amazed what the 32 doctors, 11 scientist, cancer survivors, etc. say about pesticides. My friend was just diagnosed with stomach cancer and her nutritionist who specializes on cancer-fighting foods gave her a list of the foods she is not supposed to eat and guesss what…..EVERYTHING SHOULD BE ORGANIC!!! pesticides are not also poison to bugs but also poison to people!! In terms of produce this nutritionist advised my friend to eat 2-3 servings of carotenoids daily (yellow, orange vegetables) , 2 servings of lycopenes daily (red vegetables) ann one serving of green vegetables. I wrote this to respond to that person who is saying that there were studies that show there is no difference between organic product and pesticide-laden produce. There are many studies written, and many scientist who would say anything others want them to say for money, be careful what you read, your reading should be cross-referenced and coming from reliable sources. Check out the book “Cancer Fighting Kichen”
    by Rebecca Katz. I met the other day an old lady at Whole Foods who had cancer and decided to follow what they say in this book, she is not cancer free!!. There is a comment on the back of the book from Donald Abrams, M.D., chief of Hematology and Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital, integrative oncologist at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, and co-author of Integrative Oncology. Besides, this doctor graduated from the Stanford University Medical School.

  26. I heavily adapted this recipe to accommodate my allergies/fit what I had on hand in the house and it came out wonderful! 🙂

  27. Love this recipe. Currently suffering from gout so I’m eating less meat atm and more vegetarian and vegan recipes. However and I have mentioned this before, my wife has a severe tree nut allergy so in lieu of the pine nuts that are for the pesto, I use garbanzo beans (chickpeas) with a bit more oil to the mixture. Chickpeas, make a wonderful substitute for nuts in certain dishes, also seeds work too. For this recipe I added one more ingredient, organic sun-dried tomatoes for a splash of color and because my wife loves the taste of them. It works well. (You can also add mushrooms too. Which I will do next time, for a more “meatier” flavor.) All in all wonderful recipe, and yes everything I use is organic whether its from my local co-op or my garden. Anyways have a wonderful weekend.

  28. I made this today and came out sooooooo delicious!!
    Thank you so much for sharing the recipe

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