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Fast Food – The Quickest Organic Burrito You’ll Ever Make

My latest investigation has left me with Mexican food on the brain. When the craving hits, I never go to one of those fast food burrito places like Qdoba, or Salsaritas. It’s easy to stay away from these places knowing they use GMOs, food additives and other very questionable ingredients. Besides, it is far too easy to make a tasty 100% organic burrito at home and in a flash. A few amazing store bought ingredients mean I don’t have to make anything from scratch either. I can have a fresh burrito ready in a matter of minutes or pull one out of the freezer. (If I am lucky my husband hasn’t eaten the whole stash!)

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The main ingredients I use in my burritos are stellar even though they are store bought. Fast food burrito chains can’t even come close to this level of nutrition and quality.

Here are the details:

  • Field Day Organic Salsa is by far the best tasting salsa on the market. I love to make my own salsa, but I always have a jar of this on hand for emergencies. The salsa is super tangy, fresh, contains no added sugar and can be purchased in 3 different spice levels – mild, medium and hot.
  • Food for Life Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Tortillas are the only tortillas you’ll see me ever buy at the store. They are hands down the best on the market and contain zero additives and no cheap fillers. These tortillas are even more nutritious than the ones you can make from scratch at home with whole wheat flour because all of the grains are 100% sprouted whole and not processed into flour. 
  • Eden Foods Black Beans is one of the only organic no salt added and BPA free canned beans on the market. Eden Foods is an outstanding brand, one that I fully support and always keep in my pantry when making beans from scratch isn’t an option. 
  • Raw goat cheese is my favorite cheese to melt inside my burritos because it’s easy on the digestive system and hasn’t been pasteurized preserving all the beneficial enzymes, bacteria and nutrients.


It took me less than 7 mins to make 6 burritos. Here’s how I did it. Get Ready, Set, Go!

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Food Babe's Fast Food Burrito

Prep Time:
15 mins
Cook Time:
10 mins
Total Time:
25 mins

Serves:  2


  • 6 sprouted grain tortillas
  • 1 ½ cups cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 2 cups salsa
  • 3 ounces goat cheese
  • 1 pinch chili powder, to taste
  • ½ white onion, chopped


  • 1 avocado
  • 1 cup romaine lettuce, chopped
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • ½ lime


  1. Preheat oven to 375° F (if you want to eat burritos now).
  2. Place tortillas on top of parchment paper lined aluminum foil (this is an important step – you don’t want your food to touch the aluminum foil or to stick).
  3. Place ¼ cup of black beans on each tortilla.
  4. Sprinkle chili powder on top of black beans (1 to 2 shakes).
  5. Add about a tablespoon of onion on top of beans.
  6. Top each burrito with one tablespoon of salsa.
  7. Shred raw goat cheese and top each burrito with a handful.
  8. Roll and wrap each tortilla tightly.
  9. If eating later: store burritos in a ziplock bag in the freezer until ready to use.
  10. If eating now: pop burritos in oven on a rack.
  11. Cooking time varies: fresh burritos take 10 mins, defrosted burritos take 20 minutes, and frozen burritos take 30 minutes (of course a microwave would be faster – but I do not use microwaves).
  12. Serve with toppings: avocado, romaine, sour cream, lime wedges and/or more salsa.

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Please note: You can also make large burritos using the larger version of the Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Tortillas. I like making the smaller ones though, because I can eat one, two or even three based on my hunger level. The smaller ones are perfect for kids too and faster to warm up!

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Raw goat cheese is so fluffy when it’s been freshly shredded. Delicious!

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Remember to put some unbleached parchment paper between your food and aluminum foil when cooking just to be safe there isn’t any leeching of toxins at high temps. IMG 4106 IMG 4121

Having a bag full of burritos in the freezer is a godsend for busy days. Hope you have as much fun as I do making them. I wonder if anyone will beat my 7 min record 🙂


Food Babe

P.S.  Check out our Meal Plans for Health Program that will help you plan more meals like this!

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191 responses to “Fast Food – The Quickest Organic Burrito You’ll Ever Make

  1. I need to make a batch of these and freeze them so that I’ll have them anytime of the week!

  2. Thank you so much Vani for posting this recipe!! I just made them tonight and they were a hit! My husband and I just decided to go vegetarian a few weeks ago with the goal of becoming vegan and I’m having such a hard time in the kitchen! This recipe was so yummy! I don’t like raw onion so I just sliced and caramalized mine. I just know this will become a weekly favorite and great for emergencies since they freeze! SO HAPPY I found this and thanks for all that you do!

  3. I made these just a couple of days ago, they were delicious, and didn’t take long at all! I love that you don’t have to cook anything first. So simple to put together, you just made my life so much easier, thanks so much!

  4. Made these last night and froze the rest. SO good! The cheese really makes it 🙂

  5. Where’s the video? And how the heck do you roll/fold Ezekiel wraps w/o them breaking? I’ve tried that for years, and just end up eating like a soft taco, and even then it usually falls apart. Help!

    1. Hi Alethea – the video is at the end of the post. If you cook the burritos the way Food Babe suggests I find that it really softens them up and gives them a good texture and they are not as likely to fall apart. Hope that helps!

  6. I can see where the video is supposed to be — it says, “Also…you can see a video on how to make these bad boys here…” but there is no video. I have check on my ipad and windows laptop. Nothing there? I want to see it 🙂

  7. Thanks for the video link — that helped — I was going to try to fold up the ends, but thankfully saw I didn’t have to. Made them tonight — everyone loved them! and my daughter made several extra to freeze for lunches. Great recipe, but I did add cumin and galic powder to my beans (marinated throughout the day, so they were nice and flavorful) – thanks!

  8. I LOVE Mexican food and will definitely be trying these! And can I say that an added bonus of this post — I looked up where I can try out these shells because my hubby and I eat tacos all the time. I found SO MANY health food stores where I live thatI didn’t know existed. I’m talking 5 new stores! Holy amazing.

  9. May be a dumb question but…why don’t you want the food to touch the aluminum foil?

      1. What kind of rennet is used to make the goat cheese? Is it from a slaughtered calf stomach or is it from GMO rennet?

      1. Ok, thanks! So…in light of this, what kind of cookware does Food Babe recommend? I have some anodized aluminum pans…is that OK to cook/roast with? What does Food Babe think of non-stick pans? Thanks!

  10. I’ll have to try these when I get home from London. They sound yummy! However, just a note about your comment on the salsa: how can it be “fresh” if it comes in a jar? (I don’t use a microwave either. Did the experiment with the plants, and the one watered with the microwaved water died after 9 days.)

    1. They have a gluten free rice tortilla option but it contains “Vegetable Gum (Xanthan Gum, Cellulose)” which is questionable IMO.

      I don’t have any major gluten sensitivity that I’m aware of but I do shy away from gluten. In this case, organic sprouted wheat gluten doesn’t bother me one bit.

  11. I don’t care for goat cheese. Is there anything else you could suggest as a substitute?

  12. Made these with the Ezeikel corn tortillas tonight and they were relish! Thank you for recipe and even better knowing they are gmo free and tasty. Found the goat cheese at my local health food store. I have been inspired to cook again through this blog.

    1. Awesome! Her recipes are so simple and delicious – anyone can do it…

  13. Hi Voni,
    I was wondering if you could give any hints about finding a good goat cheese. I have found that lots of goat cheese has a very gamey taste to it, which I am not at all fond of. Any suggestions?
    Thanks for all you do! Can’t wait to try this recipe. I am always looking for things to take to work for lunch.

    1. Vani likes to use raw goat’s milk cheese – you just have to experiment with different ones because they can vary so much in taste. But, another cheese would work fine too. Hope you like them!

      1. Thank you… I misspelled VANI’s name, please excuse the typo! I guess what I wanted to know if I don’t want to do goat cheese, what would be the next best healthy choice? Thank you!

  14. Q…don’t the Ezekiel tortillas break when you fold them? They usually seem to break for me. I’ve made sprouted tortillas (Kamut), but they normally turn out hard 🙁

  15. If you are making the burritos to freeze them, do you prep them and place them in the freezer and then put them in the oven? Or do you put them in the oven and then freeze them?

    1. Hi Olivia – you make them then bake or freeze. She gives different cooking times for each way. Good luck!

  16. According to Dr. William Davis in the book Wheat Belly, no wheat is good for you…even sprouted organic….it’s only ok if it’s einkorn or emmer, and even then we should not consume much of it. What kind of wheat do they use in the Ezekiel wraps?

    1. Hi Heather – this is how Vani feels about sprouted wheat and Wheat Belly. “I personally only buy sprouted grain products – like ezekiel bread or einkorn based product – a non-hybridized ancient wheat. Sprouting helps remove phytic acid that makes the grain more digestible – also – the grain is in it’s whole state and hasn’t been ground up into flour at all (where additional processing and nutrient loss can occur).

      I do not recommend people make a lot of products made with whole wheat flour for this reason – it does produce inflammation in the body.

      Also in regards to Wheat Belly – there are certain recommendations I completely disagree with in that book – for instance – eating as much meat or cheese as you want. Meat and cheese make the body very acidic and a plant based diet makes the body alkaline. Remember – cancer cannot live in an alkaline state.”

  17. This is a very important question for me. My husband works 8 hours on the field and cannot warm up his food. If I bake these burritos in the morning before he leaves, will the tortillas become hard to eat by the time he gets to them as they get colder about 5 hours later? I love these tortillas and eat them myself, but can’t find a good one to send my husband for his lunch, that will stay soft and nice to eat and enjoy. Do you have something you can recommend?

    1. Just a thought but maybe put his burrito fillings in a thermos to keep warm and serve with tortilla crisps on the side? Kinda like nachos or a burrito bowl? That’s how I’d send it to school for my kids!

  18. Killer receipe, delicioso. thanks, Just discovered Dalia vegan cheese so used it instead of the goat cheese, seems like a good product option for those shooting for a vegan diet.

  19. Unfortunately, I can’t buy any of that within 100 miles of my house… there are certainly drawbacks to living in the middle of nowhere…
    But they look awesome and I’ll be passing this recipe on to friends who live in more civilized places 😉

    1. Anita,
      Have you considered an Amazon Prime membership (annual fee but gets you free shipping) and purchasing some of the food items you can’t find in your “middle of nowhere” options?
      When I lived in the middle of nowhere a couple of years ago, that’s what I resorted to.

  20. Hi I like your web site!! Thanks for your job!
    I had one question in another post you said that chipotle was fine and you always eat salads there… I love to eat there! I think is the only restaurant I go since I change my life to a healthy eating habits.
    So chipotle still good or not?
    Thank you
    Mari 🙂

  21. The problem I always have with Food for Life Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Tortillas is that they ALWAYS tear. I have tried heating them in a skillet, the over, steaming them in the microwave with a wet paper towel and still they tend to rip. I just end up laying them flat on a plate like an open face sandwich. Unfortunately, if I want a real wrap, I have to buy other ones that I am sure aren’t as healthy, but serve the purpose they are were intended to much better. Trade-off I guess.

  22. I wish I had access to these ingredients. I live in Germany on an Army post and the commissary does not carry anything healthy or organic and I have yet to find the sprouted wraps anywhere on the German economy. Makes me sad!

  23. I just make my own. Nothing better than homemade tortillas (not whole wheat either), home cooked beans and home made pico de gallo. You do what you can.Organics are better but just do what you can and enjoy. For the record, just about all my ingredients are organic.

  24. For lunch today I made these burritos for my husband and I and they were delicious! I used an organic hot salsa for a little kick and a different tortilla (Cedars which seemed like an OK brand based on the ingredients) because my Whole Foods was out of the brand Food for Life! I’m going to be making and freezing some for dinner for the upcoming work week – thanks Food Babe!

  25. How do you get your Ezekiel tortillas to roll without breaking? I usually thaw one out in the refrigerator, but whenever I try to roll a burrito I find that it breaks or tears. Is there a secret to getting them to roll smoothly?

  26. We try to stay away from canned goods, are there any non GMO beans available?
    Thank you, and love your work, keep at it. All you need now is an all natural singles community!!

  27. I made this for lunch and it was really good. For salsa, I used jack cheese and the recipe from the salsa for the spinach frittata in on of the South Beach Diet cook books (the gold one).

  28. Made a big batch this weekend for dinner and lunched on one from the frozen batch this week! These are absolutely amazing and SOOO easy. Perfect for freezing for a quick dinner for later for our very busy family with boys!

  29. why do you bother with the foil, the parchment paper should be sufficient, especially if you fold the top and the ends, or just use a toothpick to fasten the opened parts, and it will definitely handle the heat, and then you won’t have to touch the foil

  30. Great recipe Food Babe thanks a lot.For a guy that doesn’t have a lot of experience cooking this is a good one.

  31. I enjoy Vani’s newsletter, her outstanding research, and excellent recipes. I am a subscriber to her Eating Guides. Given the respect she has for being such a leader in healthy eating, I am extremely disappointed to see her stoop to the low level of using gutter language by adding the acronym “WTF?” (It is in her Fast Food Fact regarding caramel coloring in Moe’s salsa) There is NO place for this kind of language in a food newsletter, (or any newsletter for that matter). How does this language benefit the reader or educate them? What does it add to the message? A simple “really?” could readliy convey the incredulity that the “WTF!?” intended. Leaders must conduct themselves above the ordinary, and while “WTF” is sadly becoming commonplace it is no less offensive, and certainly more offensive when penned by a respected leader. No other leader in the food watch groups has lowered themselves to this – (eg. Natural News, Organic Consumers Assoc., etc ) Come on Vani – clean up your language the way you clean up the facts on food!!

  32. Great info and I agree with Trish from post on May 20- you look like a real lady, so drop the WTF stuff girlfriend!

  33. This recipe sounds great, however if this brand isn’t available near me, what are some other alternatives (for instance if I shopped at Trade Joes). Thanks!

  34. Does anyone know Vani’s thoughts on microwaving when in a pinch for time? Thumbs up or thumbs down?

  35. Besides the tortillas at Chipotle, do you find there’s anything wrong with eating there? Burrito bowls have been my go-to for a quick/easy meal when I’m in a bind.

  36. Is there an good alternative to Eden Organic since I don’t like their right wing religious views and am currently not supporting their products?

    Thank you.

  37. you say you like the goat cheese because of the enzymes but as soon as you heat up the cheese, you will kill the enzymes. Eat the cheese because you like it, but don’t eat it for the enzymes.

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