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Must watch! These videos will have you smiling, cheering and crying!

Update 3/8/2015:

The Food Babe team was completely torn having to choose winners – it was so hard! Thank you for sharing your story, being brave and inspiring us all! Everyone is a winner!

Congratulations to the following winners of The Food Babe Way Video Contest:

Grand Prize:

Gallagher Family


Runner Ups:



Honorable Mentions:

Haley & Danny



Anna R.



Jacob S.

V, PaleoBOSS Lady

Mike & Patty


To claim your prizes (see all of them here), please leave a comment with a link to your video by March 13th, 2015 below so we can contact you asap with details!!!

Also – if you didn’t win, I have something special up my sleeve to give you as well, please leave a comment with your video link so we can get your email address and send you some goodies! 

These Food Babe Way videos have been so incredible to watch. I’ve cried, cheered, laughed, screamed and shouted. These brave and extraordinary people are absolute heroes and are changing the world! I appreciate every one of you that took the time, and had the energy and courage to share your stories in video with all of us. I know it wasn’t easy! 

It’s going to be so tough choosing the winners of this video contest. I want to personally watch these videos multiple times before scoring. Even if you don’t win a prize, or didn’t enter the contest, watch these video entries below. I promise they will not only inspire you, but they will blow you away!

Click each name below and watch (Warning: you might tear up!):

If you submitted a video on time (by February 28th at midnight) and don’t see it listed above, please leave it in the comments below and I’ll add it to the list asap! 

Stay tuned for this Sunday 3/8 when I’ll announce the winners on the Food Babe Facebook page. I’d love to know in the comments below which videos inspire you! Please share.

Lots of love to you all. Thank you for letting me share your journey.




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148 responses to “Must watch! These videos will have you smiling, cheering and crying!

  1. Dear Food Babe,

    Thank you so much for doing this contest! I have watched so many video’s and been inspired by every single one. I think at least a box of tissues down. Amazing how many lives have been enriched in so many different ways offering mind blowing results! Your efforts have healed & helped so very many! I hope this video contest shows you how important your work is and how many lives it is changing of all ages, walks of life and for all kind of reasons. BRAVA!

    Namaste, V
    aka. PaleoBOSS Lady

    1. Christina – The link says the content is not available. If you have a video try submitting it again – let us know!

  2. Each and every video submitted contains inspiration! Thanks to all for sharing your story!

    My favorite is Andrew’s; it’s got glitz, it’s got Hollywood glamour, it’s got great facts, and best of all – it’s got humor! 😀

    One thing is for certain, Vani has already changed MANY lives, and I for one am eternally grateful!

    We must keep spreading the word!! There are plenty of people out there just like us who don’t even realize that they’re suffering from the tainted food supply.

    Anyone who is a nay-sayer or disbeliever of The Food Babe Way need only watch our videos and eat the FBW and they too would see improvements in their physical, mental, and even spiritual health.

    Ailments, diseases and obesity are being cured, and we are the proof!

    Vani, thank you for all that you’ve done in opening people’s eyes, and for the waking of the masses that is surely to come.

    Please keep up the good fight. We need you! THE WORLD needs you! I’ll try to do my small part to help spread the word about what I refer to as “The Food Bible” aka The #FoodBabeWay ! Blessings and love to you always! xo

  3. wonderful contest!! thank you for inspiring us to action! all are amazing stories! xx

  4. I had so much sharing and being creative in delivering my story!

    Everyone’s story is amazing!

    1. Alex! What a fantastic way of sharing your story. Your dedication to nutrition is contagious!

  5. Just watched the first 15 videos with my 9 and 11 yr old kids, so far they vote for Gallagher Family and Andrew ( the first video) !

    All of them are great and inspirational! Will continue watching and vote for some more tomorrow.


  6. Dawn video 3, she is my friend and her story of beating cancer twice is what inspired me to start reading your blog and get my whole family to juice and change our diet this week! We are currently planting our own organic vegetable garden to juice from. Thank you Food Babe!

  7. I have learned so much from the women of Mary’s Place by the Sea. While I do not have cancer, Michele and Maria inspire me to get healthier and prevent disease. Took a peak at your book while I was there, I will be ordering my own today. Thank you.

  8. There are many amazing videos, but I Love “Mary’s Place by the Sea”! It’s a wonderful organization helping women with cancer.

  9. OMG, these videos were a roller coaster of emotion! I laughed and I cried.

    Let me say that if at any time Vani you feel discouraged or you begin to question if you are truly making a difference, you most certainly are by the looks of these vids!

    You have definitely helped me in my journey which began a couple of years ago. When I came across your webpage a few months ago, it enhanced my growing knowledge and served to be the confirmation I needed to continue to move forward and hopefully spread the message that Big AG and the government are NOT looking out for us and certainly not our children! They are all about the bottom line and screwing anyone who tries to get in their way (pardon my language) but, this gets me fired up! I purchased your book and I couldn’t put it down. I think I finished reading it in two days!

    From one North Carolina girl to another, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and keep moving onward and upward! I think it’s time for you to do a TED talk! 🙂

    P.S. I know I can’t judge and I don’t envy you in trying to find a winner however, if it were up to me, Dawn Ford had a truly wonderful story and so did Christina Lukach!

    1. You’re so right Tee Jay! And I totally agree that it’s time for Vani to do a TED talk!!!

  10. Literally blown away. Please get these videos out to more people because they are truly inspiring and that is what the internet is for. For the little people to get access to information (that they otherwise wouldn’t) that might just change their lives.

  11. My favorite video so far is Kathy Salberta. To loose the weight and effect the type of changes she is showing us…she has had to stay faithful day in and day out. Praise the Lord for overcoming grace! She’s my pick

  12. Katie Flack had the most inspirational story, I watched her progress for the entire year and this video really highlights everything that she has accomplished!

  13. Thank you for all you do!! I have learned so much from you and it have improved my life in so many ways!!!

  14. I just finished watching your Food Babe video contestants videos. They were wonderful! I also ordered your book and can’t wait to read it! I love your emails and have given up ALL processed foods, fast foods and soda. I drink my lemon water every morning and drink smoothies every day… I am on a mission to change my childrens lives too. They are adults though, and they don’t know about you and your mission, so I am going to buy them each a copy of your book… Thank you Vani. You are a special person!

  15. Katie’s video was super inspiring. She makes it look so simple and I admire her journey because she has small children and was determined to change her life. I could relate to her story because she quit smoking and has small children and is surrounded by foods her children consume on a daily basis and was still able to keep to her new healthy lifestyle to reach her goals and become a stronger, healthier person for herself and her family.

  16. OMG Andrew!!! That kid is so wonderful at getting his heartfelt point/info across. Hoping Hollywood see’s this as well. Amazing~

  17. After watching about half of these videos they are all inspirational! The one that got me the most was Katie’s! I loved how you could see what she was eating verses what she is eating now! Big change! The music was a good touch and the pictures of her and her family touched home for me! ❤

  18. Outstanding vids!!, all good in their respective ways. It looks like one of the gov’ts trolls snuck in a link, trying his best to discredit you Vani… didn’t work well though.

    Congrats on a job well done!.

  19. Wow – this is amazing. Thank you for all that you do Vani and Foodbabe Team! Look at how you are changing and dramatically improving people’s lives everyday! I am so inspired and and can’t wait to receive your book in the mail. Keep up the amazing work!

  20. Amazingly inspiring videos! My favorite is Alexandra’s! It is so easy to forget about yourself & her video is not only inspiring but reminded me to make time for me, exercise & enjoy life!

  21. Mary’s Place by the Sea gets my vote. Women who suffer from cancer can go there for a respite and learn how to heal themselves naturally. Mary’s Place gives women guidance in nutrition, as well as other physical/mental needs they may have as they continue their journey. They can come to this unique setting free for a day or overnight and enjoy the beauty of the Ocean Grove seaside.

  22. if my name is not above, but i posted my video on time and now set it to public am I still in the running for the contest? I am getting worried! I worked so hard!

  23. I am trying to find one of Vani’s videos to share with a friend. It is the one where she talks about how she had severe psoriasis as a teenager and by changing her eating habits she no longer has this condition. Please help me find it so I can share it.
    Thank You

  24. vani,

    Thank you for sharing all of these videos.

    rachel p’s story is moving, it’s truthful and it’s inspiring. Her fight is like Vani’s, she wants to encourage others and her dedication is present in everything she does.

  25. Thank you so much for the contest, it was great to see all the videos and wonderful to finally share my story, here’s the link to my video. Thanks again!


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