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Healthy Strawberry Cobbler

If you know me, you know I love dessert. Seriously, it’s my favorite part of any meal, and I have something sweet EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

My sweet tooth, however, is usually satisfied by something naturally low in sugar or at least made with non-toxic ingredients. That’s why I love recipes like this healthy strawberry cobbler! I call this “Strawberry Crunch Cobbler” because it’s a twist between a typical cobbler and crisp. With organic strawberries back at the market – this is super easy to whip up in no time! (See video tutorial below too!)

Did you know a typical conventional strawberry can have up to 54 pesticides on it? 9 are known carcinogens and 19 of them are toxic to honey bees. Without bees we don’t have plants and without plants…you know. Choosing and buying organic food is absolutely critical to reducing our exposure to pesticides and saving the earth! Vote with your dollars and hope you enjoy this recipe.



Food Babe's Healthy Strawberry Crunch Cobbler

Prep Time:
10 mins
Cook Time:
30 mins
Total Time:
40 mins

Serves:  4

Filling Ingredients:

  • 2 cups fresh strawberries
  • 3 tablespoons coconut sugar
  • 1 tablespoon arrowroot flour
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Crust Ingredients:


  1. Preheat oven to 375° F.
  2. Mix all the filling ingredients in a bowl and put into a small baking dish.
  3. For the crust mix the flour, sugar, salt and spices in a bowl. Cut in the coconut oil with a fork until the size of a pea.
  4. Add the vanilla and mix until combined.
  5. Spoon over the strawberry filling and bake for 25-30 minutes.
  6. Serve hot with a scoop of coconut ice cream or vanilla ice cream.


  • Please choose all organic ingredients if possible


If you know someone who could use a little strawberry love, please share this post with them! 



P.S. If you like recipes like this, be sure to check out the Food Babe Meal Plans for Health program.

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125 responses to “Healthy Strawberry Cobbler

      1. Food babe is Vitamin water zero OK to drink? Is Stevia OK to toddlers and pregnant women?

      2. Vera, (to Food Babe)
        April 1, 2014
        Your recipe for “Healthy Strawberry Cobbler” looks real yummy
        can’t wait to try it I never heard of oat flour before where do you get buy it?

      3. Vera- Oat Flour is just raw oats ground up to a flour consistency! I do mine in a food processor, although I’m sure blenders will do just fine.

      4. Vitamin water zero is not okay to drink:) If you cannot pronounce an ingredient (or if it says natural flavors) please do not consume it.

  1. Because I try to stay away from things like oats, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, rice, amaranth, etc., I am wondering if you will consider providing recipes that use almond meal and/or coconut flour as a healthier alternative?

    1. YES Please coconut flour and almond flour! We have a grain free thing going on over here and the more grain free recipes, the better!!!

      1. Buckwheat, millet, quinoa, etc. are all high carbohydrate even though buckwheat comes from seeds of a flowering plant. In 1/4 cup dry weight, there are 140 calories and 30 grams of carbs with only 2 grams of protein. Quinoa has 170 calories and 30 grams of carbs in 1/4 cup dry. Whereas in 1/4 cup almond flour/meal, there are 6 grams of carbs and 6 grams of protein and 160 calories. In coconut flour, 1/4 cup is 120 calories and 16 carbs and 2 grams protein, but the fats in coconut are healthy. My diabetes is kept under control as long as I limit my carbs. On a paleo diet, I eat proteins (good quality), eggs, good fats (avocados, coconut and olive oils), low glycemic vegetables (low starch), limited fruit due to sugar content and raw nuts and seeds. I avoid dairy, sugars, except what is natural in fruits and no grains or high carb foods, minimally processed foods, if any. My last A1C that determines the 3 month average of blood sugar readings, mine was 6.0, which puts me at pre-diabetic. So, I try to control my health by eating what doesn’t spike my blood sugar. There is also some correlation to inflammation in the body and gut from grains and other cross reactive foods such as corn, soy (which I especially avoid) rice, spelt, millet, etc. I feel these changes have made a big difference in my health, and I love the paleo foods, recipes and many websites on paleo.

    2. May I ask y u r staying away from those recipies n if u look idk if u know already detoxnista. com has some good reciepies

  2. THANK YOU for all you do! Keeping up on the food revolution and everything that we need to do isn’t easy. It could literally be a full time job! We (the army) thank you for making it easy to keep up and keep on keepin on… Can’t wait to try this one!

      1. I used to work at Mother’s Market and kitchen, Im a whole foodie since the early 70’s, I think, at this point that everything we can use we use, specific grains or fruits or nuts, one thing, beware of the People who tell you “its bad” If its natural, Organic and whole, if its not for you , it might be ok with me.thank you for doing the hard work and making i8t a litttle easier for me.!

      2. Sharon, I believe the “science” and there are many “natural” products out there that aren’t what people think they are, just as “pure” isn’t what you might expect. I have been studying nutrition for over 30 years and have tried various “diet lifestyle choices” to improve my health. What I have been reading for the last 4 years is all the science of grains and their effects on everyone, not just those diagnosed with gluten sensitivity. The book “Grain Brain” by Dr. David Purlmutter and “Wheat Belly” are indicative of some of the science behind why grains have a negative impact. I lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks just from giving up grains and cross reactive foods like corn, but I also do not eat peas, beans or peanuts. I eat for health, I eat to live, not live to eat.

  3. Sooo making this tonight. Definitely laughed out loud at the “I love Monsanto!” subject line.
    FYI, I took a job interview in CLT last week strictly so I could stop by one of your recommendations afterwards! Sun Flour Baking Co. was DELICIOUS!

  4. Awesome. I love your stuff. I consider myself the food allergy babe. I am in the processing of creating a business and going through Marie Forleos B School and I would love to team up with you sometime. I dont know what that would look like at this point but I think it would be fun and help alot of people. Just some information as someone that is celiac (gluten intolerant caused by autoimmune disease). Oats are a very gray area and they do make some people that are cant eat gluten very sick and more research is coming out in this area showing that is possible for oats to cause a reaction. luv your work.

    1. As a naturopathic doctor, one of whose specialties is food sensitivities & IBS, I’d like to help clarify so people won’t feel alarmed. Most people with gluten sensitivities are not sensitive to oats themselves, although it’s true that some fraction of people are directly sensitive because the protein in oats (avenin) is similar to gluten, and in some people can cause a cross-reaction.

      The more common issue is of contamination – that is, often oats are grown on the same fields as wheat, in rotation one year over the other (or a similar type of contamination in silo storage). Thus, sometimes there are small amounts of wheat mixed in with oats. When you see a package of oats labeled “gluten-free oats” they are assuring you that this has not happened, b/c they have kept oats away from gluten-containing grains during growth and storage (because oats don’t have any gluten natively).

      In someone with Celiac disease, it is absolutely worthwhile to go the extra mile when using oats, and buy oats that are certified gluten-free. For people who are “merely” wheat or gluten “sensitive” – this level of stringency is not generally necessary.

      Good luck with your studies!
      Dr. Deborah

      1. Hi Dr. Deborah,
        I agree with what you said about cross contamination on oats. I would like to clarify I am not a student. My functional doctor doesnt recommend any one who is celiac or gluten intolerant eat oats at all. Not if they are certified gluten free even. That is what I was speaking to.

      2. Dr. Kelly Brogan, MD says: “Antibody-mediated immune response is just one mechanism by which the body can be alerted to a perceived threat. If you ask to be screened for gluten intolerance, that screening will typically include antibodies to only alpha gliadin, endomesial antibody, and one type of tissue transglutaminase. This testing neglects the role of the innate immune system in non-celiac gluten enteropathy, an inflammatory disorder that often has extra-intestinal manifestations. Immune activating and inflammatory proteins, such as those found in wheat and dairy products, may be critical triggers to consider.”
        Dr. Brogan also states:
        “The trafficking of macromolecules across the gut barrier requires a facilitator – a doorman who lets them through. This agent is called zonulin and opens the spaces or tight junctions between gut cells. Zonulin is triggered by gliadin which is the protein found in the grains wheat, rye, and barley. This triggering occurs in 80% of the population based on hereditary haplotypes. There is reason to suspect that prolamine grains including the above and corn, sorghum, and oats (called this because of their high proline and glutamine content) may all play a role in triggering these dynamic gut changes. Cross-reactivity and stimulation of alpha gliadin by foods like dairy, oats, corn, millet, and even instant coffee was examined in this study suggesting that those with limited clinical improvement on a gluten free diet should also consider broader eliminations.”

        I could go on and on, but I know from my own personal experience that avoiding what’s already been mentioned, plus some others I have eliminated, have made a huge difference in my IBS, my diabetes, my energy levels, my weight, my mood, my memory and more.

      3. Dr. Epstein, may I ask what naturopathic college you graduated from? I could find no mention on your website. Thank you.

      4. Hi Marie,
        Yes, I graduated from Bastyr University, near Seattle, WA. It’s the 2nd-oldest naturopathic college (that I’m aware of), probably anywhere, but at least in North America. You’re right, it’s not on the website I listed. It is on the website of my Seattle-area private practice, which is, and which lists credentials and such. The one I listed ( is sort of my online persona  in the sense that I offer online programs to help women “Get Relief from Period Cramps” (as you might have surmised from the URL…), and since that’s available nationally, that’s how I go about on the Internet. Thank you for asking.

        On a related note, you quoted some information about food-sensitivity testing and “Leaky Gut” syndrome testing (aka Intestinal Permeability, though you may or may not have known these name for that 2nd paragraph of information, but no matter). Just wondering if you had a further comment about that that I could help you with?

        Dr. Deborah

      5. Dr. Deborah, I’m so glad to know you attended Bastyr as I’ve known many who are graduates from there. It’s a wonderful naturopathic college. I’ve met Dr. Michael Murray on several occasions over the last 20+ years and have some of his books. Thank you for your reply!

  5. Have you ever used glucomannan before, as a no-carb thickener? It’s dried up, ground kognac root, grown in Asia. I was wondering about your thoughts about glucomannan, if you’ve ever used it before or looked into using it.

    1. There is the potential that glucomannan may inhibit the absorption of nutrients and some medications. Diabetes: Glucomannan may interfere with blood sugar control. Monitor blood sugar closely if you have diabetes and use glucomannan.

      I like arrowroot flour. This starch thickener has several advantages over other thickeners. It has a more neutral flavor, so it’s a good thickener for delicately flavored sauces. It also works at a lower temperature, and tolerates acidic ingredients and prolonged cooking better. Sauces thickened with cornstarch turn into a spongy mess if they’re frozen, those made with arrowroot can be frozen and thawed with impunity. The downside is that arrowroot is pricier than cornstarch, and it’s not a good thickener for dairy-based sauces, since it turns them slimy. Hope this helps!

      1. Interesting, because I’ve always heard the opposite, that glucomannan doesn’t raise blood sugar levels, while arrowroot powder does. In fact, the newer book “Trim Healthy Mama” has its main purpose to stabilize people’s blood sugar levels, and they provide the rationale to use glucomannan above all other thickeners, because it doesn’t spike blood sugar levels. I’ll need to do some more research on my own, I guess – because I’m pre-diabetic, and I use glucomannan almost every day, in protein shakes, sauces, gravies, and more. 🙂

      2. Hmmm, well who knows, because what I found just researching on the net is that one tablespoon of arrowroot powder has 8 carbs whereas one tablespoon of glucomannan has 15 carbs. I only use very small amounts of arrowroot on rare occasions. I use chia seeds to thicken my protein smoothies, but I rarely eat sauces or gravies. Are you using glucomannan for weight loss? Good luck with your research, Julieanne.

      3. I don’t know specifics about those 2 thickeners, but wanted to say 2 things:
        1) Remember that the more interesting number is “net carbs” (carbs minus fiber), rather than “just” carbs
        2) If you have Diabetes, you’re probably monitoring your blood-sugar with a glucometer (or at least I hoipe you are!). Even with pre-Diabetes, this is a good idea. You can test the response in your own body by eating a serving of the test food, then measuring your blood sugar at 30, 60, and 90 minutes post-food. You’ll see then your body’s personal response to the item.

        Now I’m really going to stop commenting here and get back to work 🙂
        Many blessings,
        Dr. Deborah

  6. Wow! That looks amazing! Thanks for this yummy recipe that I will surely be making! I just made gluten-free strawberry scones (recipe on my blog!) last week… definitely into strawberries right now 🙂

      1. Hi Vani , I know u prefer coconut oil . I tried asking u many times in ur last post too . Can you please help me understand why this saturated fat is safer to consume. Have early heart disease in the family , hence the fear.

      2. Extra virgin coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid and stored by our cells for energy. It is good for you, so eat up! I’m sure Vani can provide a more in depth response to the coconut oil question. 🙂

  7. Hi Foodbabe.

    Appreciate all that you do but I have questioned your recipes before and doing so gain.

    First though, I have to wonder why you never respond to anyone who questions your uses of cetain ingredients which are not good for consumption. Why???
    It appears you only reply to those who praise you and your effrorts.

    Another recipe in which you are using salt, oats, CORN starch and FLOUR and touting it as healthy. How can you say that?

    You are using ingredients which you must know are detrimental to our health and calling it…. healthy strawberry cobbler! .


    1. I think I’ll bite, in the meantime.
      1) Salt is not intrinsically unhealthy. It is often overconsumed in the form of sodium in processed foods. If you don’t eat processed foods, and use sea-salt in the context of whole-foods recipes, there’s not an issue.
      2) The first option was arrowroot powder; corn starch (specified non-GMO, although go one better and get organic) was offered as an alternative, presumably if you don’t have arrowroot powder hanging about.
      3) Oat flour is not intrinsically unhealthy. An individual might have an oat-sensitivity, in which case, sure, don’t eat oats. Or you could be “Palee-ish” (that’s what I’d call myself – I lean Paleo but am not obsessive), and want to avoid grains. So in this case if I’m treating myself in the first place by including grains, I sure prefer to have an oat option rather than a wheat option, and who knows – perhaps almond flour would work too. I’d say, try it and let people know!

    2. Just because the ingredients are unhealthy for YOU does not mean the same to her. I applaud her for not engaging you in an argument. You are free to make the recipe or not. She posts several recipes I wouldn’t make just because I’d don’t like the ingredients but I’m not attacking her for it. I just don’t make it. Personally I think it looks delicious and I can’t wait to make it myself. I’ll have to get arrowroot powder first though.

      1. Agreed…some of these people are ridiculous on here with there questions and accusations! Food baby is giving us free info…use it or don’t, but stop complaining! Ughhhhh!

    3. Side note on ingredients: When my mom taught me to cook/bake, she taught me to omit whatever salt is called for in recipes. There are VERY few things I actually include salt in (e.g. if it is needed for an ingredient interaction, etc.), and we generally never miss it. If I find that it is something that I would have preferred it on (VERY rare), then we can generally sprinkle a tiny bit on top after the fact.

      1. Salt in the form of sodium chloride is bad for you because it is processed, denatured, bleached and does not have the other over 80 minerals found in Celtic or Himalayan salt, which are the “safe” forms of salt. Dr. David Brownstein has written a very informative book called “Salt Your Way to Health” that I highly recommend. He even has a you tube video you can listen/watch. We are a culture that is VERY low in iodine as many companies no longer add iodine to processed salt because they do not have to. Real salt has minerals we are deficient in, so I hope you will consider educating yourself because good salt isn’t bad for you. Sodium chloride is bad for you, and he explains why.

  8. love the recipe, but was wondering about the coconut palm sugar. I do not agree with using it, and was wondering what you would recommend instead. What about organic maple syrup?

    thank you

      1. has good article on why to not use coconut palm sugar. A tree that is used for sugar will not produce coconuts. I recommend searching for the article on that website in order to understand all the ramifications. The benefits of coconut oil and coconut flour from coconut trees are more important than producing another sugar that is not so different from cane sugar.

        Thank you for this great sounding recipe. I will try it with a substitute for the coconut sugar.

    1. Try almond flour.. any nut flour would probably work but I havent tried nut flour in any of her recipes..

    1. Martini ( organic )
      Cancels heightened awareness gained from yoga.
      But it’s a
      ALL GOOD.
      Life is for learning.
      HOLOSYNC Is where it’s (AWARENESS) at!

  9. Ooo, sounds delicious. Thank you for the idea of a corn starch alternative. I’m wondering if anything can be used instead of the oat flour, like millet, amaranth, or teff, since I have way too much flour around.

    Sorry about the off-topicness, but I have a petition out to find my nephew in the CPS system. After he was taken, we were never allowed visits, and last we heard he was in an adoptive home. We really need to get the word out.

  10. Love strawberries but worried about them organic or not.The only ones I eat are the wild ones here in Alaska and they don’t come out until August.

  11. Could I use Coconut flour in place of the oat and almond? I have to stay away from both oats and almonds. Thanks!

  12. All was told nicely except for referencing the ice cream maker “SUCKER” no good!

  13. Perfect timing!! Strawberries are going to be growing everywhere soon.
    Thanks for fighting the good fight within the food industry. I know you’re the “Food Babe” but we need someone to go after the cosmetic industry as well. I make all my own products, but it would just be nice sometimes to buy something that goes on the skin that’s not toxic or majorly expensive that I don’t have to make from scratch. I do think that what’s done in the food industry could spill over though. Businesses will make what we buy 🙂
    Keep it up! We’re with you!!


    1. I use coconut oil in my cooking , on my skin and on my hair and have for quite a few years. It’s perfect for all over body care. <3

    2. Like Bette said, all I use on my skin is coconut oil, and it works well. A few days ago, I put a tbsp of cornstarch in my oily hair and brushed it through. It really pepped it up.

      1. Yes, like I said, I make all my own (Apricot kernel and frankincense essential oils being my favorite).

        My point was that it’s the same as the food industry. The companies should know that we don’t want to sell our souls for beauty, but instead want natural products for our skin ad we’ll as our food.

  14. Can I use regular organic all purpose flour instead of oat flour, since that is what I have on hand?

    1. Organic wheat flour is genetically manipulated, created in the 1940s. It is a toxic food to most people. The main thing it does is raise blood sugar.

  15. I wish people would stop knocking the Food babe down Listen here she is doing alot of good by giving us free info on the food industry and what they are shoving down your mouth. If there are so many food experts out there why aren’t they doing what the food babe is doing.The food babe didn’t say she was an expert but she is there to help us in other ways with the big food GIANTS. Leave her alone and open your minds.Keep up the good work Food Babe !

    1. I know right? Just because some of her recipes don’t fulfill every single dietary lifestyle (or doctor-prescribed dietary changes) known to man doesn’t mean you have the right to tear her to pieces. I’m here for only one reason… find interesting recipes. If a recipe doesn’t appeal to me I don’t attack her for it, I just keep lookin’ 😀

    2. I hope my posts are not considered knocking Food Babe in any way … we should all love what she is accomplishing. I consider myself an educator, a holistic nutritional consultant with 30 years experience in studying the more natural route to health. My only goal is to give others something to think about with regards to their own health. There is a lot of misinformation out there to sort through, and I feel I have done that over the years, but no one can EVER know everything and I don’t profess to be a know it all. But I do want to get others interested in finding answers for themselves. It’s just not easy to decipher the “good” info from the “bad.” One of my favorite sites, which has also featured Food Babe, is

    3. I couldn’t agree more, Eddie. One important thing to me is that she’s a valuable source of info. about what these ingredients are in our food supply. She’s also an advocate for we consumers directly with the food production companies who keep trying to fool us. Who else is making calls, delivering petitions, researching, etc.? Everyone has different dietary needs, but at the end of the day, I’d rather try one of her recipes with ingredients I can understand than buying some baked goods at Publix (with ingredients that take up 2 paragraphs to list)!

  16. Just wanted to make a comment about Whole Foods…. I also love sweets and would buy them occasionally from Whole Foods until I realized they use ingredients that contain GMO’s …. What’s up with that? I thought they were anti-GMO but they are using them in their own baked goods! I guess making my own is the best way to go. Thanks for the recipe.

    1. I’ve recently lost respect for Whole Foods. They use GMOs in their fresh oven baked pizzas. They are still selling organic Raw Protein that are contaminated with heavy metals in ingredients in rice grown in China. Recently WFM started a new line called “Health Starts Here”. Employees tell me this is the one of the healthiest, if not the healthiest, foods in the store. I inquired about their special Health Starts Here oven baked pizza (nondairy cheese, spinach, broccoli, some kind of healthy special crust), I was shocked to hear all ingredients are conventional/GMOs!! What the hell?! Yesterday I was about to buy two bottles of the Health Starts Here salad dressing. Initially I was impress at the very low sodium content (45mg per tbsp) and hardly any sugar. I read the ingredients list and over 90% are conventional!!! I was sooo upset and put back the bottles. What the hellll?!!! Now I realize they are making billions of dollars by using words such as “Whole Foods” and Health Starts Here” by deceiving people!

  17. i am so happy you love healthy non toxic sweets, cause i love lots of your recipes..:-) this looks great and it’s coming to my kitchen next, thank you!!

  18. Well I have to say Vani you are doing some good work keep it up. Not many men here so sad! I started cooking when I was 12 my grandfather was the chef in the house so I got it all from him. French cooking was his specialty.

    Can’t wait to make this recipe for myself and my son, there is not one bad ingredient in here (to bad JP you don’t get it). Everything in moderation as I say.

  19. Perfect timing. I got strawberries in my CSA today. The whole family loved it. Thanks for the great recipe.

  20. I was wondering can I use cherries instead of strawberries and I wonder if it would be ok for my diabetic dad who loves cherry pie?

    1. Oh, thank you for the idea of cherries. I was also going to make this for my diabetic dad, and cherries are one of the lowest fruits on the glycemic index. The ingredients seem good to me. I was going to use agave instead of the sugar, and try using less of it.

      1. I believe cherries also have anti-inflammatory properties. My dad would drink tart cherry juice sometimes (if he could afford it…it’s a bit pricey) since his doctor said it could help with gout.

      2. Thank you Mary. I think I will attempt to make it with cherries sometime this week and try it before I make it for him. I too will try the agave. Thank you for your feedback as well Joseph.

  21. Looks yummy. In my many years of cooking I’ve found that if you need to substitute ingredients, just do it and it’ll probably be all right.

    Vani, you do a great job of raising awareness about the crap the food industry pushes as healthy and nutritious. I work with many food neanderthals and am constantly amazed at their lack of knowledge. Keep up the great work!

  22. I love Monsanto, good April fouls joke….you got me and I am going ‘What’s there to love”. I will have to try the Healthy Strawberry Cobbler, looks and sounds delicious..
    So glad I was watching the news, when you were questioning Sub Way on a chemical they were adding to their buns. i joined you site right away . You are the best ever and I thank you.

  23. Vani, I love what you do! This recipes looks amazing…on a totally different note, I remember your post on protein powders…I was wondering if you could do one on other popular “health” foods/brands….such as Quest bars, pre-workout formulas, post-workout formulas…basically the popular brands on vs. other healthier alternatives? Just an idea as a lot of people are into the fitness world and need some direction (including me!) Thanks again for all that you do.

    1. I agree! I would love to see a post on some of those popular “healthy” foods, especially Quest Bars. I tried some recently and totally loved them but still have my doubts…

  24. Vani,

    I downloaded your eating plan for March. I have followed every recipe included and every single one has been a HIT at my house. Yesterday I counted, and we had FIVE of your recipes. In one day! From the breakfast to the smoothie to the chick pea wrap to the enchiladas and ended with the strawberry cobbler. All of them DELICIOUS. Thank you thank you! I feel healthier, lighter, satisfied and proud. (ha) Love Love Love your website. Love Love Love your recipes. Thank you for all the information. I’ve learned more from you than I even knew I needed to know!

    Your new best friend

  25. Love, love you Vani for all the hard work you do. The information in invaluable and I wouldn’t have gotten it without you and Dr. Mercola.

    Thanks again!!! Haven’t tried the recipe just yet but intend to soon.

  26. Great recipe….first time using several of these ingredients, but so glad I did! Thank you for what you do…you are truly an inspiration and I will continue to follow you in your journey to fighting for a better way of living! 🙂

  27. Hello Vani, thanks so much for inspiring and helping us to live a healthy, honest clean life. The knowledge we have gained living in the states for the last 3 and a half years was invaluable and we would not have been able to achieve this without your tips, help and guidance. Our dilemma is that we will be moving back to Europe (Ireland) soon and we feel totally overwhelmed and not sure where to start on continuing a GMO free lifestyle. Can you give us any tips, advice, guidance on where to find the best source of information on GMO exposure in Europe / Ireland. We are not even sure if GMO labeling is compulsory in Ireland. Thanks in advance and kind wishes, Charline

  28. Is Being Gluten-Intolerant an American Problem?

    One reader asks why gluten-intolerance is so prevalent in America, but not in Europe. By Carolyn Welch
    August/September 2013
    I recently had a puzzling experience and wonder whether you might be able to shed some light on it. Over the past few years I’ve become increasingly unable to eat wheat without experiencing significant gastrointestinal distress, and I’ve been eating a gluten-free diet for about two years as a result.

    A couple of weeks ago, I traveled to Hungary and succumbed to the temptation of eating some irresistibly fabulous, crusty European bread. I figured I’d pay the price but that it would be worth it. However, nothing happened. By the end of the trip I was feasting on croissants, thin-crust pizza, layer cake and giant pretzels, and though my clothes are tighter, my digestive system was completely unaffected. In fact, it felt better than it had in a long time.

    A quick Google search turned up many similar stories of those in the United States who believed they were gluten-intolerant but had no trouble eating wheat in Europe.

    Why are so many Americans gluten-intolerant now? Is something going on with our wheat supply? Is the problem even gluten, or is it the wheat itself? Could it be the varieties grown here, or the way it’s processed? Surely it’s not normal for so many people to develop this problem over such a short period of time.

    Any chance you could look into this? I and many others would be most grateful.

    Carolyn Welch Lawrence, Kansas

    Readers, if you have thoughts about Carolyn’s questions or similar experiences, please post them in the comments section below. — MOTHER EARTH NEWS

  29. I’m so annoyed. I grabbed some Nature’s Harvest dried mangos and I got duped!!!!!
    They say they harvest their products from the source. Where does one “harvest” yellow 5 and yellow 6? Wished I would have looked at the label:(

    1. From a box or bag. Sorry! Yes you always have to read the ingredients. I once saw coffee beans with natural flavor in them and it was plain coffee, not hazelnut. By the way, natural flavor is always a chemical derived from petroleum.

  30. Strawberry cobbler, so very disappointing and a complete was of 2 cups of fresh strawberries.
    I think I should watch the video as something in missing from the written recipe. The crust as about and 1.5″ of powder as there was no moisture.

    1. Try melting the coconut oil next time – I think that is key to getting a moist crust

    2. Same problem. I did however use whole wheat flour but my oil was pretty well melted. Any other suggestions?

  31. Thanks Vani for posting lovely organic recipes. I buy organic strawberries and apples, and i still see a layer of wax over organic apples. Are those organic apples really healthy?

  32. “Did you know a typical conventional strawberry can have up to 54 pesticides on it?”
    Where do you get such misinformation? There is not a farmer in this world that could afford to use 54 different pesticides on any crop let alone strawberries. Just because there may be 54 pesticide approved for used on strawberries does not mean that they are all used. The bottom line for any farmer is money (even organic farmers). Farmers in general spray and use the least amount of “chemical anything” to produce a given crop. The use of pesticides is costly. Find me the strawberry that has 54 pesticides on it and I will show you a bankrupted farmer. I am not defending the use of pesticides, and I am not saying that they are not carcinogenic or toxic. But the way you state it in your brief article about strawberries; one would think that farmers are using some sort of concoction of pesticides to dip strawberries in instead of chocolate. It is good to inform people and to get them to use produce that is organic, but not at the expense of truth.

  33. Nice link to the source of the “54 pesticide residues” found on strawberries. Now, please explain that the test results on this link were the conclusion of multiple tests of organic and conventional, foreign and domestically grown strawberries. In your statement you statement you state, “. . . a typical conventional strawberry can have up to 54 pesticides on it?” You use a single strawberry as an example. This is not what was tested. It was strawberries from multiple farms across the world showing what was found on all of them together. Obviously this does not justify the use of all those pesticides, but let’s state things correctly please. If one wants to be cautious and cannot afford organic produce, start by only buying produce grown in the United States. I would avoid produce grown in Mexico, where many pesticides can be used that are banned in the United States.

  34. Just tried this recipe…I used the leftover almonds from my home made almond milk. I also cut up a pear with the strawberries. I liked that the coconut palm sugar isn’t as sweet as regular sugar. I didn’t have time to make ice-cream…definitely would be a good pair! Thanks for the recipe. Sure satisfies my always hungry sweet tooth.

  35. Just wondering if I can use froz. strawberries that I have in my freezer for the strawberry cobbler. Need something that will feed everyone coming for Easter, with gf, paleo, Crohns, and allergies and a 88 year old dad that thinks this is all foolish I find it hard to make something that tastes close enough for dad, but works for the rest of us.

    THanks awesome site!

    1. Yes, you can use frozen too. Just let it sit a little longer with the sugar. Depending on what allergies, you can use other fruits too.

  36. I’ve made this a hand-full of times. YUM!! I love the almonds on top. This is great! We have some berry allergies on my husband’s side of the fam, so I’ve used other berries and fruits now too…still super delicious!! Last one I tried was blueberry and peach. It was so good!!

  37. Dear Food Babe, If you have a look at my fb page you will see a picture of a jar of water that was used to wash pesticides from a punnet of strawberries I bought. It is one of the most sickening things you will see. I recommend you look into Kangen water.

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