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Sprouted Lentil Stuffed Peppers

I’m always looking for ways to use Tru Roots Sprouted Lentils – my favorite beans right now. These beans are friendly on your tummy and packed with protein – making it a perfect meatless option to stuff some beautiful red peppers. I happened to do just that last week when I made a lonesome stuffed pepper for my husband for dinner one night. The pepper was delicious, warm and comforting (of course I took a bite!) and really easy to make especially after a long day. You can definitely make more than one, you could even assemble these gorgeous red peppers ahead of time for a dinner party or a large group or make extras for left overs. Enjoy!

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Food Babe's Stuffed Red Peppers

Prep Time:
15 mins
Cook Time:
45 mins
Total Time:
1 hr

Serves:  1


  • 1 red bell pepper
  • ¼ cup sprouted lentils, cooked
  • 1 cup arugula
  • 2 tablespoons white onions, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 pinch red pepper flakes
  • ½ ounce goat cheese
  • ¼ cup tomato sauce


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. Cut stem and top of red pepper off and discard seeds inside.
  3. Place all other ingredients in bowl and mix.
  4. Fill the red pepper with fillings – it’s ok if it spills over into the dish.
  5. Top off with extra tomato sauce if desired.
  6. Bake for 35 – 45 minutes.
  7. Remove from dish and serve.


  • Vegan: omit the cheese. Enjoy on a bed of quinoa or more fresh arugula.

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What are y’all making this week? Any good recipes to share with me and other readers? I’m looking for inspiration…

Bon Appétit!

Food Babe

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16 responses to “Sprouted Lentil Stuffed Peppers

  1. I love all your recipes!!! Making this for sure this wk, I might just use the red lentils I have in pantry tho:)

  2. These look delicious!! I love any “farci” dishes – in France I was obsessd with the ground beef stuffed tomatoes growing up!

    If you love seafood I just posted a chowder recipe on my blog you might enjoy 🙂

  3. Hi Food Babe! Those look delicious (: I’ve never commented here before but I’m a long-time reader!
    Lately I’ve been making a yummy carrot salad for a light lunch or dinner. I shred 3 carrots, and toss it with a mixture of almond butter and lime juice. Add a bunch of golden raisins and some chopped cilantro, and a bit of sea salt to taste. It is so good!

    1. This sounds like an awesome dish to make next week after coming off my three day juice fast I have planned for this weekend… thanks for sharing – it sounds DELICIOUS.

  4. I have a question about the sprouted grains. Should I only eat sprouted grains such as Ezekiel brand products for my whole grains? Are whole wheat tortillas and bread from a local bakery that use 100% whole grains with only 5 ingredients good too? Should it be more important to look for the 100% whole grain label and ingredient list for bread products then to worry if the grains are sprouted or not? Just not sure. Thanks!

    1. I prefer sprouted whole grain products like Ezekiel – because it uses a mixture of whole foods that haven’t been converted to flour (i.e. refined). They are complete protein and provide your body with more benefits, they are easier on your blood sugar levels and digestion. I try to avoid flour products as much as possible on a regular basis… only eating it when eating outside of my house or when I have no other option or I want dessert 🙂

  5. BTW all your recipes have me drooling and I can’t wait to try them!! Also, thanks for all the healthy info about Panera/Chik fil A/Frozen Yogurt, etc. Because I use to eat there, but now I’m steering clear.

  6. hello – Food Babe
    I just discovered your website and face book page yesterday through “100 days of Real Food”, and I am beyond thrilled. I can not stop reading your post, recipes, and thoughts regarding food and ect.. I have been a food “freak” for the last 7 years and have had to find some balance. After reading your Subway post – I am going back to being a total food “freak” – as i have been called!
    My question to you right now is what did your 3 day juice fast consist of? I know juice 😉 but what juices ?
    And what does 1 normal day look like “on your food and exercise menu”?

  7. Hi. I wanted to ask your opinion about soaking flours as described by the Westin Price Foundation. I saw the comment about sprouted grains and your reply. I do not have access to many of the Ezekiel Products and I regulary make homemade whole wheat products for my family. What do you think about soaking flour and its effect on reducing phytic acid? Is that a concern I should have.


  8. Hi Vani, Thank you so much for all the work & investigating you do. I have made a few of your recipes and my family loves everything I’ve made them so thank you for sharing your recipes! Tonight I made the stuffed peppers big hit, I used baby kale since I didn’t have the arugula and I used raw organic mozzarella instead. Thanks Again and keep up the great work!

  9. Scrolling through your blog I see so many fresh wholesome foods and it makes me so happy! It’s so refreshing to read all your recipes. I can’t wait to try the recipe. I’m a blogger as well with an only slightly different cause…gardening. I love thinking about where food comes from so I work with a company called Cayisa to promote learning gardens, sustainable gardening, and reforestation. They’ve educated 78,000 kids about where their food comes from through their Seed for Seed program! Cayisa also sells some awesome jewerly to support their cause. You should check out the website ( and the blog (! Thanks!

  10. Our family homestead grows and sells the super hot peppers under the name Peppers By Mail, but the majority of our land is dedicated to sustenance farming. We keep alpine goats for dairy, so I was looking for recipes that combine goat cheese with peppers. Found this one and loved it.

    I added some ghost pepper for heat and TVP for texture, but mainly because I can not seem to follow a recipe to the letter, not even if it is my own. Always experimenting. Thanks for the start of an excellent experiment.

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