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My New Cookbook is Here! Food Babe Family – More Than 100 Recipes and Foolproof Strategies to Help Your Kids Fall In Love with Real Food

When I became a mom, I got flooded with questions. You asked me… What do you feed your kids? How do I get them to not only eat vegetables…but LOVE them? Which snacks are good for us…and also fun to eat? How do we navigate the processed food in restaurants?…or when traveling? What do I … Read More

The best healthy gifts to give your loved ones this holiday season

As I was putting together my first cookbook, Food Babe Kitchen, I had one major goal in mind. I wanted it to change lives. I wanted to make it easy to STOP hitting up the drive-thru or Postmates and eat healthfully with real ingredients on a daily basis. If you have this cookbook, I know … Read More

How Cooking Saved My Life

For most of my life I lived in what felt like a foreign body – the food and chemicals I was eating were not serving my health, my weight, or my beauty. I suffered a myriad of health issues that kept me on several prescription drugs just to cope – now I’m on zero. When … Read More

How to Teach Your Child About Artificial Food Dyes and Become a Food Advocate at Home

Someone asked me a very good question the other day… “What do you do when your daughter’s at a party with cakes and candies full of artificial food dyes? Do you let her eat it? Does she miss out? What do you do?” My daughter was at a friend’s birthday party recently and the mom … Read More

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