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We have some exciting news around here…. 💕

We have some exciting news around here…

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76 responses to “We have some exciting news around here…. 💕

  1. OMG, Congratulations!!!

    Your announcement is timely–I just received this information from the Orthomolecular News Service regarding Vitamin C and pregnancy. Nothing to sell here, just sharing the perspective of a very experienced OB regarding vitamin C use and pregnancy from a passionate health information geek!

  2. Awwwweeeeee, This is fabulous news! Your daughter is just the sweetest! Congratulations

  3. Congratulations to your family, what wonderful news. Your daughter’s response is ADORABLE.
    She looks like her mommy and will be a good sister. Happy, sweet healthy family.

  4. So very happy for your family. Prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery for both you and the baby. May God bless you

  5. What wonderful news!! We NEED good news now! Thank you for sharing your precious daughter jumping around! She is so adorable! Much love to you and your family.

  6. Wonderful news! And the excitement on your daughters face is heart warming.Congratulations Vani and family! <3

  7. Congrats to you and the family…such a joy to see the happiness between you and your daughter. A heartwarming video. Refreshing to see something so happy and positive in this day and age. Peace, Joy, Love and Blessings to you and yours.

  8. So sweet to see your daughter so excited!
    Congratulations! I’m so happy for your family!

  9. Congratulations! That video is priceless! ❤️ Blessing and more Blessings for you and your growing family! God is good!!

  10. So sweet…thanks for sharing the excitement and news! Another beautiful baby for your family.

  11. I am so very happy and blessed
    That you have being fighting for all
    Of us , Thank You ! , I also noticed
    That now is not only a big amount
    Of sugar ,salt additives; but also GUM
    Where are we going what are we
    Going to do? This is to much!!!!

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