I’m opening up the 7-Day Food Babe Sugar Detox Program for a limited time offer and I’d love to have you on board! The number #1 ingredient that wrecks havoc on your health is refined sugar and this is the program that will absolutely get it under control.
Heartfelt emails from readers like you are why my team and I created this groundbreaking program:
“I can eat healthy all day, but at night, I get a huge sugar craving. Even if I can avoid it, I’ll even wake up in the middle of the night and eat something with sugar in it, half asleep! In the morning I remember and am perplexed. An addiction, for sure.” – Sarah
“This is absolutely one of my biggest struggles and it’s so frustrating because I spend so much time working out, eating well, avoiding chemicals, etc. But still get sucked into the sugar treats! Sometimes it’s convenience, sometimes it’s stress, or celebrations, or sometimes it’s for no reason at all.” – Julie
“I hate knowing that what I do is unhealthy. I am ever so weary of the try hard/give up cycle. But I am also trying to stay out of the shame and self-deprecation I usually wallow in. It is not easy. If there is, in fact, some sort of breakthrough idea on how to best deal with sugar, I want to know.” – Dawn
The pain and struggle that some of you are going through with your sugar cravings is heartbreaking because I know there’s a better way and I want to help you get there.
When we first released the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox Program last spring, a large group of us did it together and reported back AMAZING results. That is why I am more confident than ever that this system really works and is changing lives!
Here are just a few of the people who have completed the 7-Day Sugar Detox along with me and what they think about the program…
Lia: “We feel so much better after doing the detox and now know that we have self control and that sugar does not run our lives.”
“My husband and I have finished the sugar detox on Monday 03/21/2016! I thought it would be impossible but it wasn’t and we succeeded! The first 3 days were hard for myself and after that it was just a part of the routine. Don’t get me wrong, yes I wanted a cheeseburger but it wasn’t a must have at the time. My husband really struggled on the last day, probably because he knew he could have pasta the next day.
I lost 5 lbs through the detox and I didn’t workout through the detox because I didn’t have that many carbs in my body besides the carbs from the vegetables. We feel so much better after doing the detox and now know that we have self control and that sugar does not run our lives.
Thank you for the push with the 7-Day Sugar Detox, it was worth the money! Keep encouraging others to be healthy, you are doing a great thing in our communities! Organic and Non GMO is the way to go!” ~ Lia
Matt: “I think my relationship with food is taking a much needed positive turn. For me it is less about the weight loss and more about good health for me and my family. I lost 14 lbs and I feel great.”
“I am a firefighter. Between my schedule and sleep habits I’ve been in a rut for a long time with choosing convenience over quality. I also have a horrible sweet tooth. One that causes me to have regular binges on the worst of the worst types of candy. My wife has been trying to get me to reduce my sugar intake, but it has had such a hold on me for so long; I didn’t know where to start. My wife suggested this one. I thought, what could it hurt, it’s only a week.
I’m happy to say, I just completed the 7-Day Sugar Detox. It was a great experience! I usually do pretty well with easy to follow programs and this was no exception. The biggest difference was the food. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it all. The other thing that was noteworthy was, upon completion, I didn’t have much of a desire for sugar. At least not in mass quantities. I am only a have few days removed from it, but I still desire to eat healthy.
My wife has been a huge help. She prepared everything and all I had to do was show up to the table and eat. And for that, I am exceedingly grateful. I was hungry all week, but after a while, that feeling didn’t bother me as much. I realized I like it far better than feeling stuffed and bloated all the time. And the portions were more fitting for a healthy lifestyle too.
I think my relationship with food is taking a much needed positive turn. For me it is less about the weight loss and more about good health for me and my family. Thank you food babe! I lost 14 lbs and I feel great”. ~ Matt
Sheila: “I recommend that everyone try this detox!”
“I completed the 7-Day Sugar Detox with my husband, lost 2 pounds and started taking morning walks. I feel much more energized and focused. I started out with the vegetarian menu but added some of the meat recipes in to encourage my husband to continue. All the recipes were good and filling. I did not feel hungry. My husband was able to take leftovers to work each day because the portions were large enough.
Following the detox, I am focused on eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, and continuing to make variations of the recipes provided for the detox. I love the sunny scramble and the coconut chia pudding! I’m also shopping more at the local farmers market. Thanks Food Babe team for the encouragement and easy to follow instructions. I recommend that everyone try this detox!” ~ Sheila
Lori: “The recipes are amazing and the plan is so easy to follow! We are going to continue eating this way forever!”
“My husband and I are absolutely loving it! We never feel hungry and the sugar cravings have virtually vanished! Evenings are when the cravings hit but the homemade granola does the trick!
The recipes are amazing and the plan is so easy to follow! I have been waking up with a headache but today wasn’t as bad as yesterday. I’m assuming it has something to do with the sugar addiction and have a feeling it will pass soon.
We are going to continue eating this way forever! Thank you for the kick start! You are great and have helped me immensely with great tips and knowledge about what I’m putting in my body. Thank you!” ~ Lori
Glenna: “I have eaten more delicious food this week than I have in my entire life.”
“I have lost almost 5 pounds. I have eaten more delicious food this week than I have in my entire life. I have found the recipes so very delicious. I crave the chia pudding and granola.
I feel awesome! I have lots of energy. I love the way I can eat all of these yummy foods and the way that I don’t stay hungry at all. I am so happy about this. I don’t crave sweets at all. Thank you so much! Great feeling!!!” ~ Glenna
Isn’t it incredible what they each accomplished in only 7 days?
They have dramatically improved their health – and you can do this too. I’ve made it easy!
This program gives you the plan and the support that you need to succeed! With the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox Program you get all the tools to make this very important lifestyle change.
Check out all that’s included in the program here – the Quick Start Guide, the exclusive videos, the delicious recipes, the private forum – all designed to make your sugar detox a piece of cake!
I’m offering this program to new members this month at special rate – which expires on January 31st. You can start the detox anytime you’d like – next week, next month, next year – but it’s time to get in now to save 50%. I don’t want you to miss this opportunity and your health deserves it.
Sign up for the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox Program here.
Let’s detox from sugar together!
Is the 7-day sugar detox plan in The Food Babe Way book?
No – this is a new program.
For people having so much problem with the sugar cravings: I found that I was really low on magnesium. After taking 400 units a day of Magnesium Glycinate for over a month to get rid of my leg cramps at night, my sugar and cheap low quality chocolate cravings disappeared also.
There could also be other deficiencies that make it harder to let go of sugar.
Best of luck to all.
Yup and magnesium is what helps you sleep! So it’s a vicious cycle. Lack of magnesium equals lack of sleep which causes you to crave more sugar, and more sugar demands you eat more sugar and your body feels AWFUL. And you sleep even less. And sleep is everyone’s love language =)
I love the sugar detox idea and the idea of healthy, delicious Organic whole foods in general. My roadblock is the cost to adopt and maintain such eating. To shop for all organic ingredients/veggies/fruits etc. is my dream, but I am a single mom and this seems so out of reach and costly (and no, I don’t use EBT…I pay my own bills with my own money from my full time job, thank you). I think I would need more food and would need to eat more often since whole foods are naturally healthier but don’t stick with you as long. Next time you see someone eating less than perfectly, consider that they may not be able to afford all Organic all the time. It isn’t necessarily because they are lazy or don’t care.
You will actually eat less because whole foods have fiber that make you feel full.
I have nothing against the organic food choice. However organic is not any safer or more nutritious to eat than conventionally produced foods. This is the truth regardless of what those here want you to believe.
That is not the truth. The “organic” term may have been hijacked by the government and subsequently diluted or compromised. But generally, organically grown food will have fewer poisons on it and in it. Plus, the soil most of it is grown in has a better chance of containing higher levels of healthy minerals than the soil being destroyed by the mono-culture of industrialized chemical farming.
How do you know organic is no safer and not more nutritious? Have you read publications that you can advise us to see? I’m interested in the truth about organics!
Why 7 days?
I’ve stopped eating all processed sugar for 1-1/2 years and I wish I did it sooner. I’m not overweight but l would workout very regularly but my physique wasn’t changing. Three months after I got sugar out of my daily meals, my muscles became so much more defined. My husband noticed right away and asked me what I’ve been doing different. I told him “I got rid of sugar”. I always ate healthy meals but with the sugar gone, it was so much easier to stay fit! There is sugar in almost all processed food…there’s sugar in beer!! Get rid of the sugar and you will be transformed!!
Nice idea. One of the things I find hard to do is really knowing how much sugar is in any product out there today. With the New label currently used you can see the sugar content much more clearly here: new nutrition label because the have changed the way the information is displayed. Some of the new information already includes enlarging the Serving Size and Calories font, and by adding the new sugars in the product label, it will really help with this detox process. You can now open up more products that you can eat, or cannot eat by knowing this information right on the label.
Hi Dear! Foodbabe. My husband and I love your insight, spirit and recipes!
O.K. We are doing low carb diet, keeping dairy down for him (he has severe Lyme disease) and no sugar. I recently saw a recipe that called for “Swerve” as the replacement sweetner. We usually use organic stevia. Do you know anything about Swerve? Bad/good?? Or anyone else for that matter?
Thanks for the help guys!