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What It Means To Be One Of The 30 Most Influential People On The Internet

Time Magazine has named me as one of “The 30 Most Influential People On The Internet.” This honor is not just for me. It’s for all of us. Our movement is getting recognized in big ways. Congratulations to every one of you out there that has visited and shared information from the Food Babe website including the amazing Consumer Protection Agencies who have been fighting much longer than me for a safer and healthier food system. 

When I heard the news, I was frankly speechless…but it means a lot.

It means our voices are being heard.

It means our movement is growing faster than ever.

It means more people care about what’s in their food.

It means that the food industry is changing and will have to continue changing to adapt to us learning the truth.

It means affordable healthy food will eventually be available for all. 

Time Magazine Top 30 Internet

Read the full piece in Time Magazine here & please vote at the end for the #1 spot.

Thank you for standing with me.

Much love to you all, 


 “To change everything, we need everyone.” 

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196 responses to “What It Means To Be One Of The 30 Most Influential People On The Internet

  1. Heartiest congrats! We know you have worked tirelessly and have made a huge difference.
    Bought the book and voted, did you know the votes have you at the top?
    Keep up the mission ♡

  2. “…Irresponsibly alarmist…”? Critics assume your readers do not do further research as we delve into what you bring to our attention. While the FDA may have approved azodicarbonamide as safe, I choose not to eat this ingredient; if it were not for Vani, I would have not been aware of this ingredient. I do not consider myself an “amateur nutritionist,” as Oaklander states. Rather, I strive to be a more informed consumer. Vani’s blog provides one avenue in which to do so! Thank you, Vani!

  3. Congratulations! You really do deserve this honor! I have appreciated all your insight. It has changed the food we eat and the products our family uses.

  4. Congratulations Vani. Your hard work and dedication to safe and nutritious food has helped so many. This recognition is only the beginning of a food revolution long overdue. Thank you so much for all that you’re doing. Namaste

  5. CONGRATULATIONS. Your information, hard work and concern for better health, eating and living is appreciated. May your vital messages continue to spread and make a difference in people lives as well as positive influences on the food industry.

  6. Congratulations Vani!! This is amazing, and we are so lucky and blessed to have you in our world fighting for such an important cause!! Thank you!!

  7. Congratulations Vani! Health is wealth. You have made everyone wealthy by investing in their health.

  8. Congratulations! You are a true heroine, literally saving lives of people who don’t believe or understand all the poisons in our food. Keep going – you’re building momentum now. Sooo many more people reading labels now, hopefully this is just the beginning!

  9. You’re a total Babe, Babe!!! Way to go, so glad you’re changing the face of the industries out there and being recognized for it! The challenge is on!!! They will now be fighting to race to the top to provide better ingredients – small steps eventually turn into a giant leap!
    Thanks Babe!

  10. Congrats Vani!! We are all proud and thankful for your hard work, you are saving lives. By the way it’s time to start with Nutrisystem. I stoped buying their products. Did you know their shakes have Carragenan? I bought your book and it’s amazing. Thank you!!!

  11. Congratulations! What a great honor! Vani’s up there with Presidents and red-carpet actors. What an incredible body of work, Food Babe!

    I agree with sungirl that the discrediting was annoying, but in some ways it’s more proof on how threatened the “powers that shouldn’t be” are. Vani is doing amazing, educated, fantastically researched work and we all know it. That’s what counts.

    Also, at the end of Time’s list, there’s a survey on “Who’s the Most Influential on this List” and Vani is one of the top three!!! That’s above Obama and other heads of State on the list. That speaks volumes to how out of touch our leaders are and how sick of being sick we are. ¡Viva la Revolución!

  12. Congratulations, you’ve worked so hard for this. We need more people like you, fighting for healthy food !!

  13. I think about all you’ve done so often and I’m incredibly thankful… I look at my children and I’m so relieved and happy to know that we’re putting healthful and nourishing food into their bodies (and ours). We’ve been following the nutritarian lifestyle for a while now but thanks to you it’s even cleaner and more diverse now. Thank you, every day, thank you!
    P.S. The momentum is building fast now…

  14. Congratulations. You are an inspiration. You clearly signify that ONE person can make a difference.

  15. Stop, Drop, and Roll, you’re on fire!

    Nothing Artificial about that!
    Great Job!

    Your Conviction is second to none.

    When it comes to common sense food advice, you will always have my support in the “Food Babe Army”.

    We still have a ways to go, but this chemical/filler/thickener/stabilizer/plastic romance didn’t happen overnight and it won’t be cleaned-up overnight.

    The US needs the entire food chain examined, mapped, tracked, and held accountable.

    Including the use of containers that leach poisonous gas’s, hormone mimics, and heavy metals into our foods! (Drinks?) (Home?)

    We need more than just a “Fake Stamp” some company pays for annually like a membership in a club.

    They’ve proven that they can’t be trusted to say no to questionable content.

    That’s not about common sense, that’s about the common currency!

    Carry On Soldier….. Wow!

  16. Vani. Thank you again and again. Tomorrow will conclude my 3rd week THE FOOD BABE WAY. And to rejoice with you at your being one of the most influential internet individuals is my pleasure. Plan to march to THE FOOD BABE WAY for the rest of my life as I such out the best for my personal needs in our amazing food supply. My drinking water is so awesome…thanks to your encouragement of installing a filter. I could go on and on…..but the best to you…stand strong, stay kind and compassionate…equals a beautiful recipe.

  17. Okay,I love it Costco antibiotic free meat,and Mickey D’s with their chicken!
    Now,how do we actually know they are holden true to what they say?
    Talk is cheap until I truly see it happen when it comes to big companies always feeding the masses the chaff and not the wheat so to speak.The fire will always have to be held to their feet!
    Cheers and God bless

  18. Work is love made visible.
    And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with love. –

    Khalil Gilbran

    So now you see!

  19. I am so thrilled that you have rec’d this honor.
    (and would love to say ‘I told you so’ to all those who criticized your book)

    And I’m very happy with the companies who are now trying to have better food available – Thanks to all of your work.

    Thank you for continuing to look out for us.

  20. I am so proud to be a member of the food babe army….let’s keep marching. Great things are happening!!

  21. When I saw a couple of weeks ago that McDonalds sales have dropped drastically, I was thrilled and I knew it was because of you. Now they are bringing out antibiotic chicken? Hmmm. What about all the stuff that’s mixed in with that antibiotic chicken? Sorry, I don’t buy it!!

    Thank you Vani for all your hard work.

  22. “was ruled safe by the FDA” Now there’s a statement that causes me to question any ingredient…a lot of people still believe the government agencies as if they were Gospel, but many of us, thanks to you Food Babe, and others, are seeing how disingenuous and unreliable their rulings are. Congratulations on making the big time!

  23. Soooooo awesome!!!! Congrats lady, well-deserved! I will be blogging about this awesome step in the right direction!

  24. Way to go Vani! We are all so proud of you! You have accomplished so much in a relatively short time. Guess the saying ” You just need the right person to get the job done” would lead us to say: We definitely have the right person in you Vani! When you want something you go after it, you know what is needed in order for us to have good health and you’re going to see that the appropriate measures are taken by catapulting our food to a healthy level! How fortunate are we to have you looking out for our health! Thank you! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

    I want so badly to get your book but am what you might call quite computer illiterate! So I need a store with your book in it where I can simply pay the good old fashioned way which would be WITH CASH! Will it soon be coming to the stores? Or perhaps it is already???!!!! Maybe I just need to get out there and look!! Will Costco be getting any?? Thanks Vani and once again Congratulations on an honour well deserved!

  25. This honor is so terrific for you and for all of us in the “army” who help make the calls, send letters. Thanks for being such a great Sergeant.

  26. YAY Vani!! I hope that before long everyone knows you as THE MOST influential person on the internet because you are the one shining the light on the rats in our food system and the effed-up FDA!! Honestly I feel better at night knowing that I’ve fed my family based on the information I’ve learned from you. Thank you for all you do!

  27. Hi Vani,
    Is it true that you need to steam your spinach and kale before you juice it?

  28. Congratulations. You have worked hard for the results and I thank you for what you have accomplished for our health and well being. I hope you are being well compensated for your efforts.
    But please don’t stop as we all know that big food/ag/chemical business still are hiding things that hurt us.

  29. Congratulations Vani you deserve it, but where is Alex Jones on this list? He has millions of internet hits and internet radio listeners every day. Instead they have people like Justin Beaber or Kim what’s her name. Tells me the Time list is BS.

  30. Congrats vani !You deserve it,very accomplished young woman,keep up the good work and helping us to eat better and make these food companies produce safer food!

  31. Keep up the good work Vani! You truly are leading an army who appreciates what you are doing!!! Yeah Vani!!!!

  32. Congratulations. The light of ‘the truth’ is beginning to break through; though we have many miles to go. I hope(pray) that in ten years, monsantanos is a bad memory fading away, the kingpins, (you can fill in the blanks), either in office or business -wise(misnomer) will have reaped what they have sown. That American’s health across the board has and is vastly improving. Organics is king; period. The medical establishment is in full support of nutrition and preventive medicine. ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.’ Today more and more people are waking up. What a blessing to see. Bottom line ::: “No one can make a better apple than God.”

  33. Vani – You are amazing! Thank you SO much for all you have done. For making us so aware of what is going into our food, but ESPECIALLY for your endless efforts to make the corporations bring changes in the way they opporate.
    Keep up the great work. You deserve your successes and recognition. You truly have “Made a difference!”

  34. Dear Food Babe,
    Yaay for you , and us !!!! I have a new challenge for you. GMOs are banned in over 60 countries. BUT NOT THE UNITED STATES ! You have the power to make it happen here now. It is deplorable that we are still eating gmo frankenfood. People are so unaware of what they are eating. GMOs are making them sick, at fast food places, restaurants and also in the stores. Please start a petition to ban gmos permanently in the us?

  35. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for all the hard work to help us get heathy and Standing up under so Much criticism that comes your way. Thanks to you and so many others for helping us, that standing together we the people can have it our way if we stick together and fight for what is right. No human or animal should be used unknowingly as projects for drugs or chemicals.

  36. You are awesome and deserve worldwide recognition for all your sweat and tears. Keep it up! You have our support.

  37. I would be proud to be on this list if it wasn’t filled with people like Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber. Sorry but since they are on there, the list is a joke.

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