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A Monumental Moment

Good Morning – What a beautiful chilly Saturday morning it is!  First off, I just want to thank you for all of your encouraging comments, Facebook messages, and emails on my recent “Everyday Eats” posts…I’m very appreciative and happy knowing my efforts are not wasted and you like to see what I’m eating…

Friday was ground breaking…

I started the day with grabbing a lemon out of my lemon drawer – What? You don’t have a lemon drawer in your fridge… well yes you do.  It’s your meat drawer, duh! 🙂

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Practiced Habit #1, followed by some Vitamineral Green superfoods powder and then had the exact same breakfast as yesterday  – it was the other half of the ezekiel muffin and a green apple.

After a morning filled with conference calls, and a cancelled lunch date because of more meetings…I worked out a little later than usual. Luckily I had this gorgeous bowl of kale to throw into my mixed berry smoothie for lunch.  I like to blend the protein, flax seeds and chia seeds all together with about a cup and half of mixed berries first and then throw the kale in last…

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One trick for making this smoothie taste even better?  Throw a squeeze of lemon into it. The lemon cuts the taste of the greens and brings out more flavor in the berries.  This sweet meyer lemon is one from my Uncle’s backyard in Jacksonville, FL and I’m sad this is the last one….Uncle please grow more and send them to us!

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Followed my smoothie with a few celery stalks and almond butter.  My almond butter spoon fills can get really out of control fast – so I use a tablespoon ice cream scooper to measure – it’s the perfect tool to get every bit of nut butter off the spoon and on to your plate.

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Do you ever get bumps on your legs in the winter time from wearing so many pairs of leggings and tights? Well this doesn’t have to happen!  If you use a dry brush regularly it will prevent those little suckers from ever showing up.

I used my dry brush today before I showered and about 3 times a week to rejuvenate my skin and stimulate my lymphatic system. Do you have one yet? (You can order one on the Food Babe Shop). Learn more about using one on this post and video about holistic skin care…

IMG 0115After work – I grabbed a cup of tea to go and went to surprise my parents with a big bag of green goodies….

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And by green goodies, I mean lots of collard greens, celery, cucumber….etc..

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Today BIG PROGRESS was made….I had both my Mom and Dad drinking green juice with me. Oh yeah. You can’t even begin to realize how what a monumental moment this was for me. I’m smiling ear to ear as I write this.

In the juice, there was a very special ingredient too – fresh turmeric!  Very tasty and crazy beneficial for you.  I take a turmeric supplement everyday as a natural anti-inflammatory to ease a back injury I have – I might just have to start throwing this fresh stuff in my juice everyday instead…

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For a snack a little later, after my big glass of green juice (I can’t believe I forgot to take a picture – I guess I was so in awe of the moment my Dad was drinking it… just soaking it all in….)  I had some coconut slices and some (unpictured) walnuts and cashews.

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Today was a special Indian Holiday called “Lohri” – I had a few pieces of sugared sesame candy to celebrate the beginning of spring according to the Bikrami Calendar. I always find celebrating this holiday in the US kinda funny – since there’s definitely a couple of more months of cold ahead of us. Wouldn’t it be nice if Spring started now, though?

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My mom really wanted me to stay for dinner…but I knew I had a big left over pan of Mexican Casserole waiting for me at home – This time warming it up at 300 degrees for 15 minutes.

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One of the joys of never using a microwave?  I had 15 mins to do a quick yoga/pilates combo before dinner.  This was just enough stretching and breathing to bring on total relaxation…

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This time I mixed some different greens in with the romaine to pair with a piece of the casserole….

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We decided to rent “Contagion” after dinner…I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t seen it – but the ending is awesome and one of my favorite actors (Jude Law) plays a blogger!  My least favorite line of the movie – “Blogging is not writing, it’s graffiti with an exclamation point” Nonetheless, I give this movie two thumbs up. Go see it!

I made brown rice treats for me and my husband to snack on during the movie….My serving was licking this spoon and the rest of the pot clean! 🙂

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Got any good movie recommendations to share?

Sending you all good energy and love for a beautiful weekend! I’m off to watch the Martin Luther King Holiday Parade…

Food Babe


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9 responses to “A Monumental Moment

  1. I had some more ‘green’ juice this morning! It was truly delicious! However, I could not convince dad to have his share!

    Thanks for the extra effort to make the green juice in front of our eyes.


  2. Hi Foodbabe. Thanks for sharing your everyday eats! I have been practicing Habit #1 & #3 everyday now. Once it becomes a habit, I will work on the other 3. How cute are your parents for trying out your green juice 🙂 I kinda had the opposite which I found funny when I read your blog this morning. I went over to my mum’s place last night to cook her dinner and after watching a movie my younger sister and my mum made me beetroot juice with apples and oranges and maybe other stuff that I didn’t see. Hehe. I have read your blog about the benefits of juicing (but not with beets cuz they are gmo?) but haven’t gotten around to it! I do have a juicer but sadly it is not out as I already have a Thermomix and Kitchenaid sitting on one side of the bench but I think I just found a new space for it so I will bring it out. Also I struggle to find kale and collards (to make your wraps) where I live. I have googled it and it is only available in across town. I am waiting for the Farmers Market to come back in February and look there. In the meantime, I will find alternatives 🙂 

    1. Hi Sally – Keep up the good work!!! It’s alright to juice beets as long as they are local from a farm you trust or organic… Bring out the juicer and make a permanent home for it! Use it as much as possible and your life will be changed forever! Good Luck finding kale and collards – you can also use chard or dried seaweed (nori) to make the wraps!

  3. I love turmeric, it’s so good for your brain! I also LOVE my dry brush… I’ve been using it everyday for a few years. It gives me a little circulation boost before yoga and makes my skin super duper soft. Happy saturday, everyone! 🙂


  4. I love green juice and I also love turmeric. I like to add to my juices, but lately I’ve been doing a ginger / turmeric shot with some lemon. Spicy but does a body good 🙂

  5. I Love green juice ! Every time I have a housesitting assignment or I slow my travels down and have a more permanent base for a while, I try and make one every day.

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