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Banana Nut Waffles

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Last Sunday was absolutely glorious – It was sunny outside, the day was free to do whatever I wanted and I started the day with a big beautiful big glass of Kickin’ Kale Juice … just before enjoying these OMG SO GOOD waffles.

(FYI – I always wait about 20 mins after drinking juice before having anything else because I like the juice to do it’s magic. Consuming other foods at the same time complicates the digestion of the nutrients in the juice. Following this principle allows the vitamins and minerals in the juice to reach the cells of your body faster…which always gives me an immediate burst of energy – the wait is worth it!)

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This waffle recipe uses almond flour which is an amazing substitute if you are trying to eat less wheat products and/or gluten free.  I do include eggs in this recipe (if you are vegan, please don’t freak out on me) – like I’ve said before – I eat about 90% plant-based but do include the occasional high quality fish/meat and/or organic dairy products in my diet.

I haven’t tried these waffles using an egg substitute like flax or chia…. so if you decide to – please let me know how they turn out!

This recipe takes less than 10 mins and you got sweet & nutty WAFFLES! Yum.

Food Babe's Banana Nut Waffles

Prep Time:
10 mins
Cook Time:
5 mins
Total Time:
15 mins

Serves:  4


  • 4 large eggs, beaten
  • 2 bananas, ripe, mashed
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup filtered water
  • 1 cup almond flour (nut allergy - use spelt flour)
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ cup walnuts, chopped
  • 4 tablespoons maple syrup - grade B


  1. Preheat waffle iron.
  2. Whisk together the eggs, banana, water and vanilla.
  3. Add almond flour, cinnamon, walnuts and baking soda into the egg mixture
  4. Grease preheated waffle iron with cooking spray or coconut oil (depending on what type of waffle iron you have).
  5. Spoon batter onto hot waffle iron.
  6. Cook until golden or timer goes off, roughly 4 minutes.
  7. Serve hot with a dash of maple syrup, coconut oil or butter.


  • Please choose all organic ingredients if possible.

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Much to my surprise and delight, KitchenAid recently sent me their (very fancy) waffle baker to try out and my goodness – this thing is CRAZY. It’s like the Ferrari of waffle bakers – industrial strength if you will, and has all the bells and whistles you could ever want.  If you have a family or want to invite people over to brunch – this appliance is for you.


It makes 2 huge Belgium waffles (or 4 servings) in about 4 mins, has a timer so you don’t burn your waffles and a perfect gauge to tell you when it is warmed up just perfectly. It’s really fun to flip sides once the batter is in too.

My waffle recipe turned out PERFECT using it…so I (kindly) asked KitchenAid to host a giveaway…I was super HAPPY they said yes!



KitchenAid Giveaway Details:

KitchenAid is giving away a waffle baker to one lucky Food Babe Reader

To Enter The Giveaway, Follow These Simple Steps:

  1. Sign up for Food Babe updates – you get a personal letter from me each time I post with insights about my life only subscribers see and hear…
  2. AND leave a comment below by Midnight on Thursday, March 7, 2013 
  3. Get a second entry if you “Like” Food Babe’s Facebook page – I share daily pictures and important news on a regular basis you don’t want to miss!

Good Luck!

Food Babe

P.S. If you know someone who needs some yummy waffles in their life – share this giveaway and recipe with them. I’m sure they would be very appreciative, especially if they win and who knows, maybe they’ll invite you over for brunch! 🙂


Congrats to Lauren for winning the waffle baker!

lauren on March 5, 2013 at 8:01 pm said: Edit
I LOVE your site! You have such great information and suggestions! Can’t wait to try this recipe Keep up the great work!

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3,110 responses to “Banana Nut Waffles

  1. I absolutely LOVE KITCHENAID products! This recipe sure looks yummy! I think my kids will love them!

  2. I learned about your website and liked your facebook page after signing the mac and cheese petition! Also shared the link to the petition on my page! These waffles look so good I can’t wait to try them out!

  3. Already like you on Facebook and also subscribed to your wonderful newsletter. I would be so thrilled to win this waffle baker!

  4. Your facebook page has recently been recommended to me by my 26 year old daughter. Thank you for the great information you research in helping others to eat healthier. I’ve just started to eat clean recently.

  5. The waffles look delicious. Now if only I had a waffle maker it would be perfect! I’m already subscribed and like your fb page.

  6. Forever, yummy, eating, Cooking is even more enjoyable with your recipes and tips.

  7. Can’t wait to try these! I would love to win the Kitchen Aide. I love your Facebook page and I just bought all of the ingredients to make the Hari Shake. Thanks for sharing!

  8. These look amazing. I haven’t had waffles or pancakes in a year, so I would love to make this healthy version and eat them without guilt!

  9. Within the last year, I have experienced some recurring illnesses and since then have completely changed how I eat. I have been healthy (yay!) for about 8 months :). Thank you for all you do and I have really loved your posts about healthy foods! I love to cook and would enjoy using a waffle maker 🙂

  10. I love your blog/ Facebook page!!! My four year old son really loves waffles and I bet he would love your recipe!!!

  11. I love your website and all the great information you provide. I recently bought a KitchenAid Stand Mixer and I am loving it. The waffle maker would make a great addition!! I can’t wait to try this recipe as it looks DELISH 🙂

  12. Would love to have this waffle maker, I love love kitchenaid and my family loves waffles

  13. Just signed up! Here is hoping for a new kitchen aid appliance. thanks for the waffle recipe!

  14. These look so good! Can’t wait to try them! My daughters will be so excited! Thanks!!!

  15. Every day I learn something new… I didn’t know there was Almond Flour! I discovered Buckwheat Flour not too long ago and love making pancakes with it. However, this sounds wonderful too! Thanks!

  16. I would like to win and make this recipe! And Food Babe…thank you for making a difference!

  17. Second entry because I liked the FB page long ago….please dont waffle on letting me win!!!

  18. Waffles look amazing! It would be awesome to win.. btw, I am already subscribed and follow you on FB. Thanks for all the work you do!

  19. I am so excited to try these waffles being a clean eater and practicing a wheat free diet. Looking forward to reading your posts. Thanks for all your hard work and effort in providing us with healthy info!!

  20. I would love to win this waffle baker. Your recipe looks so good! Can’t wait to try it!

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