Happy New Year’s Eve! Are you getting ready to party?! Staying in?! Or sleeping, perhaps? Have you come up with your New Year’s resolutions yet or not coming up with them at all? I have mine ready for the first time in many years!
Hope you’ve enjoyed, Habit #1, Habit #2 and Habit #3 to adopt for the New Year and Beyond….
On to the next one…
Habit #4 – Drink a Green Drink Every Single Day…
Consuming green drinks is the best way to get greens in your diet, provide your body a rich source of chlorophyl on a daily basis, and ultimately is one of the key actions you can take to keep your body in an alkaline state to avoid disease.
Recently I was asked about my opinion on green juicing vs. blending and if I thought one was better than the other. I think they are both important in one’s quest for wellness and vitality. I drink both types of green drinks for different reasons. I drink juice to deliver as many nutrients to my body as possible at once and I drink green smoothies for the beneficial fiber. As long as you chew your green drinks your body will be able to digest and receive the benefits. Don’t just slam down a smoothie or juice – you need that chewing action for digestive enzymes to do their magic.
With that said, drinking green drinks is simple…
It can be small like a wheatgrass shot….
A little more diverse like a fresh green juice –
Or it can be a green smoothie the size of your head!
You decide. Easy right?
Make your 2012 green every single day!…No excuses!
Food Babe
Happy New Year!!!!! Greetings from Tybee Island. GA we are having an awesome time. Keep up all the wonderful info Food Babe…Love It!
Hi Kerry! Hope this year brings you all that you want! Thank you for being such a great source of support!
I drink my green drink from a wine glass. It tastes better! 🙂
Love it Cheryl!
Hi Food Babe,
Just found your site via 100 days of Real Food…LOVE IT!! Ultimately I want to adopt a completely Vegan lifestyle and I’m trying to get into meal planning for myself and my 2 kiddos. Anyway, what are your thoughts on store bought Green juices (can’t think of the name)? My kids and I love these and they are really tasty and have a tone of different vegetables/fruits in them but I always wonder if we are getting the same nutritional benefits.
Store bought juices are HIGHLY processed. A DISGUSTING journey from fruit/veggie to final product in the bottle… the plastic bottle containing bpa, or “bpa free” which has toxic bps instead. Make your own in the blender or juicer (you will be a pro in no time!) and you can choose what to buy organic. See ewg.org for the dirty dozen plus high pesticide list. Add healthy fat to absorb all the fat soluble vitamins, minerals and antioxidants!!! Virgin coconut oil, avocado, raw almond butter, organic ground flax or chia seeds (must be refrigerated after opening- they oxidize quickly) or freshly ground organic flax or chia seeds using Food Babe’s recommended grinder- Krups 203 electric grinder on Amazon. Thanks Food Babe!!!
Got some Green Vibrance to try. Couldn’t do it. Any suggestions on how to get this stuff down?
It seems like you actually enjoy drinking the green juices and smoothies. I have been trying to adopt your “habits” and though I have been doing them for about 3 weeks now, I still really dislike the green drinks. Is there anything you recommend to make them taste better? mine turn out so bitter and its hard for me to get them down.
Try making them with 60% fruit and 40% vegetables and let me know what you think.
Thanks! I will try that! I was just nervous to add fruit because one of your posts mentioned never having more than 1 serving of fruit in a smoothie. I also tried a “super green” juice that was all veggies (and very similar to your nori shake- in juice form) from a local market last night- and I loved it! So I must have my proportions off or something!
I’m not quite ready to make the leap into doing my own juicing and there’s not a handy local place that does it. Do you have any recommendations for quality “green drink” supplements or some such I could start off with? With all the products out there, it’s hard to know what’s actually going to give me a benefit or what is overpriced powder that has lost all its nutrition.
Try vitamineral green or green vibrance. Here are the links- Good Luck Elizabeth!
I’m wondering what you think about Athletic Greens?
I work 90 hour weeks, making feul-minded eating even more importfor me. I dont have much time, but want to start juicing. Where can I find the “intro to juicing” help I need. Thanks!
How do you “chew” juice or a smoothie? Do you mean just drink it slowly, or to actually “chew” the juice? thanks!
I was wondering the same thing. I’m literally “chewing” a green drink at my desk right now, and I feel a little silly, but I don’t want to miss out on the enzyme action.
I was also wondering this, I am a little confused.
Bea – after my comment, i started looking online. basically, chewing your juice means holding/swishing it in your mouth so that it can mix with your saliva. when food/juice mixes with your saliva, it begins the process of digestion allowing your body to more readily absorb nutrients. i found a decent explanation here: http://www.juicingbook.com/natural-juicer
With four little ones right now I find that juicing every day is unrealistic for our family. We’ve started juicing on the weekends and immediately freezing it into 8-12 portions to thaw and enjoy throughout the week. What are your thoughts on this routine?
Can you use the vitamineral green and green vibrance when you are nursing and or pregnant? Also, I have been drinking 2% lowfat organic milk, low fat cottage cheese and 2% Fage Greek Yogurt. Do I need to be eating whole milk products to avoid MSG?
No low-fat or reduced fat dairy. Period. Organic only, if at all!
Are there any green vegetables, or vegetable tops that are not to be consumed?
I was wondering, is using the wheat grass powder that you mix with water, as nutritionally effective? If so, do you recommend a specific brand?
I’d love to grow my own, and juice at home, but I am not sure I have time. I would still love to make this a daily habit. Thanks!
Food Babe! Thanks so much for all you do. It’s my first time on the site and learning TONS…look forward to putting it all into practice. Question?….in this article you said, “As long as you chew your green drinks…”
What do you mean by “chew” your green drinks?
Thank you!
Hello Food Babe,
What are your thoughts on the green Odwalla Superfood drink. OF course it’s full of natural sugars and things…
thanks for your help, enjoy the website
I have been reading about oxalates. Is there a danger from consuming too many greens?
Hola, Food Babe!
I noticed you don’t have green apples in your “mean green” juice. Why is that?
Hi there! I travel 100% for work and live out of a suitcase. Thus, no room for a blender or juicer. Do you have any recommendations or suggestions on supplements I could take to get these nutrients? Thank you!
What brand of powdered greens do you recommend? I’ve been using Sun is Shining Green Superfood and I need to re-order but would like to hear about other green supplements that may be better
Hi ! I was wondering if you know about Greens for the compagnie it Works ? And if yes, do you think it’s a good product?
thanks a lot :o)
How do you drink hot water/lemon mix AND juice on empty stomach? What is your morning routine exactly as far as drinking water, smoothies, juicing, parfait, etc go? Thanks!! Christi