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Before You Ever Buy Bread Again…Read This! (And Find The Healthiest Bread On The Market)

Yes, I eat bread.

It’s time to address the many questions I get about one of most wonderful and satisfying foods on earth – Bread! I don’t want to live without it and you shouldn’t have to either.

Bread is a really hot topic and is targeted as the root of many health problems. Overall, bread gets a bad reputation because grains are not easy for your body to digest, can overwork your pancreatic enzymes, contain the anti-nutrient phytic acid and an abundance of dreaded gluten. Also, our wheat crops in this country have been through some serious genetic manipulation to make them profitable for the food industry and less healthy for us.

The main problem with wheat (unless you have a gluten sensitivity) is that we as a culture eat too much of it in general. Just take a look at the typical American diet – a bagel for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and rolls or pasta for dinner. That’s a lot of grain in just one day. Even larger amounts would be consumed if we take into consideration common snacks like crackers and desserts like cookies. Additionally, commercially available grain-based products that line grocery store shelves and are served at restaurants are unhealthy. They are full of ingredients that are not food, like azodicarbonamide (the same chemical in yoga mats and shoe rubber), other chemical dough conditioners, added sugars, artificial flavorings or coloring and GMOs. Flour can be treated with any of the 60 different chemicals approved by the FDA before it ends up on store shelves – including chemical bleach! Also, the industrial processing destroys nutrients, such as Vitamin E and fiber. Remember, it only takes 4 ingredients to make bread – flour, yeast, water and salt, there’s really no need for all that other nonsense.

If you are like me, you probably want to enjoy the occasional piece of bread without subjecting yourself to of all these questionable ingredients. I’ve done a lot of research on bread brands, and have uncovered what can make grains really unhealthy and which ones make a nutritious addition to any diet because they are whole, unadulterated and real foods. 

Examples of Store-Bought Breads To Stay Away From:

 Sara Lee


Martins Potato Rolls

Pepperidge Farm



Arnold LIght Bread

Please note: Nature’s Own Bread recently took out azodicarbonamide, but is still not recommended. The picture of ingredients was removed after this news release in WSJ on 2/28/2014.

The Health Wrecking Ingredients in Bread:

  • Dough Conditioners – these are unnecessary in traditional bread making and only make the process faster and cheaper for the food industry to make bread in big machinery. Many dough conditioners like azodicarbonamide (which is banned all over the world), DATEM, monoglycerides, diglycerides, sodium stearoyl lactylate are linked to health issues. Many dough conditioners start with manipulating fat – like soybean oil or corn oil, which is also most likely GMO. Nature’s Own, Arnold, Wonderbread, Martin’s, Sara Lee, and many other popular brands are guilty of using dough conditioners. 
  • Preservatives – Bread is supposed to be fresh and eaten within a few days from baking unless frozen. If you see preservatives like calcium propionate, which is linked to ADHD, put the bread down and keep searching. Warning: Pepperidge Farm uses this ingredient to “retard spoilage.”
  • GMOs – Most commercially available breads contain one or many genetically modified ingredients like soy lecithin, soybean oil, corn oil, corn starch or soy flour. GMOs have not been tested long term on humans, however we know that the pesticides sprayed on them are absolutely toxic and considered to be poisonous. Some GMOs are created by inserting a toxic pesticide into the seed itself to make an insect’s stomach explode when they try to eat it. 
  • Added sugar – This is where you really need to watch out. There’s nothing wrong with a little honey to bring out the sweetness in whole wheat bread, but most manufactures are using high fructose corn syrup, GMO sugar made from sugar beets, or some other artificial sweetener like “Sucralose” that are not the best forms of sugar and can pose health risks. Almost all commercially baked brands have some form of added sweetener – especially watch out for “light” breads, which often contain more added sugar like “Arnold Bakery Light.”
  • Artificial flavors and coloring – These ingredients are made from petroleum and are linked to several health issues like hyperactivity in children, allergies and asthma. They are easy to spot on the label because the FDA requires it. However, ingredients like “caramel coloring” can fool you into thinking this ingredient is a real food. Most industrial caramel coloring is created by heating ammonia and is considered a carcinogen when created this way. Martin’s potato rolls have Yellow #5 and Yellow #6, and Thomas’s English Muffins have caramel coloring.

Now before I share my top recommendations for the best (and healthiest) breads on the market – I should tell you the truth about how much bread I actually consume on a weekly basis. My diet consists of mostly plants like fruits, vegetables, seeds, beans and nuts along with the occasional meat, dairy or bread product. However, when I travel – I like to enjoy the local culture (think crossisants in France and pizza in Italy). I’m not about giving up whole food groups. My diet is about balance and choosing the most nutritious choices, but I do like to live a little and have my bread on occasion! At the grocery store, I buy the best of what’s available for my body and here are the choices I feel good about buying. 

Thankfully, you don’t have to get out the bread maker or learn to make bread from scratch. There are many healthy bread options available – if you just know what to look for!

The Healthiest Breads On The Market

Sprouted Grains –  I love sprouted grains because they are technically vegetables. To sprout a grain, you just soak it until it begins to sprout into a little plant. These sprouts are then ground up to make bread. When you eat a grain that has been refined into flour, your body quickly metabolizes it like a sugar, which causes your insulin to spike. This can make you gain weight and contributes to diabetes and inflammation. For all of these reasons, I don’t buy bread that is primarily made from flours, especially “wheat flour” which is really just white refined flour. The sprouts are much more easily digested than starchy flour, and contain more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants than whole grains. Phytic acid is destroyed when the grain sprouts, so your body is able to absorb the nutrients in these grains – which makes them that much better for you!

My favorite sprouted grain bread is the classic – Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Bread by Food for Life – it’s made up from six different organic sprouted grains and absolutely no flour! This combo of sprouted grains contains all 9 essential amino acids, which makes up a complete protein. I use their “Cinnamon Raisin” version to make this yummy breakfast casserole. There are no preservatives in these breads, so I keep them in my freezer and take out portions as I need them. I also love the sesame seed bread, whole grain tortillas, corn tortillas and english muffins by Food for Life. Hands down – they are the healthiest breads on the market. They are available in most health food stores and some conventional stores in the freezer section. 

Other good sprouted breads are Manna’s Sunseed bread and Dave’s Killer Bread Sprouted Wheat, which are both a healthy combo of organic sprouted wheat and seeds.

Ancient Grains (spelt, quinoa, amaranth, millet, sorghum) & Gluten-Free – Unlike wheat, these grains are called ancient because they haven’t changed for thousands of years. They are packed with nutrients and many of these grains can be used to make gluten-free bread.  Just make sure that the bread you are buying is labeled as “gluten-free” if you are trying to avoid gluten – because not all ancient grains are gluten-free and they may be blended with wheat. Manna makes a good gluten-free bread with brown rice, sorghum, millet, amaranth, quinoa and chia seeds. Please note, almost all gluten-free breads contain added sugar in the form of honey, molasses, agave nectar or evaporated cane juice. 

  Healthiest Breads On The Market

Here’s A Quick List Of Healthier Breads:

Sprouted Grain Breads

  • Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Bread – Food for Life (all varieties – 7 grains, sesame, genesis, flax, cinnamon raisin, tortillas, muffins)
  • Sunseed Bread – Manna
  • Banana Walnut Hemp Bread – Manna
  • Sprouted Multi-Grain Bread – Rudi’s (contains added sugar)
  • Sprouted Wheat Bread – Dave’s Killer Bread (contains added sugar)
  • Sprouted Wheat Multi-Grain Bread – Alvarado St. Bakery (contains added sugar)

Gluten-Free Breads

  • Buckwheat Bread – Happy Camper’s (contains added sugar)
  • Gluten-Free Rice Almond Bread – Food for Life (contains added sugar)
  • Gluten-Free Exotic Black Rice Bread – Food for Life (contains added sugar)
  • Gluten-Free Super Chia Bread – Nature’s Path (contains added sugar)
  • Good Morning Millet Toaster Cakes – Ancient Grains Bakery (contains added sugar)
  • Gluten-Free Deli Rye Style Bread – Canyon Bakehouse (contains added sugar)

Ancient Grain Breads

  • Gluten-Free Ancient Grains Bread – Manna (contains added sugar)
  • Spelt Ancient Grain Bread – Rudi’s (contains added sugar)
  • Good Seed Spelt Bread – Dave’s Killer Bread (contains added sugar)

See a PDF of the full list of ingredients here

Last – but NOT LEAST – Remember to always choose bread that is made with real certified organic ingredients.  The wheat that is used to make most bread is heavily sprayed with pesticides and by choosing certified organic products you will avoid exposure to GMOs. 

Now, let’s go break some bread with our loved ones and share this article with them. Everyone deserves good bread without chemical additives that can wreck their health.






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1,079 responses to “Before You Ever Buy Bread Again…Read This! (And Find The Healthiest Bread On The Market)

  1. Unfortunately, added sugar to these breads really makes them unhealthy despite any claims they are good for you, Good certainly not, better than the worst? Hard to justify when sugar is as bad for you as all the other undesirables……

    1. The sweetener in the Alvarado Street Bakery sprouted wheat breads is organic raisins or organic dates, honey or molasses – no refined white sugar.

  2. Hmmm,think I’ll start making sourdough bread again. What R your thoughts on that? R any of these breads that U mention here available in this area? ( Daviess Co.)

  3. Thanks so much for this information. i really appreciate this! as was always reading bread ingredients but did not find correct information to compare. haha btw there is no such breads you recommend yet in Mexico but i will check all available not white bread on market. Greetings from Mexico!! i love your page! @fermartinezg

  4. Check the labels of the Sprouted Wheat Breads that you are considering – some of the added sugar is pureed fruit (organic raisins/organic dates) honey or molasses – necessary to feed the yeast. It is not white sugar added to make a sweet bread. Each brand is different, but Alvarado Street Bakery brand does not add processed white sugar to their Sprouted Wheat Breads.

    1. Organic wheat gluten is OK as long as you are not suffering from gluten intolerance or Celiac’s (sp?) disease.

      1. I am reading many places that gluten is not a healthy food. Even though someone doesn’t have celiac they can have sensitivities. As I am looking for the healthiest options, I am not sure that sprouted bread with added gluten is all that healthy. Some brands of sprouted bread don’t have added gluten.

  5. Thanks for the reply. The article is well done and informative. People just need to know about some of the most simple foods that they have been consuming for years and how these same foods have been changed by the “food factories”. I was brought up on homemade bread from an Amish recipe – I’m originally from Lancaster, PA – so since then I’ve change the flour to Eiekorn wheat, which I now order online. Your choices of store bought breads are good and yes, people need to cut back on it – everything in moderation, right. Thanks.

  6. Yes, I am surprised you didn’t mention Alvarado Street Bakery. They not only make a superb product, they are also Employee owned and operated.

  7. I’ve been eating Ezekiel 4:9 bread for over a year now! Love that cinnamon raisin bread, two slices straight up! Wheat was killing my stomach (couldn’t figure out why it hurt after eating bagels or sandwhiches with crappy breads). The sprouted grains are the best way to go! I’d rather pay 700 bucks a month EXTRA for organic and healthy foods than pay 700 bucks a month for Obama Care, see doctors ,have health problems, or take meds! Think about that!

  8. When I was diagnosed with estrogen related breast cancer, my doctor told me ‘no soy’! Soy boosts the production of estrogen which can lead to breast cancer. We cleared out our frig and cupboards and found soy oil in almost everything. We were also shocked at the amount of soy produces are our organic store. Talking with some of the staff there, they knew about the harm of soy, yet it is sold in organic stores and people think because it has an organic label it is good for them. We started eating organic fruits and veggies, and my husband learned to make homemade bread from organic flour. The one we like the most is rye. Is that okay? Can we buy sprout flour?

  9. I’m wondering if anyone has encountered a wholesome bagel that is not full of chemicals or dough conditioners, but is also pretty easy to eat? My daughter loves bagels, but all I can find in grocery stores are either the conditioned, chemical-filled kind or the rather inconsistent, odd tasting ones like Western Bagel.

    1. Michael, Alvarado St Bakery makes some good ones that my 3 year old likes a lot. I assume that since she mentioned them as a good option for bread then their bagels should be pretty good too. Unfortunately they only sell them at our local natural food grocery store here, and not at the standard supermarket. They are frozen fyi.

  10. I do not disagree with your points, but you do need to have up to date information. Pepperidge Farm bread pictured does not contain hfcs!

    1. Yes, I agree Lori. Great information, but most of the Arnold breads I’ve seen NO longer contain azodicarbonamide – thank goodness!

  11. Thank you for this wonderful post! I think your points about eating wheat/bread in moderation and from only quality sources, rather than throwing out bread and gluten completely, are spot on.

    However, I still sometimes find myself compromising on ingredients in order to get products that are designed better, particularly tortillas. I’ve found it impossible to roll or wrap anything in a sprouted grain tortilla without it breaking and making a mess. I do make sure to buy organic tortillas without trans fats—it amazes me that most flour tortillas contain partially hydrogenated oil.

    1. Emily, have you tried Alvarado St. sprouted grain tortillas? They are so soft and yummy, the only ones I buy.

      1. Lisa, I think I’ve seen that packaging in the grocery store. I’ll try them. Thanks for the recommendation!

  12. I stick to One Degree Organic Bread:
    They allow for an insane amount of transparency on their ingredients (you can meet the farmers of their ingredients on their website), and every one of their products is made with ‘veganic’ farming methods, which means absolutely no animal products in any of the farming steps. Their cereals are great too.

  13. In California, we have another great bread option… Grindstone Bakery. Loaves are handmade (and sold in local stores) from sprouted and fermented grains like quiona and millet. Everything is ground, sprouted AND fermented. Half of them are gluten free , I believe all of them are wheat free. The ingredient list is short and everything is a grain, or brown rice syrup (yes, a sugar, but straightfoward) or psyllum husk, or something that absolutely reads as food !!! they need to be refrigerated or frozen always and have short expiration dates . I’ve switched exclusively to this…

  14. I love the Trader Joes, organic sprouted flourless bread. I will have to check but I think the sugar is minimal or even molasses….

  15. Where are you getting your ingredients from? I checked the ingredient list on my Thomas English Muffins and it wasn’t nearly as long as what was posted and did not include Azodicarbonamide. Are they hiding it or did they remove it?

  16. Hi Vani,

    In Canada we have a bread that deserves a shout-out, called Silver Hills Bakery. It comes in a biodegradable bag, is certified organic, sprouted, Non-GMO, and Vegan. It has only nine ingredients on its list (all of its different non-GMO, organic, whole grain flours make the bulk of its list), it is free of preservatives and additives, and is cheaper than Ezekiel bread by $1.50 CN. This company did its homework and it deserves recognition too 🙂

  17. Just don’t eat any bread containing Wheat, wheat is the single largest contributor to intestinal dysbiosis,parasitic infections and universal food allergies. Eat rye, spelt, pumpernickel and quinoa and other breads not containing WHEAT !!!!

    1. Not just wheat but barley and rye do the same because of the gluten. You must avoid all of these. A amazingggggggggggg book is Wheat Belly written by a doctor and it explains it so well. You can get it at the library or go on line and order it. You will want it for your own collection. It is a must to get. Anybody diabete should read this. Wheat is worse then eating sugar. The book explains why.

  18. I am all for education and being informed. However with plenty of healthy options (you list many), I don’t find it necessary to go on a crusade against all the foods and food providers out there. Educate yourself, educate your children, and anyone else who wants to know, but stop harassing every food producer to meet YOUR standards. If you and others don’t want to eat those foods….DONT. If everyone else feels the same and doesn’t buy it it won’t be produced. But don’t try to force your standard on everyone else. If I want to buy food foods with no additives of any kind I will seek them out and pay more on my own. I do not want you or anyone else deciding what is best for me or my children. Whether I chose to eat at these establishments or buy the foods listed as bad is my choice and my right. That is why there are several “healthy” grocery stores for you to shop. Leave the rest of us alone. I chose to eat certain foods and pass on others and I don’t push my choices on others. Education is just offering up the knowledge and letting others decide to follow or not. You are trying to bully corporations into doing it your way. What if Not everyone wants them to change your way?

    1. Really Tiffany? Really? Have u thought thru what u r saying? Who is bullying? Someone informing others who Elect to listen seems like an OK thing to do. By telling someone they can’t you do this is the very thing you chide against.

    2. Tiffany, unless I am mistaken, YOU sought out this webpage, it did not force its way into your consciousness. That you chose to come here, chose to read the information (you did read it, right?), and then objected to the content does not reflect in any way that the author is forcing anything on you or anyone else. Which pretty much makes you a troll.

    3. Really Tiffany. Education is the key to life. Half of the folks shop blindly…. have no clue what’s in the food. Yes, you can eat poison if you wish, that is your right; but let those of us who desire to know where the poison is hidden have it our way. Thanks to someone like Vani, who goes out on the limb to expose the liars….. those of us who want to know, can be informed. Wow!!

    4. This person was just educating us and giving their opinion. If someone doesn’t expose this information then the rest of us won’t know (which is what companies that manufacture most stuff that’s bad for us are hoping). I would say if you didn’t like the direction this article is going then stop reading it. If you want to eat unhealthy stuff that is your choice, but why would you even click on this article to read it in the first place if you are hellbent on eating unhealthy? This article was very informative, and the writer is stating their opinion based on research, what you do with it is your choice! Your words actually sound like you work for one of these manufacturing companies that are selling us these bad foods. I don’t eat so great, but I am thankful for people who do research to expose some of our food secrets and at least give me some info to go on.

  19. Really Devin…WHO is where you are getting facts from. That is the joke. Step away from the kool aid fella.

    1. Voices of reason aren’t the ones on the kool aid, Carrie. We are living much longer now compared to 50 years ago. How can that be if we are eating poison every day? It’s a simple question that nobody here seems to be able to answer.

  20. I read most of the article……. but but but you would have to be rich to buy the good breads…. some ppl are on a limited budget…. I try to get 1.00 bread at the most 2.00 and I know the good bread costs more…

  21. A brief history lesson.
    Back in 2006-2007 the Tea Party was created.
    It’s a complex subject that I can’t go into here.

    We attacked Monsanto, they didn’t like it.
    Nonetheless, your invited on board.
    Don’t listen to what you here in the media about the Tea Party, it’s false….

  22. Yawn. I don’t eat bread or rolls often, but when I do I’ll stick with Martin’s potato rolls and buns (the best for pork BBQ and kosher dogs) and Martin’s Whole Wheat. Great flavor and texture, nearly as much fiber, and more protein. Ezekial’s breads are fine but the flavor and texture is quite different, and their biblical quotes are a turn-off. If a slice of Martin’s Whole Wheat has 3g of sugar: I can burn that off shortly.

  23. I don’t eat much bread, but I buy only what is baked in the store’s bakery, never anything prepackaged. Most big chain groceries seem to have their own on site bakeries and I doubt if they put as many chemicals in their recipes since the bread does not travel and is not expected to last that long.

    1. You had better check the labels on those “store brands” baked on site – that dough has to travel quite a bit and, in my local store, often also contains TBHQ. Don’t be fooled by the “we bake our own bread” scam – bake does NOT equal Make.

      1. I don’t have any food allergies, so am not as concerned as most people on this site. But I am prretty sure the bread baked on-site at Kroger, etc. contains less chemicals than the standard packaged bread, which I have noticed seems to last forever because of the added chemicals. It also tastes much better and the price is about the same.

    2. How can u be pretty sure about something u know nothing about like what is in that bread. Trust me, there are plenty of chemicals in that bread. Ask them to see the ingredients label for the bread that u buy. They have it. It should be on the bread when u buy it. You can keep that bread out on the counter and not put it in the frig. so that tells u right there.

  24. Are these California labels? Because if my bread in Texas does not list azodicArbidamide or whatever as an ingredient, are they listing it in some states? If that is the case then thank you for sharing. I know California food labeling standards are more thorough and only because of people like you can we know these things

  25. I am shocked , the bakery of my local HEB (tx) add azodicarbidamine in their white bagels and French baguettes. I have bought their bread thinking that it was fresh and natural . I will be writing a letter to them….

  26. It’s so frustrating because I live in a small town in the south and healthy foods are not so easy to come by. There is a limited selection of organic foods at my local grocery store and of course Wal Mart is the big giant in town. It’s practically impossible to find anything that is not just complete junk there. We have one restaurant in town that offers organic food and it is small, not air conditioned and very uncomfortable. If you live in the south you know you can’t go anywhere without air conditioning. My daughter’s favorite place is Subway and how can I let her eat there knowing how bad it is! I’m almost having panic attacks about this! How do you stay healthy when everything is stacked against you?

    1. Contact food activists who are trying to bring organic produce to families with limited access. Professor Marion Nestle of NYU might be able to help. Will Allen, founder of Growing Power is especially dedicated to promoting access to healthy food as a right of an individual.

    2. Jamie, I too live in a small southern town. Our Kroger is getting much better at stocking organics and I make sure to thank every department manager I see as I shop. Another option that has recently become available in my area is a local drop for They are a great company to order organic, non-gmo, and gluten free foods from. I even order my chicken feed from their site.

    3. Here is a website that u can order gluten free millet bread from and they will ship it to your home. It is located in Tampa, Fl and baked fresh daily and my whole family has been using it for yrs.. It tasted great and they have a great selection. My 11 yr. old niece loves their stuff. The site is
      They have wheat and millet so make sure u get the millet. We get Millet & Flax bread, Pumkin millet & Flax (yummie for French toast and egg sandwichs), millet & flax Italian bread ( yummie also with coconut oil and great for turkey bacon sandwichs ), they have onion, berry, raisin and plain millet & flax bagels, dinner rolls, a variety in millet crackers, plain or herb millet croutons and millet pizza crust. When we go to Tampa we go there and stock up our freezer and if we run out we will order by mail. Even with shipping cost it is cheaper than in our health food store. Hope this helps.
      Tete ; )

  27. You need to go and read this blog about the actual Science behind some of the things the big bread companies use, because you are wrong about a lot of it. I only buy bread baked by the local Artisan baker because mass-produced food worries me and I agree with you about lots if things but you need to get your Science facts right.

    1. Izzy, you are either a spy for the big food companies, paid hit man for Monsanto, an ignoramous who doesn’t want to be educated or a reasonable, objective person. I choose the last one but most people here would say any or all except the last one.

  28. have you heard of dimpflmeir bakery in Toronto Ontario old world german bakery with an abundant product list of a wide variety of rye specialty breads glutin free etc would be very interested in a review if possible thankyou danny orgera

  29. Thanks for all you do! Would you create a petition to Martin’s asking them to remove azodicarbonamide? It is the ONLY bread my husband will eat but I feel so guilty buying it! I know I need to vote with my $ which I typically do 🙂

    1. Well a silver lining would be that you could roll him out and use him as a yoga mat if what the food babe says is true.

  30. hello FB 🙂

    what do you know about chipotle’s tortilla’s? are they healthy? or should we only get the “bowl’s’ there until they become totally GMO free? thank you. love u.

  31. What about Braggs Amino Acids? Is this a soy based product? – I use it in moderation in place of soy sauce, to give my homemade salad dressing a zing, or to substitute in most places where I would normally use sea salt.

  32. I just spoke with a person from Nature Own Bread and they have removed Azodicarbonamide from their products. You might want to take their products off of your site under bad bread.

  33. I react to grains—inflammation in joints, etc. I also am avoiding sugar and sugar substitutes and HFCS. I finally found a bread that is non-GMO and grain free.
    It is PALEO BREAD by Julian Bakery. It has only 7 ingredients: purified water, Organic coconut flour, egg whites,psyllium seed powder, organic apple cider vinegar, potassium bicarbonate (leavening agent), salt. I don’t care for the taste toasted, but it is ok when I crave a sandwich. I think the potassium gives it an after taste. They also make a wrap out of just coconut meat and coconut water. They are a great alternative to wheat based wraps–they just have a sweet coconut taste.

    1. They also have an almond bread that is similar to the coconut bread that I think I like even better than the coconut bread.

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