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Monsanto Is Scrambling To Bury This Breaking Story – Don’t Let This Go Unshared!

I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now. Monsanto will do anything to bury this story… and as of right now, it’s working. Not a single mainstream media outlet has covered this appalling new report that shows millions of people being poisoned by a chemical that does not belong in our food. This chemical is ending up in processed foods like Cheerios, Ritz Crackers, and Oreos and being consumed by humans across the world. The health of millions of people is on the line and this news must go mainstream! That’s why I’m calling on every single one of you who reads this post to share this breaking story now. The only way this injustice will be corrected is if enough of us stand up and demand that something be done to stop the poisoning of our food supply.

Share this shocking new report with everyone you know….

A FDA-registered food safety laboratory tested iconic American food for residues of the weed killer glyphosate (aka Monsanto’s Roundup) and found ALARMING amounts. 2016-11-14_1536


{See the test results and full report by Food Democracy Now! and The Detox Project}. 

Here is why we all should be concerned about eating glyphosate:

  • Independent research links glyphosate to cancer (sources: 12345) and it has been deemed a probable human carcinogen by the World Health Organization’s team of international cancer experts. The childhood cancer rate is steadily rising and experts say that they don’t know why. Why are they not taking a closer look at these facts?
  • It binds with vital nutrients in the soil (like iron, calcium, manganese, zinc) and prevents plants for taking them up. Glyphosate is thereby making food less nutritious!

Why is this weed killer in these foods? Even non-GMO and organic food! 

This chemical has gone so mainstream that glyphosate has infiltrated every facet of our environment – our water, air, soil.

  • Glyphosate is not just used on GMOs. Conventional (non-organic farmers) use Roundup as a drying agent on crops, such as oats and wheat. It can’t be simply washed off, as it is taken up into the plant itself.
  • As the active ingredient in popular “Roundup” herbicide, millions of people are using this stuff around their homes, and it’s widely used at parks and other public spaces.

So, that is why it’s not just GMO-filled junk food that is laced with glyphosate. It’s contaminating organic and non-GMO foods, and it’s even in our honey! The FDA quietly found it in almost every single sample of honey that they tested (from mass produced to organic mountain honey). The media has been essentially silent and barely anyone heard this news!

Even if you don’t personally eat the specific brands that were tested (I don’t), how many people are eating Cheerios and Ritz Crackers every day? A lot!

How many of your friends and family have their cabinets filled with these foods? These people need to know this information.

There are still thousands of other brands and whole foods that have not been tested for glyphosate residues, so we can’t be so sure that our own organic, non-GMO, and unprocessed food is safe. Americans are effectively being forced to eat this poison until something is done to stop the rampant use of this chemical. Yes, I said poison.

Monsanto doesn’t want the public to know these findings for obvious reasons. They have our regulatory agencies in their back pocket to make sure they can continue to make a hefty profit while poisoning the masses.

While there are now several manufacturers of glyphosate herbicides, Monsanto completely dominates the market and this is a best seller. They are raking in BILLIONS every year and certainly don’t want that to stop. They are clearly, without a doubt, using their prosperity to influence our government regulators. Why else would those entrusted to protect the public from harmful chemicals turn a blind eye to this?

Our public agencies are allowing corporations to poison Americans for profit.

In 2013, the EPA massively increased the industry standard of what is considered a “safe” level of glyphosate on our food, in order to make enormous amounts seem A-OK. Instead of properly regulating, they effectively raised the “safe” level so that no one can blame the industry for poisoning us with unlawful amounts of chemicals. This is corruption at its finest. The EPA has a long and sordid history of doing whatever Monsanto wants and you have to ask yourself why this continues to happen and how we can make it stop.

The EPA continues to pander to Monsanto, as they keep postponing and dragging their feet to evaluate glyphosate’s link to cancer in humans. The industry is fighting tooth and nail to make sure that the EPA “evaluation” will be in their favor and is trying to control who will be on the panel. Why won’t the EPA do their job to make sure that the world’s most widely used herbicide isn’t causing us all to get cancer? Don’t you think this should be a top priority? It’s time for the EPA to put the public health above the corrupt desires of corporations.

When it comes to the FDA, they are not protecting the American public from glyphosate either. After announcing in February that they would FINALLY begin testing foods for glyphosate residues, they just decided to suspend their testing this week. Could it be that Monsanto didn’t like the results they started getting – especially since the FDA found glyphosate in foods that should be especially safe like BABY FOOD? Monsanto will do whatever it takes to keep that story out of the public eye.

Doesn’t the public deserve to know this information? It should be shouted from the rooftops!

It is shameful that the American media has thus far failed to cover this breaking news, but WE HAVE THE POWER to make this information go viral. If you really want to stop the corruption perpetuated by Monsanto and the large chemical companies – this is how we shut them down!

CALL TO ACTION: Share this post with everyone you know. Tweet, share, and email this information to major media outlets and ask them to cover this story. 

Remember the best way to avoid glyphosate is by choosing certified organic foods because it is prohibited on organic crops. Although contamination is a real threat, the levels on organic foods are minimal compared to what’s been found on conventional foods. It’s been shown that people who eat organic foods have less glyphosate and other synthetic pesticides in their system

The people of this country must be informed and this should be our top priority. Go, Food Babe Army, Go! 



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Update 2/25/2017 (Snopes (a controversial fact-checking website) has wrongly reported this post as false… here is my response to that.)

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657 responses to “Monsanto Is Scrambling To Bury This Breaking Story – Don’t Let This Go Unshared!

      1. 6? That’s it? I don’t always eat oreos, but when I do it’s atleast half the pack if not the whole thing…… Then there are the cheezits (atleast half a box at a time) and the ritz crackers i eat everyday between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and supper…… I’m super fked

    1. Wow what a shocker! What has this world come too! We are killing off the human race slowly by slowly. Thank you Food Babe for putting yourself out there and letting us know what is in our food supply. This is serious stuff. You go GIRL….
      Blessings *o*

      1. Yep, the human race is the worse thing that ever happened to this planet. That is if you believe in evolutionary philosophy. Why do you think they fight so hard to keep abortions going? If they can shorten the lifespan of the ordinary people, the elite will be happy. Shall I say more?

    2. I was JUST going to have a bowl of Special K…thinking twice now! It will be nearly impossible to try and eliminate this from our daily lives. My god. ?

    3. Assuming ‘Round-Up’ will Kill you. Healthy Eating is probably the greatest Death Sentence you will find !!!
      Nearly EVERY Commercial Veggie Raiser and HOME GARDENER USES ROUND-UP around their Garden as well as between the Rows ! Fruit Trees are sprayed around the Base and out over a large part of the Roots to control Weeds. Yards are Sprayed with Round-Up so Dandelion Blooms and such from your Yard most probably contain the Ingredients !
      I am a small Farmer from a Long, Long Line of Small Farmers !! I have ate Beef from the Farm very near twice a day for 60+ years and most of my past Family has also. YES, I used a HUGE amount of Round-Up and have for years !!!!
      Diet very high in Quality Home Raised Beef with very, very little Veggies or Fruits seems to have worked for Generations in my Family !!!!! ONLY Cancer Death I have ever known of in the Family was an Aunt who was a Vegitarian !!
      So, best I can say is Pick your Poison and live with the decision.

      1. Bob….this will be the new form of natural selection….hopefully your genes will help the survival of the species…..those that adapt to these new agents of change (lol) will survive and reproduce…just like the bacteria and weeds that adapt to ignore the herbicide

      2. Howard has this right. If not enough of our progeny adapt for the survival of our pathetic species to continue dominating the planet, my money’s on raccoons; or maybe bears. *Somebody* will eventually move into the top spot on what our voracious greed will have left of our beautiful planet. I hope they learn to decode our remaining records, so they can see how we made such awful fools of ourselves that we died out, died back, or had to take off searching for for some other helpless world to despoil.

        The dinosaurs ruled for 4 million years, and we’re still not sure what knocked them off. We’ll be lucky to make it to 50,000, most of it as scavengers and killers, and our end will be at our own hands. So who are the smart ones now?

        Eat what you like and enjoy it. Nobody gets out of here alive anyway. My post-election blues have gotten out of hand . . .

      3. FYI….The reason roundup is a problem in grains is not from use like you described. The problem is that all of our grain crops are sprayed with it just before harvest to increase the yield. We injest the residue which intern kills our good stomach bacteria, which is the beginning of a lot of debilitating diseases. It is done all in the name of more profit.

      4. I don’t know any home gardener who uses Roundup. Home gardeners,I know are very concerned about pesticide use and would never have Roundup anywhere near their vegetable or flower gardens or near their lawn or house.

      5. I don’t know one home gardener who uses Round-up. Where I live glyphosate (Round-up), 2,4D and Diazinon are not allowed to be used on lawns, gardens, patios, driveways, cemeteries, parks and schoolyards.

  1. This has been talked about for several years now and nothing seems to change. Your article even goes further into this problem. Other than telling others and trying to get the media, who is controlled by big corporations, to comment on this we seem to b e in a helpless situation. I wish we could get this on 60 minutes and that could make an impact. The list is so long that it is hard to comprehend. I don’t normally eat those foods except for the Cheerios. I was surprised to see Cheerios on the list because it is stated as a glutten free product. I will not be eating that any longer. Very sad indeed.

    1. Check out the “Georgia Guidestones” there is a secret agenda to depopulate our earth by the elite puppet masters. This is only a fraction of what the plan calls for. Read, research, and spread out the REAL news…. I’m awake, are you?

      1. I have know this for a long time.About what the stone in GEORGIA says I have known this for a long time.people wouldn’t believe you years ago they thought you were nuts.

      2. Why would the elite want to depopulate the earth? They would be losing the people who help to maintain their wealth.

      3. The secret elite puppet masters are doing a *terrible* job, then, considering the population explosion we’ve been undergoing. They should be fired and replaced by, oh, anything — it won’t, apparently, make any difference. Not surprisingly, a “stone in Georgia” is a pretty poor source of hard information. If you want to depopulate the earth, all you need to do is put together a chemical combination that prevents the development of viable sperm in the human male, slip it into the water supplies of towns and cities, and, ta-DAH! Done and dusted.

      4. Ichabod, sperm counts are WAY down. Google it.

        That’s why it’s so disconcerting that these little dudes are dying off in droves. The total male sperm count has decreased by about half since the 1950s, according to a large study that came out in the early ’90s, which showed sperm counts had decreased from 113 million sperm per mL to 66 million sperm per mL over the course of 52 years. Though that study was critiqued, an analysis from a decade later reached similar conclusions, and the World Health Organization even lowered the numbers for what’s considered a “normal” sperm count in 2010, from 20 million per mL to 15 million sperm per mL.

      5. Actually, the cause of lower speed counts is from loss of manhood. This is cause by recent “gender choice” furthered by skinny jeans.

      6. The ‘elite’ are buried 6 feet under the ground also after death – along with the rest of us. Any goals on their part to stay ‘on top’ is only temporary. And if they eventually manage to live forever, some of them will find a way to get rid of the people among them that they deem deplorables. And the beat goes on . . .

  2. How do we test livestock feeds like hay and grain, without costing an arm and leg? What labs test for this?

    After the livestock food goes through the animal, does it still affect us? These products are going to severely our animals.

    1. Roundup/glysophate is in the feed and is absorbed into the animal and all it’s by products, milk, eggs, meet, etc…The best way to avoid feed contaminated by Roundup/glysophate without having to test it is to buy certified organic. Roundup/glysophate and GMO crops or feeds are prohibited and records audited and fields inspected yearly. Not fool proof but close.

      1. You still aren’t safe as if you read this article it says it is in the soil and any animal will get it from the grass or wild grains they eat. So just because it is grass fed doesn’t protect you.

    2. Roundup is not used on hay. It kills all grass thus you would not use it on a hay field. It is used on grain fields to kill the plant in order to increase yield and increase profit. The residue on the grain is then injested by whatever eats it (including humans). All commercially sold cattle go to feed lots and eat nothing but grain to fatten them up before slaughter. Thus the contamination. Local grass fed beef is not exposed to roundup to this degree.

      1. Roundup is not sprayed on grain crops immediately prior to harvest. It is a terrible desiccant. I have farmed for 34 years and never used it for the reason you say. I don’t know any farm who uses it on all of their grain crops

    1. There are a few points we need to ponder about this: 1: labeling laws allow the word organic to be used in processed foods when 70% or so of the ingredients are certified organic! “100% organic” is the only label that must say so. Tricky! 2: nite the significantly less ppl in the organic compared to non organic and this is the probable reason. 3: certain things like honey have been debated by the organic industry as a product that can not be certified because bees travel up to 5 miles in search of food and there are few places on earth that have no chemical use within that amount of space.

    2. That’s exactly what I was thinking. Nothing is safe anymore unless you grow it and make it yourself! Who has time for that!
      My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer, the very first in her entire blood line, not to mention she eats super healthy. Lots of organic fruits and vegetables and very little meat. She stays away from processed foods as much as possible. However, she has consumed her fair share.
      Needles to say this is terrifying! Nothing is safe to eat anymore!

    3. The way I understand it is even if it is NON GMO, they can stl use 7% of what yhe GMO foods use of the roundup or other chemicals

  3. I was doing some reading the other day and came across this little tidbit:

    “Glyphosate is the active ingredient of the herbicide RoundUp, a new
    molecule created in 1960 by Stauffer Chemicals, a US company with a
    business of cleaning mineral scales from industrial pipes and boilers.
    The mineral deposits (same as in electric kettles) are called scales,
    and the pipe cleaning chemicals are called descaling agents. Glyphosate was patented in 1964 in the US as a powerful and very broad spectrum descaling agent – a demineralizer. This means it binds to minerals indiscriminately and does a great job at “dissolving and preventing minerals from being reactive or bioavailable in solution.” When the descaling solution was disposed of in nature, it was obvious that it killed plants. The chemical company Monsanto promptly bought the molecule, patented it as a herbicide in 1969, and got it commercialized as RoundUp in 1974.”

    Good ole monsatan. So, glyphosate binds to minerals, thus making it a chelator. Maybe it absorbs the nutrients and minerals from our bodies and we simply excrete them before our bodies get a chance to process and use them. That leaves us in a malnourished state which leads to diseases and other maladies.

    1. Two times Nobel Laureate, Dr Linus Pauling, said “You could
      trace every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”
      Approximately 99% of the human body is comprised of minerals,
      yet minerals are generally overlooked when nutrition is

      1. 99% of the human body is comprised of minerals? What are you talking about you total muppet?

        Anyway, why worry about alleged high levels of Glyphosate, read this above:

        When it comes to endocrine disruptors, very small exposures are the most damaging, so “the dose makes the poison” mantra does not apply!

        If this is true then surely these high levels are safer than low levels. Alternatively, this whole article could be totally made up. (I think I know which is true!)

    2. How come if we are being malnutrition with this stuff there are so many morbidity obese people don’t make sense in time passed someone said charmin toilet paper would give us rectum cancer and it would be compounded by eating bacon back in the eighties I think it turned out that a competing company was saying these things to get there products purchased above the others don’t know what to believe anymore

      1. Weight has nothing to do with how nourished your body is. You can weight 500 pounds and be malnourished. Is can be 500 pounds of empty calories and junk.

  4. I always thought Goldfish Crackers tasted the way weed killer smelled, so it is no wonder at all. Yes, this information should be exposed on the “60 Minutes” program.

    1. Goldfish cracker and cheezits taste nasty (to me). But toddles consume bunches of Goldfish crackers. They’re fun and I guess the kids’ taste buds don’t care. I don’t eat any of the foods listed, but the information was good. I didn’t know the “organic” vs 100% organic. We need grocery stores who only sell 100%, because I can’t often tell the difference which I choose an organic product.

  5. This is scary all kids love cereal & snacks, I have a Grandaughter that loves the fishes and a new granddaughter that is going to begin eating food. This should be brought to the world’s attention via, TV, Internet, and all social media

  6. I don’t understand how something labeled as organic can have these toxins? Specifically, 365 Organic Golden Round Crackers. I saw the asterisked footnote about contamination of organic foods. So sad. If people stopped buying these foods, the corporate decision makers would regroup and rethink.

  7. Glyphosate is found in Whole Foods’ own 365 Brand which is supposed to be Organic? You gotta be kidding. Where’s the USDA oversight on this?

    1. Yeah what’s up with that! We have to be careful with selecting Organic stuff OMG!
      We will be killing of the human race.

    2. USDA oversight? Sadly, they are the enablers of this crime. They serve the corporations at the expense of the citizens using your tax dollars. The same goes for the FDA. Did you know that our own government has mandated the FDA to promote the GMO/Biotech industry? Again, using our tax dollars.

  8. Thank you for bringing awareness to this issue. As a single father who enjoys Cheerios with his 12 daughter the possible presence of this pesticide in foods needs to be investigated further. I also think the corporate powers that be did an amazing job at trying to reroute the subject to nothing more than a “ranting sexist!” I see through the smoke though or maybe I just love my daughter enough to not be blinded by the sexist remarks!

  9. True story. It’s even in the seeds we plant. I know someone who works in a factory in the East. Every single seed we plant is poisened with round up. We can’t get organic food unless it’s from an old plant or tree. I forgot if she said 20 or 30 yrs. Old. And now we spread it to needy countries.

    1. I heard that they don’t serve GMO food at the Monsanto cafeteria. If true, that really speaks volumes.

    1. Aloha! This is very disturbing news. I’m not sure what to eat anymore. Even organic stuff could be tainted with stuff. OMG this is sickening to here that we are slowly killing off each other by all these chemicals in our food supply. We should go back to the olden days when things where just made with simple ingredients and now all this man made crap….What has this world come too……

  10. What testing has been done with the following ?

    Quaker Oats Cereal ( boiled/cooked Oats ) ? vs Cream of Wheat vs Grits , my Mother was a proponent of those types of cereals , but my mother passed away from a pulmonary embolism and type II Diabetes at age 71.

    I cook my Oats with ( Apple Slices, Raisins, Dates, Prunes added last), Cinnamon,

    But I can’t help but wonder how many of those ingredients have similar excessive levels.

  11. Not sure where i read this recently. Might have been the Mercola site, but in addition to gylphosate being used as a drying agent, wheat farmers started a new practice with it about 10 years ago.

    A week or two before harvest they spray it with a certain amount of the herbicide. If I understand it right, what happens is the wheat thinks (correctly) that its dying, so it attempts to reproduce itself, causing new bug growth which increases the volume and weight. Harvesting halts the process so the wheat doesn’t actually die.

    1. Roundup is applied to less than 5% of wheat in this country prior to harvest. I’ve never used it for the purpose you state. Also on grain crops, since over 90% of corn and soybeans are Roundup ready, applying Roundup just prior to harvest would not dry down the crop at all. Therefore it is not used on the vast majority of grain crops in this country just prior to harvest.

  12. Units matter on this one. The studies used parts per billion when they should have used the standard 1.13mg/Kg. You realize that you must consume roughly 270 tons of Cheerios to hit the LD50 for glycophosphate?

    1. I’m puzzled. Having finished a bowl with 270 tons of Cheerios one would expect to have consumed ~300 g glyphosate, if it’s 1.13 mg/Kg, right? Is the lethal dose really that high for glyphosate ?! Btw it’s glyphosate, not glycophosphate 🙂 And the authors’ focus seems to be on harmful effects (on beneficial gut bacteria, disrupting hormones etc) rather than lethal doses.

  13. Can you provide any independent links for this information so we can share that. One article from isn’t enough to convince people

  14. I just got out of the hospital from a bout with diverticulitis! I was eating Stace’s Pita chips daily. I though they were safe but NO!

    1. I’ve had diverticulitis, and eating any of these foods would have anything to do with what causes that disease. Google it, you’ll find a lot of sources on how to prevent future flair ups,

  15. Very interesting, and it’s disgusting how much we’re poisoning ourselves. Would love to be able to read the actual research, but the link doesn’t work. It seems to be embedded in the picture. Any way of posting that link separately?

  16. What everyone is overlooking is that it’s not just Monsanto that would suffer from this article going viral. It is also every company listed on the report many of these companies also happen to have board members who happen to be on the boards of most of the major media outlets as well or have connection to them hence why this story is easily buried…. One of the companies on here is 365 which belongs to Whole Foods Market. Every company on here would lose a significant amount of money not to mention time if it had to resource it’s ingredients and change its recipes as well as public trust if this information got out to the general masses. This issue may have started with one company but it involves hundreds of companies now

    1. Would anyone feel differently if they considered it was a lot of companies, not just Monsanto that would be affected?

  17. It makes you wonder if Monsanto is partnering w/the chemo/radiation companies? Those who DON’T want a cancer cure bc it’s such big money!

  18. They are spreading this stuff on purpose. And so many people are helping to do so. Anyone of you using roundup are helping to kill your fellow humans. They are making people sick on purpose. Sick people by lots of medication which most of it is designed to harm our bodies even more so. The greedy can’t make money if you don’t buy. So everyone think….How many times have YOU used weed killers? Think about it. You are possibly killing your own children. Instead of killing weed, which by the way most weeds are healing medicine, Pull them instead. Stop spraying your lawns with fertilizer and weed killer. It gets into water. Kills everything. Oh such good stuff. So I challange all of you to change your habits of keeping a weed free beautiful green lawn to stop. Only you can change this.

  19. I guess that only good thing to say about this is that we won’t have any weeds growing in our bodies. Go Organic!

  20. It’s no surprise that the Paleo, Weston Price and Bulletproof as well as armies of naturoparhs advocate for a grain free diet. In addition to the damaging effects of the carbohydrates clogging our systems and causing all matter of disease, weight gain and ADHD, we have carcinogenics to deal with. Wheat and grains are an industry designed and marketed for profit not for health. Grain-based foods are so cheap and so pervasive and disease is so rampant that changing the American mindset is going to be a Herculean task especially given decades of multi million dollar marketing equating whole grains with health. Whole grains have some of the highest mumbers. David Wilcock has exposed conspiracies regarding the “weaponinzing” of our food by the “cabal” to make the 99% fat, sick, docile and stupid.

    A grain free diet isn’t easy but it’s worth it. Read the Bulletproof diet for guidance and recipes.

    1. Can confirm. Went Paleo for past 2 years and now Bulletproof. Health is massively improving.

      To anyone who is still on the grain train, consider a week-long experiment (minimum) to see how you feel if you removed grains from your diet. I would start with wheat specifically first if you’re trying for the first time. But if you are an overachiever you can try removing all grains. At the end of your experiment eat something with grains again and see if you can notice the difference. The best experiment is 30 days, but some people – like myself – noticed an improvement after just 3 days!

      Just don’t forget the healthy fat! (Coconut oil, avocado, real EVOO, grass fed butter or ghee)

  21. After reading this article I was disheartened to see even the organic products are laced with this poison. I do wonder too about how these numbers were arrived at. Is this per serving or per individual piece? For example the various snack foods listed; I know of no one who has only one cracker or chip. Also, were the cereals tested with milk added or the cereal alone? Pardon the pun but this is all food for thought.

  22. there is no safe place it will take another few hundred years of not using anything at all, to maybe get back to a cleaner way of life.. we are so f**ked!

  23. Call me cynical but I find it really hard to believe that not one media outlet has attempted to expose this. My cynicism goes so far that I believe every word of the article as much as I don’t believe it!? Love this brave new world of ours ?

    1. Want to really rock your world? Start researching Nutra Sweet. Aka Equal. Guess who owns them? Monsanto. Guess how long it took to get that approved? 15 years, two presidents, and the replacement of a SurgeonGeneral who kept blocking it. Y’all think our government is not aware of this? They are bought and paid for. Also, as far as cancer drugs- another tidbit for you. They are the only medications that the DOCTOR gets to take a cut for using them. Hmmmm. Most oncologists are all about the money. And they will treat patients literally to death rather than make appropriate referrals to other services like hospice.

  24. Eating organic is really not that expensive when you think about the fact that just a generation ago, in 1960, we spent about 17% of income on feeding the family.

    Nowadays we are just spoiled by cheap food and the growth of non-essential items market. We spend our money on fast fashion, eating out/convenience food, and entertainment. And I hate to say it, but a lot of this generation (I’m speaking as a representative) feel “cheated” if they have to spend more money on food. I personally had to learn to put all of that into perspective when I got extremely ill at age 28 and made the decision to change my diet and lifestyle or else prepare for a lifetime of Big Pharma indentured servanthood.

    Times, values and culture has changed (we value material and status goods more than ever and see them as more disposable than ever), but the same choice still remains ours – pay now for healthier everyday choices, or pay later (with your health AND income).

  25. I am glad to see that I have cut all the foods listed from our diet.
    We generally do not eat processed foods for this very reason. Also, note that an organic brand appears in the list. The organic program has become ineffective.

  26. Since the GMO started to invade food market without more evaluation we saw the risk to have an autistic child, a chronic disease, a cancer increased significantly. I am a MD PhD having done clinical research. I started to deliver reliable scientific and medical information with my FB page and my website. To make things simple my advice is to buy reading the labels when they are available , in doubts just buy organic/bio. If it is expensive , think that it is better for your health to eat less organic food, than plenty “conventional” produced with GMO seeds with glyphosate include in your food.

  27. I’m super concerned about and upset by this. Even organic food isn’t safe?!? What can we eat without being poisoned? This is so infuriating. My girls love Annie’s snacks and I buy them because I thought they were safe and I stopped buying Goldfish years ago when I first started following your blog!!

    1. Tiffany, the best way to avoid glyphosate is by choosing certified organic foods because it is prohibited on organic crops. Although contamination is a real threat, the levels on organic foods are minimal compared to what’s been found on conventional foods. It’s been shown that people who eat organic foods have less glyphosate and other synthetic pesticides in their system.

  28. So, what does that bit at the end about “rough estimates” mean? It may just be me but that does sound a bit like a guess rather than an actual result from an experiment.

  29. is the ingredient listed as glyphosate? looking in my pantry now and just want to make sure it isn’t hiding under another name

  30. Alright everyone, take a deep breath and lets ask ourselves some rational questions. Why would the EPA be pandering to a agriculture products company such as Monsanto? EPA is a regulatory agency and answers directly to the president, so the EPA is pandering to no one. Monsanto does not have any agency in its pocket, how you ask? Well as an employee of the USDA, the one agency that Monsanto would be most interested in swaying I can attest that we do not in fact pander to any private company. As all agencies (both research and regulatory) are accountable to the public their records and deliberations are publicly accessible, want to know the status of glyphosate regulation? Ask.

  31. I don’t think anything is safe to eat anymore. My newsfeeds were full of alarming notifs warning me not to eat this and that coz its harmful. Even water post as dangerous! Omg! Whats going on in this planet? Think I’ll move back to venus!

    1. Sweet potato fries are delicious. Also seaweed snacks are great – you can make them yourself too. I would highly recommend you avoid any grains in your snacking as they are highly disruptive to the gut/cause inflammation. Veggies are easy to steam with lots of grass fed butter on top! 😀

  32. I have read the cheerios box and I do not see glyphosate on the nutrition facts…??? Is there a different?

  33. ALL the chemical companies………1976 TOXIC SUBSTANCE ACT……..full speed ahead – 40 years…….CHEMICALS in EVERYTHING………….William Ruckelhaus under Richard Nixon was our FIRST EPA (wasn’t that supposed to mean Environmentl PROTECTION Agency)………………40 YEARS and counting,,,,,,,,,big TRADE, conglomerates, CHEMICALS, PHARMACEUTICALS, PETROLEUM, PLASTICS, FOOD!!!!!……EVERYWHERE, in EVERYTHING……..And the BILLIONS upon BILLIONS these people have made………………………………………So much CANCER now…….

  34. This is horrible. .Hard to believe people are letting this continue
    Something has to be done about this.

  35. Luckily, I don’t any of those foods mentioned above.
    Sadly…..I wouldn’t be surprised, if some (many) of the foods that I DO eat are contaminated. If, not with glyphosate, then maybe with heavy metals, or the seeds are GMOs.

    It is getting to be more and more of a challenge to eat ‘clean’ foods.
    It’s getting to a point that if you want to protect your health via nutrition…..go to your small, local farmer. Get to know him. Visit his farm. Support him by purchasing from them.

  36. I know there are people who wonder or will wonder when I tell them why I could not vote to re-elect Ron Johnson as my U.S. Senator or Glenn Grothman as my U.S. Representative. They both poo-pooed to whole DARK ACT situation and voted to take state’s rights away from Vermont and the potential from others this past year. Johnson seems to love GMOs! Capit

  37. I know there are people who wonder or will wonder when I tell them why I could not, would not vote to re-elect Ron Johnson as my U.S. Senator or Glenn Grothman as my U.S. Representative. They both poo-pooed to whole DARK ACT situation and voted to take state’s rights away from Vermont and the potential from others this past year. Johnson seems to love GMOs! Capitalism at any cost 🙁 There were other reasons this Ronald Reagan/Ron Paul republican couldn’t vote to re-elect these guys, but this was one of the major reasons.

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