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The Time I Almost Ate At Taco Bell… (I’ve Been Keeping A Tiny Little Secret!)

I am thrilled to announce we are expecting our own little Food Babe this winter. 

I know all you moms and dads out there have been waiting for this moment for a long time… I laugh just thinking about all the times you said to me “Just wait, until you have kids”…

Well – that time is almost here and you can finally get all your “I told ya so’s” ready to fire!

No, but seriously, we are SO EXCITED. It’s been really hard to keep this secret from you! I’ve been walking around with a ridiculous smile on my face for months trying to hold it in.


I’m obsessed! Baby investigations are underway!

I’ve been reading every natural pregnancy and baby book under the sun for the past several months.

How it happened…

Well I am not going to go into all the exact details (I’ll let you use your imagination – haha)… but late last year, I knew I was finally ready to be a Mom. My parents weren’t getting any younger, Mr. Food Babe and I were about to celebrate 10 years of marriage and the more I thought about my role in this life, I knew I really wanted to bring another force for good into the world. I have so many hopes for her – to be brave, confident, powerful, smart and have lots of tenacity!

When I looked at my husband and said I was ready, things happened quick. BOOM. I was pregnant. I honestly couldn’t believe it – I thought it would take a long time considering all the pregnancy stories and experiences I have heard about with loved ones and close friends, but I am incredibly grateful that it happened so easily for us. We are truly blessed – I can’t help but think the years of getting my health to its optimal state had to help – practicing my healthy habits, regular acupuncture and staying away from processed food!

I’ve never been more hungry in my life!

Now that I am pregnant – wow – have my eating habits changed. First of all, not in a million years did I think I would ever crave Taco Bell again. But it happened. I was walking by one on the way to another restaurant and I could literally taste a chicken soft taco and bean burrito in my mouth. Of course I didn’t get any – But man! It was the weirdest sensation I have ever experienced, especially considering I haven’t eaten at Taco Bell since it was like 2am in the morning and I was in college.

And then Burger King happened. Yes. That nasty excuse for food. I was in Spain (of all places!) promoting the Spanish version of The Food Babe Way and was stuck in an airport terminal with the smell of charbroiled hamburgers radiating the whole waiting area. I thought I was going to DIE if I didn’t have one. But thankfully my years of personal investigation and study of food toxins and industrial factory farming kept me FAR FAR away – there was no way I was going to feed my growing baby that tainted meat on that processed to death sesame seed bun!

As you can see, my pregnancy cravings have been INTENSE! To tame them, I’ve spent a lot of time making organic comfort food at home – I’ve made just about all my childhood favorites – grilled cheese, biscuits, pancakes and more. (Have you seen all the cooking on Snapchat? Follow me at “thefoodbabe”).

I have heard most mamas stop enjoying green vegetables during this time – thankfully that is not the case for me, I still LOVE kale and all things green (with a slice of hot cheese pizza please – haha). Actually my Melt In Your Mouth Kale Salad has been on serious repeat lately and is the one dish that doesn’t give me the pregnancy burbs! I’ll be sharing some more of the comfort food recipes I’ve been making soon.

Follow “Food Babe Mama” On Instagram for pregnancy & baby updates.

I have so many more pregnancy stories to share. Like in true Food Babe fashion, I have been reading every book under the sun to prepare for this moment and can’t wait to share all the good health principles I am putting in place.

If you’d like to follow along on my pregnancy journey, I’ll be sharing my insights here on occasion but also more frequently on my new Instagram account – Food Babe Mama – come on over and follow me there!

Pregnancy Q&A Coming – Let Me Know Your Questions!

Also – I know there are many of you mamas and dads out there that might have questions for me and wondering how I am handling all the ins and outs of child bearing, so I’ll be doing periodic Pregnancy Q&As. If you have a question you’d like to have the answer to, just let me know in the comments below.

This is such a wonderful time in my life – thank you for being part of this community, celebrating with us and for all your love and support!




15 weeks pregnant 

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324 responses to “The Time I Almost Ate At Taco Bell… (I’ve Been Keeping A Tiny Little Secret!)

  1. Congratulations!!! I would recommend a book, if I can. I read “Your Best Birth” and it completely changed my view on childbirth- although much of what I originally knew was just based on hearsay and tv shows. Anyways, that book and Jan Mallak’s “Doula’s Guide to Birthing Your Way” is also amazing. best of luck to you and am looking forward to seeing/hearing updates!!!

  2. Well of course it happened right away! Your body is in the best position to have a beautiful baby! I have no doubt that she will be a mini-babe! Well wishes and continued blessings for you and your growing family! Thank you for sharing your wonderful news! ???

  3. Great job on fighting off the corporate shills to ensure a healthy lifestyle for so many familys. But now you’ll have a new threat that the shills will say is for the best – vaccines.

    I see that some have already started trying, but stay strong. Natural is, and always will be, best.

    1. Did you know that everything you want was available in 1900. No vaccinations, no treated water, all organic food, no pesticides or GMO. The average life expectancy then for an American was around 48 years. Today we have all the things you despise but the average life expectancy is over 80 for an American. You can go back if you want to but I have no interest in doing so.

      1. We are not living longer today because of the invention of GMO or pesticides. The average lifespan has increased due to advances in health care. The health care people received in 1900 was nowhere near as good as what is available today.

  4. Can you list the books you read? I’m going to start trying in 2 months and would like to start reading.

  5. Congratulations! You’ve helped me and my kids become so much healthier and I know you’ll attract so many more moms and kids into the Food Babe Army now. I can’t wait to see how it (and you) grow!


  6. Congratulations! What an exciting journey!
    I’d love to see Johnson &Johnson change their baby Tylenol formulation. After our son was circumcised, the dr recommended Tylenol. When I looked at the ingredients, I was shocked. The inactive ingredients included 3 different dyes, high fructose corn syrup and propylene glycol. As if a baby would care if their medicine was red or clear?! Not only are these non essential, but they’re poison to a tiny body.

  7. Congratulations , Vani !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you can make your baby organic foods !

  8. Congratulations!! Wonderful news. I also had those crazy, out of the blue and intense cravings for food that I grew up on that I hadn’t eaten (or even wanted) in years, like Pizza Hut. I wonder why that is? My tiny bit of advice – don’t become married to a birth plan, or put any pressure on yourself about how your birth will go. Just trust me on this one. 😉

  9. What a blessing indeed! May you and yours have love, peace, and happiness. Enjoy every moment as time goes by quickly and, before you know it, baby is graduating high school. Slow down time by spending it together doing things you love starting now. Congratulations! ?

  10. Congratulations! You may as well start getting on the baby food companies now! Awful stuff they put in food for our little cherubs!

  11. Congratulations
    Wonderful news keep doing what you are doing I am a huge fan of you
    Good luck

  12. You are so adorable! Congratulations. There is nothing like motherhood. Keep up the good work also.

  13. Congrats Vani! This is a very exciting and special time in your life! Make sure you research vaccines before you have your baby Because they day that baby is born they will be trying to stick a needle in him and you will have to be strong in your decision. Best of luck in your pregnancy!

  14. You look so beautiful-congratulations!!!!!! And thank you for all of your hard work bringing us the information we need to make good food choices.

  15. Do the BEST thing for you and your baby – use a midwife! Unless there are medical indications otherwise, birth at home.

  16. So happy for you! Now you’ll get to do one of my favorite things in the world—breastfeeding! There’s nothing like having a nursing baby look up at you and break into a silly grin, with milk dribbling down his chin. Such a peaceful experience, although I know there are some moms and babies that have a frustrating time with it.
    Learning hand-expressing of milk is a valuable skill, for times when you need to be away and refuse to allow formula in your home! It can get to be easier and faster than using a pump.

  17. Congratulations! We need more beautiful “babes” in the pipeline! Thankfully, green veggies are still your thing. They are so important to proper development, in the womb. Shocking, if true, that many mothers-to-be lose their taste for them. This is part of the reason we have folic acid, which according to Dr. Fuhrman increases the rate of cancer, added to things like milk and flour. Do many woman have false stereotypes embedded in their minds, from advertising, that falsely promotes the wrong foods for health and development, and food addictions, that then get even more out of hand, just when a more reasoned approach is the most needed? It seems “added folic acid” may lead to eating exactly the wrong foods, doing more harm than good, although it may do some good to the unborn, in some sense, if the diet is otherwise conventional. Getting all those important co-factors, hundreds or thousands of them, from whole fruits and vegetables, and not going for the substitutes, was never more important. Thank you for bringing up this essential reality, for all those, who wish to be blessed with a healthy child, like yourself!

  18. Congratulations to you and your husband! What is really cool is that you know food and your baby will be healthier because of your knowledge. Knowledge is Power and Food is Medicine…..wishing you all the best during your pregnancy! Can’t wait to see what you research next! Thanks for being the Voice we need in this world! You are making a difference. Keep up the great work!

  19. soooo happy for you and yes , we need more strong tenacious woman who are doing “right” in this world. It is so funny that you crave Taco Bell. What is it about Taco Bell and pg woman? I also craved it in my pregnancies 21 and 26 years ago except back then I didn’t quite realize just HOW bad it was for me and my baby.

    And yes a healthy body gets pregnant much easier typically.

    Blessings and gratitude to you and your hubbie.

  20. Congratulations, I am so happy for you and your husband…I know you will be the BEST mom!!

  21. What a blessing Vani and Father to be!!!!! I can’t wait to see pictures as your little grows. What a gift you have been given. And the fact that you know now what is good for your baby. I wish I would have known what I know now. Maybe my son would have never developed Type one Diabetes when 12 years old. Congratulations

  22. Congratulations! So happy for you both. I look forward to seeing your little one thrive.

  23. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy, thats coming your way! I know for sure that you will be a great mon!

  24. This was REALLY insensitive to those struggling with infertility:

    When I looked at my husband and said I was ready, things happened quick. BOOM. I was pregnant. I honestly couldn’t believe it – I thought it would take a long time considering all the pregnancy stories and experiences I have heard about with loved ones and close friends, but I am incredibly grateful that it happened so easily for us. We are truly blessed – I can’t help but think the years of getting my health to its optimal state had to help – practicing my healthy habits, regular acupuncture and staying away from processed food!

    1. Elizabeth – As someone who has struggled with many health issues and conditions like Endrometrosis that effect fertility – I did think it was going to take a long time for us, thankfully it didn’t and I am sharing my story honestly the way it is playing out. Like I said – I have had many close friends and family that have not been as fortunate, and it makes me so grateful for the ease we have experienced. I don’t take this lightly at all and don’t mean to be insensitive. In fact, when I went off birth control pills many years ago, my period didn’t come back for almost a year! I was scared to death about my future – but thankfully acupuncture and eating optimally helped my hormones to function again – we all have our own struggles.

  25. I am soooo happy for you! I truly am 🙂 Congrats! You are on an awesome journey to parenthood 🙂

  26. Congrats!! The most important thing you can do for your child isn’t the about the food you eat or the food your child eats that is of this world. John 6:35 Jesus declares “I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never go hungry, who ever believes in me will never thirst.” What is believing? It is more than “accepting” Jesus as savior. The truth of the gospel is that Jesus needs to be your Lord. Meaning all that you do, all that you say, is guided by His holy word, the scriptures. The most love you can show your child is to make sure they know the truth about who created them. (little secret? It wasn’t you. Psalm 139:13 ” before I knit you together in your mother’s womb, I knew you”). Why did God create any of us? Because He wants us to bring Him Glory. So “bring a child up in the way they should go, and when they are older they will not depart.” (Proverbs 22:6) Having a child who devotes their life to the Lord will give their parents great peace and comfort. Instead of story books, read the bible to your child. Jesus is the best gift anyone could have. Everlasting life. What matters more? 1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, let it be done for the Glory of the Lord. ” I pray your child, and you, eat and drink of His Holy word, then all will be well. “All is well with my soul.” Hymn. Thank you for all you do for all of us. God gave you that gift. I pray you will use it for His glory. You can win so many people to Christ Vani, you have the voice. Tell people the truth. Tell them they will perish, if they do not repent and put their trust in Jesus. Love them enough to say that. Please. Thank you. Those are not my words. They are Gods. He is coming soon. Don’t doubt that, just read what the bible says. I love you and so does He. Please be well.

  27. Congrats! Just wait till you start reading all the garbage in baby food, formula and children’s medicine!! It’s scary and sad!

  28. What wonderful news !!! I’m so happy for you (mother of 3 beautiful grown daughters & 3 terrific grandchildren). We met in Ft. Lauderdale last year at one of your speeches at a vegetarian restaurant there. You were kind enough to sign my book and take a picture with me. If you’re possibly thinking about a natural waterbirth, my wonderful friend Barbara Harper (Waterbirth International) teaches doctors, nurses, midwives, etc. around the world the way to have a natural birth in water. She even does private births. Visit her web site and learn more about what she has to offer. I think you’ll love it.

    Debbie Feldman

  29. Congratulations, you will have the healthiest baby I know of. Wishing you both the very best with you new little one.

  30. Congratulations! Being a mom is the most rewarding job on this planet! Enjoy this precious time in your life with your family. I noticed you said you have a lot of hopes for HER. BABY GIRL !!!! Names? Names?

  31. I am so ecstatic for you! This is a decision you won’t regret and then you will and then you won’t again. It is the most wonderful part of life so far … As I sit here holding my amazing and beautiful 2 week old son. Love!! I barely ever had cravings during pregnancy but nursing is another story. I eat everything that is put in my path and I go far out of my way for things that I crave! Haven’t broken down and stopped by any fast food restaurants though! Yey! Enjoy every minute, it’s a fascinating process!

  32. Hi Vani, you are my hero and I tell everyone about you. I am 61 and I feel better now then when I was 51. Thanks to you and others I am getting my health back and it easy, thank you.

    Congratulation on you 1st baby. The joy through the years is going to be the best part of your life, have fun. May God Bless you and your family you are often in my prayers.


  33. Congrats! I am a huge fan and also 33 weeks pregnant! Such and exciting time!

    I’d love to know if you are drinking cold pressed juice and what your thoughts are on warnings not to while pregnant. I’d also love to know what prenatals you are taking!

    1. Congrats!!!! (I ignore most of those warnings (my doctor approves thankfully!) if I know it’s from a reputable place).

  34. Congratulations! Enjoy this wonderful time.

    I wish I knew all I know now when I was pregnant with my son 23 years ago. Unfortunately I didn’t know any better than to eat at Taco Bell.. (Burger King never really appealed to me,) He has asthma, skin problems and is overweight.

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