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The Time I Almost Ate At Taco Bell… (I’ve Been Keeping A Tiny Little Secret!)

I am thrilled to announce we are expecting our own little Food Babe this winter. 

I know all you moms and dads out there have been waiting for this moment for a long time… I laugh just thinking about all the times you said to me “Just wait, until you have kids”…

Well – that time is almost here and you can finally get all your “I told ya so’s” ready to fire!

No, but seriously, we are SO EXCITED. It’s been really hard to keep this secret from you! I’ve been walking around with a ridiculous smile on my face for months trying to hold it in.


I’m obsessed! Baby investigations are underway!

I’ve been reading every natural pregnancy and baby book under the sun for the past several months.

How it happened…

Well I am not going to go into all the exact details (I’ll let you use your imagination – haha)… but late last year, I knew I was finally ready to be a Mom. My parents weren’t getting any younger, Mr. Food Babe and I were about to celebrate 10 years of marriage and the more I thought about my role in this life, I knew I really wanted to bring another force for good into the world. I have so many hopes for her – to be brave, confident, powerful, smart and have lots of tenacity!

When I looked at my husband and said I was ready, things happened quick. BOOM. I was pregnant. I honestly couldn’t believe it – I thought it would take a long time considering all the pregnancy stories and experiences I have heard about with loved ones and close friends, but I am incredibly grateful that it happened so easily for us. We are truly blessed – I can’t help but think the years of getting my health to its optimal state had to help – practicing my healthy habits, regular acupuncture and staying away from processed food!

I’ve never been more hungry in my life!

Now that I am pregnant – wow – have my eating habits changed. First of all, not in a million years did I think I would ever crave Taco Bell again. But it happened. I was walking by one on the way to another restaurant and I could literally taste a chicken soft taco and bean burrito in my mouth. Of course I didn’t get any – But man! It was the weirdest sensation I have ever experienced, especially considering I haven’t eaten at Taco Bell since it was like 2am in the morning and I was in college.

And then Burger King happened. Yes. That nasty excuse for food. I was in Spain (of all places!) promoting the Spanish version of The Food Babe Way and was stuck in an airport terminal with the smell of charbroiled hamburgers radiating the whole waiting area. I thought I was going to DIE if I didn’t have one. But thankfully my years of personal investigation and study of food toxins and industrial factory farming kept me FAR FAR away – there was no way I was going to feed my growing baby that tainted meat on that processed to death sesame seed bun!

As you can see, my pregnancy cravings have been INTENSE! To tame them, I’ve spent a lot of time making organic comfort food at home – I’ve made just about all my childhood favorites – grilled cheese, biscuits, pancakes and more. (Have you seen all the cooking on Snapchat? Follow me at “thefoodbabe”).

I have heard most mamas stop enjoying green vegetables during this time – thankfully that is not the case for me, I still LOVE kale and all things green (with a slice of hot cheese pizza please – haha). Actually my Melt In Your Mouth Kale Salad has been on serious repeat lately and is the one dish that doesn’t give me the pregnancy burbs! I’ll be sharing some more of the comfort food recipes I’ve been making soon.

Follow “Food Babe Mama” On Instagram for pregnancy & baby updates.

I have so many more pregnancy stories to share. Like in true Food Babe fashion, I have been reading every book under the sun to prepare for this moment and can’t wait to share all the good health principles I am putting in place.

If you’d like to follow along on my pregnancy journey, I’ll be sharing my insights here on occasion but also more frequently on my new Instagram account – Food Babe Mama – come on over and follow me there!

Pregnancy Q&A Coming – Let Me Know Your Questions!

Also – I know there are many of you mamas and dads out there that might have questions for me and wondering how I am handling all the ins and outs of child bearing, so I’ll be doing periodic Pregnancy Q&As. If you have a question you’d like to have the answer to, just let me know in the comments below.

This is such a wonderful time in my life – thank you for being part of this community, celebrating with us and for all your love and support!




15 weeks pregnant 

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324 responses to “The Time I Almost Ate At Taco Bell… (I’ve Been Keeping A Tiny Little Secret!)

  1. Congrats!! Food Babe Mama!! I am so excited for you and Mr Foodbabe!! AAH!! soo cool!!! Wishing you all the best in being a new mommy!!! 🙂

  2. Aww congratulations!!! When is your due date?I’m currently 18 weeks with my first baby too and due December 18th. I’m excited to follow you through your pregnancy journey and get healthy tips while pregnant!!

  3. Congratulations! Don’t be tempted by those tainted bad foods out there, you are eating for two now. Take care of you both.

  4. Huge Congrats Vani! So excited for you and Mr. Food Babe. Can’t wait to follow you along this journey with you! You both will be wonderful parents and role models!

  5. Camarillo sends you love and well wishes on your baby-on-the-way news! Thank you for all you do to keep us healthy

  6. Congratulations! Pregnancy& childbirth are the most amazing miracles! Trust your body and your mom instincts, there are lots of people who want to instill fear about birth & healthy choices for you baby sadly some of them can be friends, family & even doctors. I chose to have a drug free home birth against A LOT of opposition & it was truly the best choice of my life ! I know home births are not for everyone but I truly believe everyone should go drug free! I had a lot of complications but my recovery was amazingly fast. My daughter is unvaccinated & never fed any sugar. There is an absolute difference in her mental alertness & interaction with people vs her peers who have been vacinated ( people remark every were how intelligent she is ) I believe that every child has that potential if their bodies are guarded closely and protected from harmful chemicals ! You are your childs best advocate don’t forget that ever !! 🙂

    1. There is a huge difference in children’s interaction with peers and adults when they have involved parents who teach them proper and polite manners and manners of speaking, as it sounds like you are doing, and when fed a wholesome diet, as you have said you are doing. Jumping to conclusions about vaccinations is completely unsupported by your comment. Even if you don’t think you would feel differently if you were the mother of a child with a compromised immune system in some way or other health problems leading to increased vulnerability to common childhood diseases and an inability to be vaccinated, please do your part by writing to and calling your legislators and demanding SAFE, preservative-free, small-batch, chemical adjuvant-free vaccines, since there is NO reason that the only vaccines available should have these additives.
      Peace in all.

  7. I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND Mr. FB. Glorious news.

    Signed: Anxiously awaiting pix and news.

  8. Congratulations Food Babe!! You’re making this world a better place for everyone!!

  9. Congrats to you and your husband. I am the proud father of three happily intact children.

    I encourage you to follow the writings of Amy Wright Glenn, Jennifer Margulis, Ryan McAllister, Darcia Narvaez, and Danelle Frisbie on natural childbirth, breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, peaceful parenting, and the genital integrity of children.

  10. Congrats! I am the proud father of three happily intact children.

    I encourage you to follow the writings of Amy Wright Glenn, Jennifer Margulis, Ryan McAllister, Darcia Narvaez, and Danelle Frisbie on natural childbirth, breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, peaceful parenting, and the genital integrity of children.

  11. Congrats!!! Awesome news 🙂 I recently had my first and had a hard time deciding what prenatal vitamins (if any) to use. Would love if you would address that so I know for my next 🙂

  12. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best for you and your family. Now a little story for your enjoyment.

    I have, for the most part, always been a home cook. I never really cared for processed foods for a couple of reasons: As a kid we could not afford such things so everything was made from scratch (what a change in that time to today’s world…fillers everywhere now) and because I was accustom to real food packaged good always tasted off to me. So when I got pregnant I followed through with my eating habits with one flaw…… I just could not get enough chocolate (back then it was Mars bars and Almond joys). Being what it was I ate like a ton of these candy bars weekly. So many that my child, unbeknownst to me, was born with a chocolate allergy. By the time my child was in the tottler stage I was in total mom crazy because little red spots would appear all over the back and belly of my child’s body from time to time. One day it actually occurred during a pediatric appointment. The doctor asked if this was what kept occurring which I replied yes. He believed it to be an allergic reaction then asked me to wait a few day before recreating what was done that day in regards to foods. To my surprise I found it was the chocolate…which we both loved at the time, lol. I stopped having chocolate in the house and provided carob as an alternative.

    Now for the funny part: For years my child had carob and loved it, shared it with friends and even took it to school to share with other classmates. One day my child came home with this shocked and discussing look. I asked what was wrong and was told that I lied. confused I asked how so. I was told that carob was not chocolate and how dare I deprive such a wonderful thing (I think my kid hung around way to many adults, lol) . I explained why and was told it was not so and that whenever possible chocolate would be eaten. I shook my head and said, ” You will be sorry” ….parents and kid; kids never listen. Even though the rashes did come I don’t think my child was ever sorry for it…even to this day, lol.

    Kids will be kids so do your best to roll with it. 🙂

  13. I am so happy for you Vani!! Babies are the most wonderful news. Have a blessed pregnancy.

  14. Congratulations on your child.You have been what most politicians are not,someone who has cared to educate the public on one of their most important needs,how to eat right and care for their health….

  15. Congratulations on the wonderful news. You will be a wonderful Mom and this lucky child will certainly be eating healthy. All the best

  16. Congratulations! I’ve never seen this in any natural health newsletter or mentioned anywhere. But I have fabric allergies (or sensitivity?). 100% cotton-preferably organic- will be the most comfortable for your baby girl. Also, I’d love to see an article or your opinion of wearing only natural fabrics. Again, I’m very happy for you both!

  17. So happy for you guys! Congratulations! And HUGE congrats for passing on cravings!! They are mighty. Love and light xo

  18. Yay, congratulations! I am glad everything is going well so far! God bless you and your new family! =)

  19. Oh my goodness… Taco Bell… I heard the dreaded temptation when I was preggo last year, but I knew I just COULD NOT feed that to my developing little punkin’. I seriously cannot count the amount of organic fully-loaded tacos I made here at home during my pregnancy. No one was shocked if they asked what I was eating for lunch & it would be tacos. I mean t makes sense to crave tacos, they have a little bit of every ingredient from every category.

    I also fed myself an overwhelming amount of other nutritious & healthy information to help my baby develope the best I ever could imagine with all biologically natural ways as well as the added organic superfoods I cram packed into my diet. I tried to consume as much information as humanely possible to be confident in my pregnancy & what I was providing to my growing baby. Still to this day, it is a constant hunger of mine to educate myself with more & more infrpmation to help my baby have a better & well rounded on all levels of development than I did.

    Keep strong & so many congratulations to you & the rest of your Food Babe family!

    I am so excited to follow along with your journey.

  20. Just wondering after u give birth what are your feelings on all the child Imunizations that the government want poison your baby with. Thx

  21. Congratulations! So much beauty is about to unfold for you exponentially! I had some really intense cravings too, especially with Burger King, which I had not had since I was 8 years old! Once I figured out that the craving was for red meat, we made some grass fed organic burgers, and my craving was gone and my body satisfied =). So Happy for you, your smile is contagious, for I can’t stop smiling too! Thank you for all you do for this community, and for the baby industry to come!

  22. Congratulations! I am 11 weeks today due in Feb and I am so excited to follow your journey! I would love to know the names of all the books you are reading. Thanks!

  23. Congratulations. I hope you put your investigative skills into your childbirth options & you investigate vaccination & the vitamin K shot. If you haven’t already please see the movie #Vaxxed, it’s in the theaters now. Also on DVD you can watch the Greater Good & Trace Amounts. The Business of being born is excellent as well. Don’t forget to attend a La Leche League meeting prior to your babies arrival & find a great Lactation Consultant just in case, don’t rely on the ones at the Hospital, they might not be available or helpful. Best wishes to you & Mr. Food Babe

  24. Congratulations. A homebirth is awsome; I delivered all five of my children with a midwife; it is an awesome experience.

  25. People try to tell you horror stories about feeding kids healthy and about giving birth naturally but really both can be done with so much fun and not a lot of hardship at all. I didn’t feed my kids any sugar or processed food, no fast food nothing that would be labeled kids food and they are nine and 11 they still eat a fabulous diet and love food. I also didn’t do any TV or movies and no computers their minds are brilliant, they are fascinated with life and everything around them, mac & cheese and sugar etc. do not make a childhood. Congratulations

  26. If you haven’t already, check out the book Super Nutrition For Babies. It’s a great book written by an awesome holistic pediatrician and a friend of mine who is a holistic nutritionist, they are local to me in SE MI. Great book!!

  27. Dear Vani, this incredible news for everyone! This is just what newly pregnant and new families need! We are just overjoyed because now we can all look forward to more “Food Babe approved” recipes, foods for babies and kids and we would continue to feature them on our nonprofit platform.
    We will be honored if you answered one question in a sentence or two, one that we can feature in our launch post – “What comes to mind when you think of a virtual village for families to help raise a child?”
    We are preparing for our launch and here is one of the topics which ofcourse includes your extremely reliable post – Thank you.
    I look forward to watching you thrive in motherhood. God bless your journey.

  28. Yay congratualtions!!!! And yay for natural birth!!!! Your guna do great, its guna be great and your life is about to change in a whole new way that such an amazing way snd experiencing it a natural way is even better! Read ina may guide to natural birth. Shes the greatest. Congratulations and enjoy every minute of it.

  29. Congratulations to you and Mr. Food Babe. I know you will have an amazing and healthy baby. Keep up your investigations. I have changed many eating habits thanks to you and all your hard work investigating things we used to eat and drink.

  30. Congratulations, Food Babe!!! So happy & excited for you and your husband! I just know you are going to be an amazing mom!! Best wishes for a smooth & healthy pregnancy and delivery!! XO

  31. Congratulations, Now all the new moms will get some good food suggestions for their little ones!

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