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Why I almost stopped writing.

I almost let corruption win. When I started revealing how big food manipulates us, I thought everyone would be happy. And most people were. But what about the companies we demanded change from? They were mad. And before I knew it, I became the target of a national smear campaign. They called me a quack, … Read More

I am going to be attacked for writing my next book: Feeding You Lies

I was naive when I started blogging on Food Babe back in 2011. I thought everyone would be happy about what I wrote because I was helping people.  I had no idea that my investigations into the food industry would produce such a firestorm.  I thought if I just told the truth on my blog, … Read More

Announcing My Next Book: Feeding You Lies

My mom called yesterday and said “Have you turned it in yet?” – I responded with a big “YES! It’s done.” And we both rejoiced. I have been heads down for the last year working on something very important. I’m so thrilled to announce that I just turned in the manuscript for my next book!!! … Read More

Whitewash Book Could Get Monsanto’s Roundup (Glyphosate) Banned Forever

There is a chemical that likely causes cancer being sprayed on 80% of the food in this country and residues have been found in popular foods like Cheerios and Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. This chemical is Roundup Weedkiller (Glyphosate) made by Monsanto. Even though the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer … Read More

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