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BREAKING NEWS: Major Beer Brand Removes Caramel Coloring!

I have some AH-MAZE-ING news to share with you all today! As you may already know, my book The Food Babe Way is coming out in only 2 weeks. As a pre-order bonus in December, I sent out an advance copy of the chapter that I wrote about alcohol and all of the sickening ingredients that are permitted in beer, wine, and hard liquor – completely unlabeled. One of these ingredients is Caramel Coloring Class IV, a completely unnecessary ingredient that is linked to cancer in animal studies. I also mentioned this chemical in my 2013 investigation into beer, and in my 2014 petition to Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors asking them to publish all of their ingredients for the world to see (which has now gotten over 61K signatures). 


This all began because there was Newcastle in my fridge…

The biggest reason that I decided to investigate the beer companies a couple years ago was that my husband likes to drink beer on occasion, and Newcastle was his favorite – although we had no clue what the ingredients were. This was the only thing in my fridge that I didn’t know what was in it and I thought this should change. After contacting Newcastle for the first time in 2013, they wouldn’t tell me all the ingredients, but I had this to say about them:

“Carcinogenic Caramel Coloring

Newcastle, a UK brand, confessed to using what I would consider one of the most controversial food additives. Toasted barley is usually what gives beer its golden or deep brown color, however in this case, Newcastle beer is also colored artificially with caramel color. This caramel coloring is manufactured by heating ammonia and sulfites under high pressure, which creating carcinogenic compounds. If beer companies were required by law to list the ingredients, Newcastle would likely have to have a cancer warning label under California law because it is a carcinogen proven to cause liver tumors, lung tumors, and thyroid tumors in rats and mice”.

This initial blog post went absolutely viral, with millions of page views. This breaking information that Newcastle uses caramel coloring spread like wildfire, and was getting a lot of attention. 

All of this time, I have had ongoing communications with some beer companies, and they are updating me on any progress they are making. Soon after my beer investigation, the company that produces Newcastle (Heineken), reached out to me personally to confirm that they don’t use any genetically modified (GMO) ingredients in Heineken and Amstel Light. They also corresponded with me more recently during my beer petition to confirm that the ingredients in Heineken were listed on the bottles in some foreign countries (not in the U.S) and recognized the Food Babe Army’s work regarding Panera Bread:

“…By the way, saw the Panera headlines today in USA Today. You are driving an impressive agenda. Congrats on the many recent accomplishments (including, by the way, Dr. Oz, which I saw on TV last week or the week prior). Very exciting stuff and a testament to all of your hard work….”

The industry is listening to what we want and are making changes – whether they admit it’s because of us or not. 

This all led up to this email that I recently received from my contact over at Heineken and couldn’t wait to share it with you!

“Happy New Year. I hope you’re well.

We traded e-mails last year. I heard you’re shortly publishing a new book. Congratulations! That is a big accomplishment.

I know you’ve been interested in Newcastle Brown Ale, as your husband’s former favorite beer. I wanted to make sure you knew that we have removed caramel coloring from Newcastle completely. (We are instead using roasted malt.) This change is working its way through our international supply chain now, which takes a bit of time. (Newcastle is brewed in the UK.) The change will be completed and effective in the marketplace in three to six months.

Might it be possible to reflect these facts in future publications including any potential information you’ve included in your book?

Many thanks and wishing you a happy & healthy new year,


Go, Food Babe Army, Go!

Thanks to all of you for spreading the word and sharing this information about what’s hiding in beer, as it’s really making a difference. This is proof that we are getting attention, the industry is taking notice, and changing as a result. We have been on the front lines campaigning that these beer companies disclose all ingredients and remove harmful additives like Caramel Coloring Class IV. No one else is doing this, and this is just the beginning.

I find it interesting that a different corporate spokesperson from Heineken USA told the USA Today on 1/26/2015 that they didn’t make the change because of me specifically – but rather all of us! Every voice matters. Sharing posts works! Usually companies don’t like to give credit where credit is due. 

The Food Babe Way isn’t even out yet and it’s already making changes!

In The Food Babe Way chapter about alcohol, I catalogue several beers and what they contain. As Heineken is removing caramel coloring from Newcastle, I will be making an update in the next printing of my book to include this wonderful new information.

Although I’m thrilled with this news, I still hope that Heineken will completely come around and agree to label all of their ingredients. Ingredients should be publicly available for anyone that wants to know exactly what they’re drinking – even if it’s alcohol. 

Caramel Color is dropping in beer – but it’s still in Starbucks!

Is Starbucks listening? There is no doubt that they are. How can they ignore news like this? They committed late last year to looking into safer alternatives to Caramel Coloring Class IV but I have yet to get a timeline from them. I have contacted them over and over and over again since August and no progress has been made to my knowledge. Starbucks doesn’t use caramel coloring in their drinks in the U.K., so there’s absolutely no reason for them to use this controversial additive here in the U.S. as it is obviously not necessary. 

Millions of Starbucks customers in America are drinking lattes and Frappuccinos filled with this questionable potentially cancer-causing ingredient even today… 

I cannot wait for the day when I get to share that Starbucks has finally removed caramel coloring (and finally posts their drink ingredients online!). But, until then – please share this amazing news with any of your friends and family  – and keep demanding change! 

We are changing the world together one company at a time!



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167 responses to “BREAKING NEWS: Major Beer Brand Removes Caramel Coloring!

  1. Amazing work! So cool to see it pay off. I can’t believe Starbucks is so backwards – get with it, Starbucks! I HATE that they use different ingredients between the UK and the US.

    1. I have stopped buying coffee from Starbucks after learning about the caramel coloring they put in some of their drinks. Starbucks, if you want my business, do the right thing!

  2. I am very interested in the ingredients in Bud Light versus Miller Light beer. When my husband drinks one of those beers he becomes mean and nasty and he does not with the other beer. Let us know when you get the list of ingredients.

    1. My husband drank Budweiser for many years and when we changed our foods then our cosmetics, cleaning solution and more I said it’s time to change your beer, he was not happy about it but did (after tasting many GMO free ones) and realized that when he used to drink Budweiser his sinuses used to get all clogged up and he would have more bowel movements during the day then he does now!!

      1. Susan,
        This is good information to know & is something I will suggest to my husband. He doesn’t have sinus issues per say, but has sleep issues. He’ll wake up coughing & will just say something was stuck in his throat or he swallowed the wrong way. He won’t go see a doctor about it & insists he is fine. All I can say is that I do not wake from sleeping and cough out of nowhere, just about every night, so I don’t think this is normal at all & that is linked to something he eats, but I never thought about what he drinks.

      2. Michelle Ward, I am not a doctor, but if it is not what he eats or drinks, it might be sleep Apnea but definitely worth a try!! Good luck

      3. To Michelle,
        That is not an uncommon problem in the US. Your husband probably has GERD caused by a weakened lower esophageal sphincter muscle, which helps to keep acid inside the stomach. Gluten sensitivity, pesticides and specifically glyphospate can have a strong effect on the stomach, it’s acid and the LES.
        Have him record the foods he eats on the nights he is up and then look up the ingredients in those foods. The same ingredients will keep showing up.

  3. In 2010, the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) concluded that commercially-produced caramel color has the same toxicological properties as caramel produced by cooking or heating sucrose.

    1. Really? Check this out for the facts.

      4) CLASS IV CARAMEL COLORING – Class IV caramel coloring is a food coloring created in a laboratory with ammonium-containing and sulfite-containing compounds, which produce the byproduct 4-MeI.

      There are four types of caramel coloring, and only the two made with ammonia compounds can contain 4-MeI (Class III and Class IV). Yet, any type of caramel color may be listed on the ingredient label as only “caramel color”, and the class is not typically disclosed.

      It has no nutritional benefits and is only used cosmetically to improve the appearance of food and drinks, but there are safer alternatives available to food manufacturers.


      – Any food or drink that contains more than 29 micrograms of 4-MeI requires a cancer warning label in California (under Prop 65) that says, “WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer”.

      – Some companies (e.g. Starbucks) use level IV caramel coloring in the U.S., but don’t use it in other countries in Europe. For instance, Starbucks uses beta carotene instead of caramel coloring in the U.K.

      – A 2007 U.S government funded National Toxicology Program study found that feeding mice caramel coloring IV increased their risk of developing lung cancer and leukemia. The National Toxicology Program wrote that there is “clear evidence” of the carcinogenic activity of 4-MeI in male and female mice.

      – The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies 4-MeI as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”.

      – In 2011, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the FDA to ban caramel coloring due to safety concerns and the cancer risk.

    2. Class III Caramel Coloring is used in beer. Deemed non-carcinogenic by all international regulatory agencies.

      The potentially carcinogenic CIV coloring is unstable in beer

      1. Can you verify your sources? I know for fact that several beer companies use Class IV.

      2. Does this mean I can buy (and safely consume) New Castle Beer again?
        Dropped it when you reported all the “Bad Beers”.
        Thanks FOODBABE!

      3. Gwynn, really? Please verify your information. Post the data and the source. Links, please.

      4. Food Babe, how do you know for a fact for fact that several beer companies use Class IV? And which ones are they?

  4. Seven years as a Brewer.
    CIV breaks down in beer.
    You want to say caramel coloring is a cheat meant to darken a beer, I agree.
    But if you want to call it a toxic carcinogenic, you are only promoting fear and ignorance.

    1. I’d love to see some independent data on this – I’m just going by what I have learned from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the National Toxicology Program and the subsequent tests that Consumers Union has conducted. It’s not an additive that is necessary but does pose some risk according to them.

    2. CIII or CIV, doesn’t matter to me, they are both produced with ammonium and could be hurting us, besides being UNNECESSARY. Beer should be cancer free, buy local, don’t even drink stuff made by the big companies until they get it right.

      1. Beer isn’t cancer free. Alcohol is proven to be damaging to your body. Liver damage?

    3. Gwynn,

      There is a reason these chemicals are banned all over the work except in the US. The are legal in the US because of high-dollar lobby’s that only care about maximum profit for their customers. Look at all legal wrangling and fighting to try and keep Trans-Fat legal in food products. President G.W. Bush declared you don’t have the right to know whether or not you are eating cloned beef, which has never been proven safe and is protected by the Monsanto law.

      #Go FoodBabe #GoFoodBabeArmy

    4. Gwynn,
      Would you please provide more information to back up your statements? We’d all like to get at the truth, but just making statements doesn’t really provide information. So if CIV breaks down in beer does that make it less toxic? I’d really like to know more about this and any information you have. And where you’re getting your info.

      Here’s an article that provides an overview of some of the concerns with this ingredient. Yes, there are concerns with toxicity. I feel if there is any potential for toxicity, then why use such a product when there are other alternatives? It’s just another unnatural assault on our bodies along with so many others in the world today. May be in small amounts but together with other toxins (or by itself) there can be effects. Our bodies can only take so much.

  5. Go Vani! Thank God for you…we need GMO labeling ASAP! How do we get this done? You have the power and have all your followers…petition? The FDA is so
    Corrupt though.
    Starbucks is so behind….no gluten free baked goods, no almond milk, no organic coffee…way over priced!

  6. Way to go! This is amazing news. The Food Babe Army is as thankful to the Food Babe for spearheading these causes as the Food Babe is to the Army for their support.
    Can’t wait for the day Starbucks makes some changes to their ingredients and menu. Until then, I will be enjoying my croissants, hot tea, coffee, and lattes elsewhere!
    Looking forward to your book!!

  7. Thanks for all you do, Vani. We do need GMO labeling and should have had it a loooong time ago. Why are so many companies desperate to keep consumers in the dark about what they are eating/drinking? We all know the answer to that one. Just follow the money.

  8. Yay!! I was wondering if you have any info on the caramel coloring in Bacos? I don’t eat meat, so Bacos is a fave of mine. Keep up the good work.

  9. Aren’t there far more studies that show the damaging effects of alcohol on the liver than there are on caramel color? Why don’t you have them remove the alcohol as well?

    1. Nick – this isn’t just about caramel coloring – it’s about transparency in the ingredients. Beer manufacturers should be required to list all additives so we can decide whether or not we want to consume them.

    2. You should start that campaign, let people know that alcohol is dangerous and is in their beer!! Oh wait, we already know that. It’s the other chemicals that people don’t know about and should, that way we each make an informed choice.

      1. You miss the point Sarah. Alcohol is a known carcinogen. You know it’s in beer but you still choose to drink it. Why? Why are you going after a beer company to remove one carcinogen but not the other. The risk of you developing cancer or death from over exposure is probably a lot higher from the alcohol that from caramel color.

      2. In the end you are just starting campaigns for “healthier” garbage. “I want McDonalds to remove this from my French Fries!” and then they do but a it’s still junk so what’s the difference?

    1. Sorry, but you are wrong. Nowhere that I could find on the FDA website, does the FDA classify alcohol that is consumed in alcoholic beverages as carcinogenic. Nor in any search I could find as well. Heavy use, overindulgence of alcoholic beverages is not healthy and could lead to many health problems, yes, but the issue here is the unpublished ingredients contained in many alcoholic beverages that do not need to be there and could be harmful to our health.

      Please do a little research before stating opinions. It helps everyone.

      1. Yes, gwynn seems to be having a lot of trouble verifying her information. Might it be that it’s from a script that she is posting? Here, you can’t just throw up statements like that without verification. I’ll just bet we don’t see any from her, because it’s just not there.

    2. Life is carcinogenic. What gives? This is about transparency. People have the right to know what they are drinking and eating. Do you know how many people have severe reactions to food additives? If your daughter or son had a life threatening allergy to a “hidden” additive, wouldn’t you want this same transparency by companies made available to you? A glass of wine/beer or two is not carcinogenic. The health benefits have been proven time and time again. Abuse of any substance is toxic. If you rely on the guidelines of the FDA, you will sadly be mis-guided. They are bought & paid for. They approve of every toxic thing out there. I will not be a zombie or embrace a herd mentality for no-one. Thank you.

    3. However, the alcohol that was tested and listed as carcinogenic included known carcinogenic contaminants. Their own studies reflect this knowledge. There has been no testing of alcohol that does not contain contaminants known to cause cancer.

      By their own admission, alcohol containing carcinogenic contaminants can cause cancer. But, does alcohol without any offending contaminants cause cancer? Many people would be very interested to know this answer.

      1. “However, the alcohol that was tested and listed as carcinogenic included known carcinogenic contaminants.”

        Says who? Source please… pure ethanol (that’s alcohol that we drink) is a poison – it’s all a matter of dose; and while you’re at it why not tell the people dying from the multitude of oral cancers due to their own heavy drinking.

        I don’t want you to agree with me – I want you to think for yourself.

      2. For your reading pleasure.
        And I don’t care if you agree with me. I write to give my people information against your people.

        We all like Vani and appreciate the work she does. However, it’s easier for some readers to spend their time knocking down the achievements of others rather than use their energy to find ways to help others. We’re just gonna shake it off.

  10. Well done Food Babe! Even though I am South African I get so excited when I hear news like this – we are all connected after all and all your hard work and caring has ripple effects so Thank You! I will keep on spreading the truth.

  11. Thanks for doing all these investigations. It really helps everyone and especially disabled people like myself. I try to eat healthily, but it’s hard to make decisions on what is good for me if some manufacturers will not list ingredients. I absolutely love it when something is labeled Non GMO. Most of my family drinks beer, so YES I believe the Beer Manufacturers should have to label their ingredients so people can make good decisions.

    1. You know what’s not good for you? Beer. No matter how much caramel color they remove from it; it’s still not good for you.

  12. Hey,
    This is laughable! If you want to avoid cancer, stay away from all alcoholic products! Alcohol is surely a carcinogenic! Are you nuts? Caramel coloring is the least of your worries! Everyone knows there’s a strong relationship between heavy alcoholic intake and cancer. Secondly, stay away from those horrible sugary-caffeinated drinks, Starbucks or anywhere else. They couldn’t be good for you, with or without caramel coloring. Get real! Just eat healthy everybody and all those products will disappear off the shelves!

    1. People think they are eating/drinking healthy when they purchase food products from manufacturers. They assume the FDA and USDA and the companies themselves are not going to intentionally try to poison us, or to slip things in that might do harm over time, or that these products aren’t leaching in poisons from plastics or inner linings. Most of us don’t have the time that Vani has spent researching (you know, looking things up, asking around, researching) all the different things we eat and drink. I know I don’t have that amount of time.

      Vani is discovering that many of us are not eating healthy even though we are being told by the food industry that they are supplying healthy food to us. Or at least not supplying unhealthy food to us. However, Vani has also discovered not only are these manufacturers providing us with unhealthy food, they are doing it intentionally! They use different ingredients in identical food products sold in Europe than what they use in the food they market in the U.S.

      You are just not getting it. Why the discrepancy? What do you think the food manufacturers will do IF the U.S. ever cracks down and demands food companies adhere to selling safe food in the U.S.? Will they change their ingredients for the products they sell in Africa or South America? No, they won’t. They will sell their junk products over there. They rely on the ignorance of people. They rely on consumers trusting that they won’t intentionally feed them food that is unhealthy. They know people are too busy to check everything.

      That is where Vani comes in. Food manufacturers are not trustworthy. They have shown themselves to be disingenuous. They have proven to us that they are not selling food for our sake. They have demonstrated time and time again that they don’t want us to know what they are putting into our food. They want us to remain ignorant.

      So, how do you eat healthy when the food you are eating is coming from people who don’t want you to know?

    2. FYI: Those unsafe products have not been disappearing, so people don’t seem to be understanding your suggestion to “just eat healthy”.

      The food industry does not care if they sell you safe food. They leave that up to the FDA. But the FDA doesn’t care either. They leave it up to the food manufacturers. So, no one is actually checking which is why so many people died from eating Chinese products. The consumers discovered the Chinese products weren’t safe.

  13. How wonderful it feels to get news like this, I always look forward to opening your emails! Fantastic job on making the world a safer place to eat and drink one day at a time 🙂 looking forward to receiving the book!

  14. Do you have a post on Starbucks’ coffee? Would you even skip out on their coffee’s and tea’s black or plain? Curious if even their beans are toxic…

  15. Brilliant Vani, CONGRATULATIONS. I can imagine the dedication your work has required and I am delighted it is paying off for you and, most importantly, for the health of the world. Keep up the great work! I am also doing what I can to begin to advocate for veganism (a whole-food, plant-based diet) as it is a key lever to address so much of our current challenges: our individual and collective health, soaring healthcare costs, the lives of billions of animals, and for the sustainability of the only home we have, planet Earth. I am three years vegan, have just completed my Certificate in Plant-based Nutrition via eCornell University with Dr T. Colin Campbell (which I highly recommend, it should be mandatory education for people everywhere) and I am attending the World Vegan Summit in CA this March. By day, I am a senior leadership coach and author. I currently work with some of the top physician leaders in one of the best healthcare organizations in the world and my work has been adopted by leading organizations like General Electric, Colgate-Palmolive, American Airlines, Mayo Clinic to name a few. Please let me know if I can be helpful to you in anyway as you seek to lead our world towards positive change. My aim is to work more and more with the true leaders of the world: plant-based entrepreneurs who will save the animals, our health and our planet. Please consider liking/following/sharing: Thank you. We need as many of us other there as is possible. Warmest, Susanne Biro.

  16. This is great news! Now we need to get it out of soft drinks and everything else. Coke and Pepsi both use this…

    1. Easy, do what I do and have done for 80 years, don’t buy the poison, and never, NEVER give it to your children unless you like poisoning them. in the meantime, “cheers” to your liver and kidneys as YOU s l o w l y rot them away.

      1. I haven’t drank soft drinks in over 40 years and my 15 year old daughter does not either.You have made a very poor assumption, although soft drinks are one of the biggest health problems in America and this needs to be addressed.

  17. Amazing work! I for one will not purchase NewCastle beer for at least 6 months and I refuse to buy another Starbucks until they change as well (including using only organic milk)! My $5 may not seem like much to a company as large as Starbucks, but I spread the word to as many SB fans as I can 😉

    So there StarBucks! Ha!
    Keep up the good work,

  18. Thanks for the work you do. I am curious if they were one of the brands with Carrageenan in it? I was thinking they had it and was wondering if they did, have they removed it? It was one of my hubby’s faves and we now call it “cancer-beer” and don’t buy it any more. He would love to know they are clean! Thanks

  19. Vani – Thank you for all your hard work! With your upcoming book, I’ll be able to enjoy foods that I have avoided, because the labels were confusing. Looking forward to reading your book 🙂

  20. Vani, yes indeed, you’re making this world healthier and happier! Modestly humble, you’ve spread the credit around which is why we love you dearly!!!

    Starbucks needs to get on the ball with complete disclosure and realize that we DON’T NEED THEM – I make a fantastic Organic vanilla latté for about 28 cents!

    You’ve discovered the answer: Money talks! No disclosure – No purchase! When enough informed (Thank You, Vani), health-minded people get onboard – I GUARANTEE CHANGE! GO FOOD BABE!

  21. Alex Jones liberated my mind and the Food Babe has saved my flesh. I’ve come along way from the days of cold c-rats and hot sauce! Thanks for all you do.

  22. This is a fantastic development. One thing that the local breweries have over the Heineken / Busch large box beer produces is the use of good ingredients and better taste. This has really cut into sales for beer. I personally haven’t had one of those brands in 10 years, since all the local breweries make a superior product.

    A good marketing move on the local brews part would be to advertise their ingredient in contrast to the carmel-cancer concoction. Buy local is a good tactical move against the big box players, and should be encouraged even more.

  23. Awesome news, Vani!!! If only STARBUCKS would wake up! We stopped going there altogether! GMOs and non-organics with no sight of them changing?! No thank you!

  24. I have never been able to drink beer without getting an immediate bad stomach reaction after the first two sips. I’ve been trying out beers since I turned 21 in the 70’s so I have plenty of proof for this statement! I had the chance to go to Germany and Czech Republic this year. Everybody applauded their beers, so I tried sips and guess what? No bad reaction!!!! I even drank a whole glass on a few occasions without any bad effects.

    Its against the law in Germany to put anything in beer except the natural ingredients they have been using for centuries. I can’t speak about CZ laws, but I am willing to bet that their beer is crap free, also.

    I truly don’t understand our American compulsion to add crap to everything. It seems like it would even be cheaper for the producers if they didn’t buy that extra, unnecessary

  25. Have you investigated wine ingredients? I’m wondering about herbicides, other additives. Thanks for all your work. We knew the food industry was evil even back in the 70’s and there were advocates for change then but it is good to see how effective you have been now when it seems that the world has forgotten.

  26. Vani,
    You are doing a fantastic job!!! Thanks to you many improvements are being made!! Don’t listen to the negative. Thank you for doing what you do so well… on behalf of all of us who want to know what we are consuming. You are awesome!!!

  27. I have immediate, bad stomach reactions to beer after the first two sips. I’ve been trying beer sips since I turned 21 in the 70’s, so I have plenty of evidence to back this up.

    This year I had the chance to visit Germany and the Czech Republic. Everyone raves about their beers, so I thought I’d try a sip. Guess what? No bad reaction!!! I could finish a whole glass with no problem, in both countries.

    It is against the law in Germany to add anything to beer that hasn’t been part of the recipe for centuries, so I’m convinced that beer itself isn’t the problem. The problem is the crap that US brewers put in their beer. I was told by Czech friends that their beer is also crap free.

    What I don’t understand is the American compulsion to add crap to a perfectly good recipe. It seems like it would be cheaper not to, because the brewers have to pay for the extra ingredients.

    Please keep up your work, and the next time I visit overseas, I will toast you with my beer.

  28. Although I’m pleased to hear the manufacturer is engaged in open dialog with you and is willing to trade it the ingredient, isn’t malt problematic, too?
    Does it not contain MSG and gluten?

    Thanks for your activism and in advance for the clarification! ☺

  29. Okay, but I say that what will make a TRUE difference in people’s health, is zero dollars to buy beer, in everyone’s budget. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but so is stopping the murder of billions of animals a year so we can unnecessarily eat their bodies.

  30. Nowhere that I could find on the FDA website, does the FDA classify caramel coloring that is consumed in alcoholic beverages as carcinogenic.

    1. Is there a difference between the Class IV Caramel Coloring used in alcoholic beverages and the Class IV Caramel Coloring used in non-alcoholic beverages? Sounds pretty specific to have two different version of Class IV Caramel Coloring? But I don’t really know or consider that there may be two different versions. Could you confirm there are actually two (or more) version s of Class IV Caramel Coloring, one for alcoholic beverages and another for non-alcoholic beverages. Thanks in advance.

      1. I’m wondering if the ingredient list states: caramel color (only) and not specifying Class IV–is it still dangerous? Or, if the ingredient in a pop says caramel without anything else after it; does this mean it’s less dangerous?

  31. Great work Vani. We all must understand as you certainly do. The power is in the hands of we, the masses, if we really care about the future and our children….

  32. This is awesome news! I switched from Coors light to Amstel light after reading about the GMO’s in their beers. Can’t wait to get my hands on this book xoxo

  33. You go girl! Thanks so much from all of us that consume these chemicals blindly!
    P.s sharing!

  34. Do you think we really need companies to label that they contain GMO’s or are you more ok with companies putting GMO free labels on their products? I think the later is better because it still promotes a free market and allows companies to make their own decisions without having another law in place. Then the consumers will show them what is good by what we purchase. Those who decide not to label are not getting my business, those who decide to are getting my business. Unless I know the direct source of the product, ie a local maker of something or another. Not matter what I will always be a label reader.

  35. You are awesome Vani! Keep up the good work! I support you all the way! Thank you for helping make our food safer!

  36. I am unable to comprehend the arguments against proper labeling for GMO’s and ALL carcinogenics in our food supply.

    Proper labeling = The Truth. These food companies had better listen, or they will fail. The People are tired of half truth and lies when it comes to their food.

    Pink Slime??? Ammonium!! really?!

    Its like these commenters are trying to justify poisoning their own community members…by citing ‘science’, no matter how flawed or outdated, given to them by their masters at work, or the food company they work for.

    They then attack the messenger for sharing a factual truth or asking a verifying questions, that the public so obviously has and had THE RIGHT to know.

    So Lame…wake up now!!! K…thanks.

    1. Sadly, they won’t learn because there will always be those who don’t get the connection with the $1 menu today and cancer or diabetes 10 years from now. After all, no guarantee they’ll get sick, but they will have to pay much more for healthy food now. Then they end up in the vicious cycle where they can’t afford their meds and healthy food once they do get sick.

  37. I personally drink Organic chocolate beer from the U.K. , it’s strong but tastes great !
    Can’t find US Organic beer around here. There use to be 5 or 6 but no more. This company who makes the chocolate beer, Samual Smith, also makes Cherry Organic beer.

    1. Samuel Smith makes a variety of beers. I bought a six of IPA and Porter. I didn’t realize someone had mixed them. But I like both, so it worked out. Perhaps I need to look into starting an organic beer brewery. One that ensures it keeps the carcinogenic contaminants out of the alcohol.

  38. im tired of that any compnays cover up lies lies lies. i wish simple truth nice organic keep health . am i right ? have a good day !!!

  39. I doubt most consider a few beers a week as “heavy alcoholic intake”. Also, it’s flawed logic to suggest multiple carcinogens = 1. But it’s about making an informed choice which isn’t possible if you don’t know all of the information. We all know driving is dangerous, but I doubt many of us would neglect our tires and rationalize it by saying “if you really want to be safe, don’t drive at all”. I wonder why you’re even on this site. Trolls?

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