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The Unethical Tactics Of The Chemical Industry To Silence The Truth

I debated whether or not I should bother to share the information in this post with you. On one hand, I choose to put my focus and energy on the willing – the people who want to hear about what’s really in their food and how they can make healthy changes to their lifestyle. On the other hand, there are some serious detractors that do not want the truth about our food to be heard. They are working as agents for the biotech and chemical industry to prevent information about the risks of using GMOs and their products to come to light. I decided to publish this post because I want you to be aware of who these detractors are – and why they can’t be trusted. 

My recent trip to Hawaii is the perfect example of how these detractors work…

A few months ago, I was invited to speak by Hawaii Center for Food Safety (Hawaii CFS) for an event called the “Ethics of Eating”. This is the Hawaii chapter of the Center For Food Safety (CFS), a nonprofit organization that promotes organic and sustainable agriculture. They fight back against the corrupt food system with petitions and have bravely taken legal action to force our government to create stronger regulations in regards to GMOs and chemicals that are harming our bodies, the environment, and farm animals.

Hawaii is a hot bed for the research and development of new chemically intensive GMOs and they are a testing ground for many experimental chemicals and crops – it is essentially “ground-zero”. Five of the largest chemical companies are suing the counties of Hawaii to keep their testing secret. Much of the work that Hawaii CFS is doing is focusing on the public health impacts of the pesticides and herbicides used on GMOs, and because of this, they are heavily targeted by the biotech companies who are profiting off of these chemicals and technologies. In 2015, over 100 Monsanto employees crashed a CFS presentation in Hawaii in an attempt to intimidate the presenters. This is how biotech operatives operate, and CFS is very aware of their tactics. The people that work with CFS are very well respected and fearless activists in an increasingly aggressive climate.

I was thrilled I was invited to Hawaii to speak, yet I had no idea the absolute chaos that would ensue when they began promoting the event.

As soon as my upcoming appearance was announced, the biotech industry quickly engaged and astroturfing began on the Hawaii CFS Facebook page. They began receiving hundreds of insulting and inflammatory comments – mainly criticizing me personally, characterizing me as “hilariously uninformed,” “a crazy food blogger,” and telling Hawaii CFS that they promote “pseudoscience” and “fearmongering” for bringing me in to speak. 

“Vani’s visit to Hawai‘i would unleash the most powerful display of the pro-GMO public relations machine that I have witnessed since taking my position with CFS.” ~ Ashley Lukens, Director of Hawai‘i Center for Food Safety

This just goes to show the great lengths that the GMO industry will go to in an attempt to discredit our work and make it difficult for anyone to ever ask me to speak again. They were defaming me in an attempt to harm my future speaking engagements – but they didn’t stop there.

24 hours before I was scheduled to take the stage, I was informed by Hawaii CFS that the pro-GMO and satire activist group “March Against Myths About Modification” (MAMyths) launched a campaign to sabotage the event.


The tickets to the event were free, but there were a limited quantity available as the venue could only accommodate a certain number of people. When word spread that I was coming to speak, MAMyths asked their followers to reserve blocks of tickets using fake names and fake emails so that it would appear to be “sold out” and that we would be speaking to an empty venue.

They reserved over 1,500 tickets using names like “Fraud Babe,” “Organic is Dumb,” “Susi Creamcheese,” and “Harriett Tubman” from traced IP addresses outside of Hawaii and overseas in the United Kingdom, Australia, China, Thailand, Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

They were unsuccessful because Hawaii CFS discovered where these bogus requests were coming from and were able to easily cancel their reservations. Yet, it was clear that we struck a cord and they were trying to disrupt the event. 





Who is March Against Myths About Modification? 

MAMyths is a spin-off group and “partner” of Biology Fortified – a website which advocates strongly for GMOs and who has been working with the PR group Cornell Alliance For Science in protesting the brave work being done by U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) which exposes hidden relationships between biotech companies, scientists, and PR firms.

Biology Fortified received a grant from the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) – a group sponsored by biotech companies. They claim most of their operational funding comes from “individual personal donations” and that the authors are all unpaid “volunteers”. 

MAMyths describes themselves as “Radicals for science utilizing grassroots organization and direct action for social change” and are basically satirizing the March Against Monsanto movement. They attend Marches in their “I Love GMOs” t-shirts and protest talks given by anti-GMO food activists such as Vandana Shiva.

Industry front groups like the American Council for Science and Health (funded in part by Bayer and Syngenta) have promoted MAMyths and encourage people to join them. They have also been featured in the Cornell Alliance for Science newsletter – a PR arm of the biotech industry that defends companies like Monsanto ruthlessly. Why do biotech and agrichemical companies support MAMyths? Is there more than meets the eye to this relationship? 

The founders of MAMyths are Karl Haro von Mogel, Kavin Senapathy and David Sutherland

Karl Haro von Mogel works exhaustively to defend biotechnology (GMOs) and has been called a “leader” by Cami Ryan, Social Science Lead at Monsanto. Yet, it is unclear how he makes his living doing this work, as supposedly he is a “volunteer” for these organizations. He was on the faculty for the Biotechnology Literacy Project – a boot camp that trained individuals to “engage the media” and also to “appear as experts in local legislative and government hearings”, sponsored by the Monsanto-backed organization “Academics Review”.  Karl also writes articles for other pro-Monsanto websites, such as Genetic Literacy Project. 

Why would Karl show up to record our recent presentation?

Karl showed up at my recent panel discussion with USRTK at the Heirloom Festival on September 8th, 2016 in California and proceeded to film and record our presentation (on 2 devices) even after he was asked to stop recording. Did he travel all the way from his hometown in Wisconsin just to record our discussion? Who paid for him to be there and why?

This is not the first time he has tried to harass activists at this event. He did the same in 2014 and offered to reimburse the entrance fee of the event. This begs the question again, who is MAMyth funded by?

Karl VH

Kavin Senapathy: Who is she really defending?

Kavin likes to call herself a “science defender” and swings a cartoon sword, but she is not a scientist by trade. Kavin studied Business Marketing at University of Wisconsin. She works as an “Advisor” for her father’s company, Genome International Corporation, which holds several patents that are likely licensed to biotech companies. She also works as a writer for several pro-GMO blogs like Grounded Parents and Skepchick. 

She once emailed me for comment on a story she was writing and refused to answer my questions about her conflicts of interest. Just like her friend Kevin Folta, she denies industry ties… but a picture says a thousand words…


Isn’t it a bit strange to see her hanging out with Monsanto’s social media and PR friends if she has no ties to them?

Kavin is a spokeswoman for “Chow Babe” hate Facebook page.

Kavin has taken a big interest in me personally. She spends a very significant amount of time criticizing me and the work of the Food Babe Army. She acts as the spokesperson for a Facebook page that was created solely to criticize and parody me all day long, every day, sometimes being severely offensive.


Kavin co-authored an entire book against the food revolution and me

Her social media presence gained the attention of the NPR – The Salt Blog, allowing her to be interviewed and quoted in a heavily circulated hit piece against me. Since focusing on me had gotten Kavin so much attention, she proceeded to co-author an entire book about me called “Fear Babe”, which includes a forward written by none other than Kevin Folta – a scientist that was caught red-handed accepting cash from Monsanto for his “outreach”.

Kavin is a busy girl! Spending so much of her time trying to discredit me and our movement. You’ve got to ask yourself, what motivates her to do this?

More importantly: Why does Forbes allow Kavin to write articles for them without appropriate conflict of interest disclosure? 

Kavin has recently published several articles in Forbes (a website that reaches millions) in which she spews hate for organic food and farming, and bashes non-GMO food activists like me over and over again:

“3 Tactics Donald Trump Shares With Dr. Oz, The Food Babe, And Other Snake Oil Salesmen” – Forbes, 10/5/16

“The Food Babe Is A Bully And Cotton Incorporated Isn’t Going To Take It” – Forbes, 5/27/16

“Del Monte Joins Food Babe Army, Shuns Fruit-Saving Technology” – Forbes, 4/5/16

“The Toxic ‘Chemical Hypocrisy’ Of Food Babe, Joseph Mercola And Mark Hyman” – Forbes, 12/3/15

In Kavin’s libelous articles, her “sources” are PR operatives and people who are paid to protect the profits of the big food and GMO companies. For instance, she cites “experts” from:

Are these people “Independent Experts”? Absolutely not! 

In her earlier Forbes pieces, she co-wrote them with Henry Miller, a former FDA employee who founded the Office of Biotechnology, and is also associated with several front groups that ferociously defend the use of GMOs and pesticides. His resume includes accolades from Philip Morris for defending the tobacco industry. Henry has been writing pro-GMO articles for Forbes for over 10 years. Why did Henry take Kavin under his wing? Did he help her secure a position at Forbes? Does Forbes know about her relationships to Monsanto and PR firms? Do they know that she heads up a Facebook group that works with front groups? Are her conflicts of interest disclosed? Does Forbes know she’s the leader of a Facebook group encouraging people to use fake names to get fake tickets for an event to harass activists? How can Forbes allow someone to write for them who engages in unethical tactics like this?

UPDATE 8/2/17The website Forbes ended their relationship with writer Henry Miller after discovering that Monsanto ghost-wrote his article defending their herbicide Roundup. Forbes also took the article down from their website… but you’ve got to wonder how many people it misled since that article was up for over two years. Nowhere in the article did Miller disclose his relationship with Monsanto, nor the fact that they wrote for him! Monsanto admitted to the New York Times, “Our scientists have on occasion collaborated with Dr. Miller on other pieces” – so this wasn’t an isolated incident.

Contact Forbes and ask them to disclose Kavin’s ties to industry

If you think this behavior is as shady as I do, join me in contacting Forbes here and letting them know how you feel about Kavin and her undisclosed ties to the industry. We need to speak up when we see corrupt reporting to encourage media outlets to do better due diligence and to inspire real investigative journalism. I tried to get her to disclose her ties, but my email went unanswered. After my questions about her conflicts of interest went unanswered she continued to write defamatory pro-industry articles about our work without contacting me for comment. 

Who else has been behind the wheel at MAMyths?

Reportedly, a social media consultant and contributor for MAMyths is Jayson Merkley, who has a background in writing and marketing. He is a Fellow of the prestigious-sounding group The Cornell Alliance for Science, in which he completed their leadership training. 


Who is the Cornell Alliance For Science, and why do they train “leaders” to harass food activists?

The Cornell Alliance For Science sounds prestigious, right??? In reality, they are a relatively new front group leading the charge in the pro-GMO propaganda machine.

They are the “public relations arm for the agrichemical industry” insidiously hosted at one of the most renowned universities in the country. Their goal is to “depolarize the GMO debate” and their stance is squarely pro-GMO and pro-chemical.

The Alliance claims to have zero industry ties, yet their partners include several organizations funded by biotechnology companies. For instance, one partner is ISAAA, who receives funding from Monsanto and CropLife, a trade organization for biotech. See how they try to obscure affiliations like these?

They want to gag activists into silence and refuse to debate REAL independent scientists. 

Although their stated mission is to depolarize the GMO debate, when it comes down to it they refuse to debate scientists or activists who are critical of GMOs unless they are in complete control. A GMO debate was organized on the Cornell University campus, and no one from Cornell Alliance For Science or Cornell faculty would agree to debate the “benefits” of GMOs, despite numerous email requests by the student coordinator. They didn’t even need to travel! The debate was brought to their campus but they refused.

Could it be that they know their arguments are defenseless?

They recently got called out by 67 New York State farmers who sent a letter to Cornell, urging them to evict the Alliance for Science for their biased and unscientific attitude towards GMOs.

“Nothing in the materials or programs of “The Alliance for Science” is anything but entirely pro-biotechnology. They are without balance or significant critical evaluation of the range of agricultural systems and technologies that exist in food production today.” ~ Elizabeth Henderson, organic farmer from Wayne County, New York

Meanwhile… they are training “leaders” to exploit the media.

The Cornell Alliance for Science provides leadership training to students, farmers, and scientists, many of whom have a background in marketing, business, or journalism, to use their communication skills to promote the use of GMOs along with chemical-intrusive agriculture and to slam activists that are fighting for more sustainable practices. They also provide journalism fellowships with cash awards to “promote in-depth contextualized reporting”. They put on a front that they are “activists” trying to help farmers, when they are actually just conducting PR work for the biotech industry. It’s disgusting and appalling.

There are several scientists, bloggers, farmers and social media personalities that appear to be legitimate, but have strong ties (and sometimes covert financial relations) with the biotech industry and their PR firms. Usually their relationship to each other runs deep and they take specific steps to hide their affiliations with the industry. Their goal is to fool the masses into believing industry propaganda.

The industry has done consumer research which shows that most people tend to trust farmers and publicly-funded scientists for information about GMOs, especially if they are a mom. Armed with this information, the industry hides their tracks and tries to fool the masses with front groups largely comprised of university scientists, moms, and farmers. 

Is this who you trust for information about GMOs? 



{Above slides presented by the front group Center for Food Integrity at IFT16}

The makings of a GMO industry front group and how they hide their affiliations to the industry: 

1.  A biotech or agrochemical company donates money to a foundation or charity that will give the appearance of being independent, but will act as a funnel for their money going forward. 

2.  This foundation will go on to provide funding for a new “scientific” organization to be established to “communicate science” to the public. Other times, a PR firm is hired to create this organization. They may even create multiple child organizations down the line to further hide their connections to biotech. These are all front groups. See examples here

3.  This new front group will create a respectable looking website and social media accounts, stating that their mission is to spread the truth about science and food. 

4.  The front group will train farmers, bloggers, and scientists (if they are a mom, this is a bonus!) on how to work with them to help spread their messages about the “safety” of GMOs, food additives, factory farming practices, or pesticides. Sometimes they are paid or given other accommodations to do this work for the organization. 

5.  The organization will call those that they work with and train “experts”. They will recommend them to journalists who are writing for major media publications and their ties to the industry are not readily disclosed. They will be touted as independent. 

6.  These trained farmers and scientists go out and write for their own blogs and sometimes branch out, writing for bigger publications such as Forbes. Likewise, they create Facebook groups and pages that will be used to poke fun at activists (such as myself) and try to disrupt the work we are doing. There are countless food-related satire and astroturf pages like this online right now.

This process has been duplicated dozens of times and will continue as long as they are not exposed!

As you can see, these people are just agents for biotech. Whether or not they are paid directly by them, they are doing their bidding. 

I think it is absolutely mandatory for journalists to investigate and further probe these connections. Judging by the way these groups and individuals mock me publicly and troll our work, it is clear they are working together and have an agenda. 

The bottomline? We want a safer and healthier food system, and some people want to keep the food system just like it is today – broken, corrupt and full of unregulated food additives and chemicals that only improve the bottom line of food and biotech companies and not our health. We clearly have different missions. 

I hope that this information gives you more courage to use your voice online to elicit change. If you do find yourself the victim of their trolling behavior, here’s what to do. They want us to stop and be silenced. We truly are creating a safer food system, and they are freaking out!!! That is why they are spewing so much vitriol towards us – they simply have no other options left.

Please share this post! The more people aware of these disgusting tactics, the better we are equipped to determine fact from fiction when it comes to finding ultimate health – which is our goal after all.



P.S. By the way – The Ethics of Eating event in Hawaii was so amazing! We had a packed house, and standing room only! We streamed it live on Facebook, and it was a huge success. Thank you Hawaii-Center For Food Safety for the incredible hospitality and of course, for hiring additional security to keep the event on track! 

Hawaii CFS Event

Ethics of Eating at The University of Hawaii, 09/15/2016

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236 responses to “The Unethical Tactics Of The Chemical Industry To Silence The Truth

  1. Thank You Vani for all you do. I’m not very active in these matters and feel a little guilty when I read all that you do. Keep up the good work.

    1. Doing what you do takes a lot of guts. You are deeply admired and respected. Keep on keepin’ on!

  2. Please keep doing what you do. Your fight does not go unnoticed.
    Some people like to sleep through life while others live with their eyes open.
    The ones who live sleeping don’t usually even know what they are supporting because they are afraid of change. Change is what we need and change means waking up.

    1. These are notes I wrote to Forbes. I used some of Vani’s quotes and added other sections to round out the context of this issue.
      I used to read Forbes but it is now a shill for Monsanto / GMO juggernaut.

      I have learned more about the truth about food from Vani. We don’t buy very many commercial food products, preferring to source organic from local sources where we can verify by inspection the quality of the produce.

      There is no need to poison ourselves with RoundUp-laden food because the supposed benefits of “productive crops” which pale in comparison to organic and permaculture productivity. We have poisoned our soil with none of productive bacteria that are important to our bodies mire-biome. Now we face depleted soil that has cannot retain water, resulting in excessive needs for water at a time of increasing water scarcity. The idiocy of this model is represented by California’s Imperial Valley.

      The insanity of this food model shows up in Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) which feed cows GMO corn. Corn is not a food for cows…it is grass they need. Now that they are in CAFOs they get sick and require antibiotics (which are also used to “fatten” them up with poison). These antibiotics go in to the sludge products from the CAFOs. Now we have a massive pollution problem that affects aquifers and poisons our water.

      This scenario is the perfect storm of extermination or healthy people.

      Why does Forbes allow this nonsense in their pages.
      Why does Forbes allow Kavin to write articles for them without appropriate conflict of interest disclosure?
      Kavin has recently published several articles in Forbes (a website that reaches millions) in which she spews hate for organic food and farming, and bashes non-GMO food activists:

      “3 Tactics Donald Trump Shares With Dr. Oz, The Food Babe, And Other Snake Oil Salesmen” – Forbes, 10/5/16
      “The Food Babe Is A Bully And Cotton Incorporated Isn’t Going To Take It” – Forbes, 5/27/16
      “Del Monte Joins Food Babe Army, Shuns Fruit-Saving Technology” – Forbes, 4/5/16
      “The Toxic ‘Chemical Hypocrisy’ Of Food Babe, Joseph Mercola And Mark Hyman” – Forbes, 12/3/15

      In Kavin’s libelous articles, her “sources” are PR operatives and people who are paid to protect the profits of the big food and GMO companies. For instance, she cites “experts” from:

      U.S. Farmers And Ranchers Alliance (funded by Dupont and Monsanto and run by the PR firm Ketchum)
      Cotton Inc. (a trade group for cotton growers who have received technology from Monsanto)
      An advisor for the Calorie Control Council (a trade group for artificial sweetener manufacturers that is run by the PR firm Kellen Company)
      Farmer who sells Monsanto’s GMO seeds
      The circularity of this campaign are mind-boggling.
      Are these people “Independent Experts”? Absolutely not!

      In her earlier Forbes pieces, she co-wrote them with Henry Miller, a former FDA employee who founded the Office of Biotechnology, and is also associated with several front groups that ferociously defend the use of GMOs and pesticides. His resume includes accolades from Philip Morris for defending the tobacco industry. Henry has been writing pro-GMO articles for Forbes for over 10 years. Why did Henry take Kavin under his wing? Did he help her secure a position at Forbes? Does Forbes know about her relationships to Monsanto and PR firms? Do they know that she heads up a Facebook group that works with front groups? Are her conflicts of interest disclosed? Does Forbes know she’s the leader of a Facebook group encouraging people to use fake names to get fake tickets for an event to harass activists?

      How can Forbes allow someone to write for them who engages in unethical tactics like this?

      Please clear your magazine of this miasma!

      1. Brilliant! They will eventually be unable to stand up to the deluge of angry informed citizens. We OWN them and we’ll starve them out. Their profit margins, i.e. MonSatan, are down. They are scrambling with Global “mergers” but their sh@ is already in the toilet ready for us to flush them. Thanks to the great food activists we will take our food supply back.

  3. Hey now! I am so glad I found you food babe! I plan to do just what you are doing only not just food but ………
    I am learning form all you post! I also get asked almost daily if I am out making connections … do you fear for your life? Yes I do and thank god for the sake of justice that fear drives me forward … after a day of wound licking or so.. lol!
    never give up
    Thrive in PDX!

    1. This is a Revolutionary War. More and more people are standing up and shining a light into the darkness. You start explaining what GMO’s are to the average person, and they are pretty appauled that the pesticide and herbicide is in the food and we can not wash or peel our way out of this.
      Glad you are joining the fight. I’m going to call and pester the devil out of these front groups and company shills… Face Book ’em and every other social media outlet available to get this article and others out there! Fight On!

  4. I saw you speak in Hawaii and was so inspired by your work. There will always be “haters” out there, but they will never be able to suppress the truth. Please keep doing what you do. You have millions of fans that support everything you have done to create a healthier society.

  5. The millions of dollars that they make, sanctioned by this administration,
    is more important than our health.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  6. Vani, I have been following you for over 2 years now. I went from a very sick person to a healthy one! thank you for all you do…we appreciate you so much! We will keep fighting the fight!

  7. Why would ANYONE be PRO-GMO? I just don’t get it!!! We have all sorts of proof that food made by “science” leads to nothing but problems on many, many levels.

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU for the work you do!!!

    1. I would love to see all this proof. I’m currently trying to figure things out for myself and really just don’t know which side of this GMO or non-GMO spectrum I should land on.

  8. If the pro-organic folks had used the same tactics to try to disrupt a agribusiness event, they would have been met by police in riot gear and slapped with all sorts of lawsuits. It’s amazing what corporations can get away with.

    1. That’s why we need to get articles like this to our Congressmen and Senators. We’re sick of the duplicitousness…. we will have the Truth come out. We have to flood their offices with the Truth about GMO’s because ALL they’ve heard is industry lies.

  9. You are so amazing! The people who think they run the world will try to shut you up but God knows everything….their time will end and you will have many crowns of gold!

  10. I am so sorry you had to go through all of this at that conference. I’m sure it is disheartening even though you’re probably used to it by now. Please keep speaking the truth and never stop doing what you’re doing. Thank you.

  11. We got your back sister. All the way from South Africa. We are in the fight with you !
    Take care and be safe. Its dangerous what you doing. But now there are too many of us to stop. Congrats with Hawaii !

  12. OMG! Food Babe, I couldn’t even get through this post w/o chuckling. These people literally have nothing better to do than to spread hate. I don’t get it. We’re all on this earth trying to do our best. We’re all people. I think you’re AMAZING for what it’s worth. I normally never comment but I had to share. This is ridiculous!!

  13. Dear Food Babe and Food Babe Army,

    Thank you for all you do every day. I continue to keep mental notes about those companies that will never, ever get my dollars. I haven’t bought a Bayer aspirin in years since Bayer’s involvement in the Holocaust. I’m not surprised that they wanted to buy Monsanto as another means to harm people. There are so many brave souls going in the same direction with eating healthy food as you all do, so these GMO-lovers will be the ultimate losers in the end. Vote with dollars people and let those who like to eat GMOs eat them and feed them to their families. The food industry is changing to more healthy foods, so it’s only a matter of time. Thank you again for all your do. You are all loved and supported.

  14. Wow, Vani! You are doing everything right to get that reaction from Monsanto et al. I’m so proud of your courage. You set a fine example for all of us! I’m cheering loudly for you!

  15. You certainly have their attention! If they were so confident that they were right you wouldn’t be such a threat! Food Babe Army is on the march! Keep up the good work !

  16. The next ‘free’ event, maybe you should charge $5 a seat and then hand out a gift at the door. Something like Raw honey or Pink Himalayan salt.

  17. Vani I am so amazed at what you do! It takes a lot of courage to stand up for what’s right. Please keep up the great work, but be safe! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

  18. FOOD BABE, you are the modern day “Equalizer”! Your incredible courage and tenacity in tackling our corrupt and polluted food system is beyond inspiring. There is no need to defend yourself. The cat is out the bag and we the public are fully capable of seeing through it all. We all know enough now to take back the power and our right to optimal health. We won’t stay silent, we will educate the public one by one. God is on your side and you WILL NOT fail!

  19. Vani, you are amazing!! I love your passion, and fierce dedication towards making our foods safer. We are all behind you. You have an army:)

  20. Vani…Outstanding summary and review of the tactics of the biotech mafia. I’m sure that the last thing you wanted after this level of harassment was to spend valuable time regurgitating the foul play, but to your credit and commitment to the truth of healthy eating, you fearlessly forged ahead! All of us in the Food Babe Army cheer you on for dominating with your ethics and intelligence. THANK YOU!

  21. Vani, I just wanted to say that you are one of the strongest people that I have ever met on the internet. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely thank you for all that you do to improve our lives and the next generation’s relationship with food. You are truly an inspiration and a shining star in a community of activists.

    Because of all that you do, I feel like I am on the winning side of this. And I couldn’t be more grateful to what you always do.

  22. Very informative.
    Appreciate the info.
    Assists us all in knowing what we’re up against.
    Thanks for all you do.
    I’m also thankful for the many people out there saving heirloom non-corrupted seeds…!!

  23. Why didn’t you let them ask questions at Hawaii? You never debate anything. Are you afraid. All of these scientists that you say are after you would love to have a civil debate. I think you should do it if you really believe in what you preech.

  24. They know you are 100% right and are scared. They are giving you free publicity! Keep up the great work and ignore the hate. They aren’t worth your time.

  25. Vani! You are a courageous human being and deserve a medal! You are risking all for the sake of keeping us from the evil sicknesses that evade our current society. Thank you for exposing those that are truly the cowards of this path. I hope every citizen in America sees this and realizes the unsettling truth about our society! May God continue to be with you! You will receive tremendous blessings for the work that you are doing! And know that we stand behind you!

  26. This California girl has your back! Please keep fighting!!! If they were not threatened, they would not spend the time or $$ chasing you down and harassing you! Monsanto and their biotech and chemical friends are disgusting. If what they are doing is so valuable and non-toxic, then why should they be worried. They have bullied everyone who generally cares about health and food as a source of health. Please keep on keeping on, for the sake of health and a healthy planet.

  27. I love you in so many ways Vani! Lol. You have such an incredible passion for what you do. From the bottom of my heart thank you so much for all your efforts to improve our well being. You go through so much struggle and adversity and I wish I could do so much more to help your movement. Never stop inspiring!

  28. Thank You for your intelligence in food matters, and for teaching the rest of us.
    I am loyally following you from the state of Maine.


  29. Wow – I knew they were sneaky, but I didn’t realize they went so low as to do all of those things! Thank you for sharing this. It’s another fact that is important for us to have a complete picture of how they operate.

  30. I totally support what you do and appreciate the time you take to teach us and make our world a better place!!!

  31. Vani you are a GIANT of TRUTH to us. I have asked the Huge Angels of Truth to
    surround & Protect you….Much Love & Tons of Appreciation for All you Do & Are

    3 things never Change

    The Sun
    The Moon
    And the Truth

    The Buddha

  32. How you can say Kavin is not even a scientist is beyond me, when you are not even a scientist either, nor are you a dietitian. What exactly is your training again? Pot-kettle. This was quite a rant. I guess people are catching on and your profits are down. You do not always make clear your own conflict of interest when posting links to people of products you endorse.

  33. This is awful that people stoop so low to hurt you and your name and the wonderful movement that you stand for.
    Thank you for this informative article! I am so sorry to hear that people personally attack you like this.
    I am proud to be part of the food revolution movement. All we want is to eat and live how God intended… naturally, with beautiful food that has no human tampering done to it with chemicals and pesticides!
    People can be so greedy and malicious.
    Keep spreading this important message! Thank you!

  34. I admire your courage under fire.
    Trolls have use… they’ve forced you to show that you’re one of the nicest, politest, fiercest warriors on the planet. It’s a troll’s way of saying “you’re really special.”

    Your food blog alone is of future Nobel caliber work. With the unfortunate, but necessary addition of food industry expose, it’s much more impactful than the sum of it’s parts. This could be some of your most important work. Great choice to publish!

    What a great legacy you are creating, and way to stick it to ’em, Mam.

  35. Amazing how Jayson Merkley looks like he has one foot on a GMO banana peel and the other in the grave. All these GMO tools are young, but most pro GMO people who are older have stomach issues and look unhealthy. Big Pharma is making book on all the medical issues caused by GMO crap, so they are not likely to help us in our anti GMO quest. Do you realize that this issue with gluten never existed before GMOs? We have had gluten in our food since we started farming, with no problems. Now we have an epidemic. GMO is an unhealthy fraud. And they are destroying the Hawaiian agrarian culture with their contamination. Keep up the good work, and be safe!

  36. Western Canadian, food babe army for over three years now,
    Please keep up your marvelous Endeavours and Tireless work !

  37. Please go on NPR and expose the Agribusiness’ hired “activists” aka astroturf groups that Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol and other industries that put profits over public health of especially vulnerable communities that are historically marginalized. Please take care.

  38. So thankful for you and your work!!! I have learned so much in this past year and my family and I are finally on the right track! We feel amazing!!! I pray for your protection and for your continuous boldness to stand for what is right and no weapon formed against prosper!! God is with you!! Keep on keeping on!!! ????

  39. Way to expose the black heart of the beast. These people are truly dark and sinister. God Almighty Bless You and your Family, Vani. We are warriors for the TRUTH. It’s so hard not to call them really bad names…. but it suffices to say, pure evil has insinuated itself into our food supply for over 20yrs now…slithering in like a serpent, and fearing public opinion the whole time when the truth got out. You are the true heroin of the 21st century!
    We love you!

  40. I am so into eating healthy now. I love the work of Dr. Mercola and Ty Bollinger (The Truth About Cancer), regularly read the Health Ranger (Natural News) and like some of his articles – he certainly has his own slants on the news which you wouldn’t get elsewhere, anything with Ocean and John Robbins and their wonderful health summit several months ago with wonderful speakers, I greatly appreciated the wonderful interviews in the recently completed Awakening from Alzheimer’s summit that is offering free viewing of all the interviews this weekend only, I enjoyed listening to the free supplement seminar about three weeks ago with many great speakers, the work of Daniel Amen, Jeffrey Smilth, and Dr. Ben Kim. There is a massive world of very wonderful healthy speakers promoting good health. This movement is changing America. And Vani Food Babe is making wonderful strides in promoting this entire movement, exposing corruption by the businessmen who only want profits and have bought too many politicians. The health crisis in our country is a testament of how much damage these profiteering businessmen have caused to our country and to the world. The damage that the pesticides do to Argentinian and other farmers, and the resulting food crops for livestock that causes so much disease to the animals, not to mention the pesticides and disease that get passed on to the consumers. It is a shame that American politicians and embassies promote the GMO agenda. It is a shame that America exports so much “food” that is unhealthy to other countries and has been spreading our sick food system throughout the world infecting populations all over, except Russia and a few places that prohibit GMOs and promote organic food.
    I don’t see that Vani, the food babe, has the medical or farming knowledge that many experts do, but she knows, as I know, that eating a pure diet of healthy food that grows, without chemicals, will reverse so many diseases and cleans the body so. She is super impressive in how she has influenced the world in getting better. I am sorry that Bernie lost in the primary to Hillary, especially since Hillary is too heavily supported by the agribusiness community and the financial community and the medicine community. But America will once again become great when sanity prevails in our farms, in our businesses, and with our politicians. It is easy to understand the desire for low oil prices due to fracking, but that also greatly damages our planet. My great great uncle was the great naturalist John Muir. He would be dumbfounded at how our country has developed and would strongly promote our current return-to-health movement. Thank you Vani for your fabulous contributions. Keep up the grand work. For my part, I am working to help people that I know be healthier, and for myself to be healthier. I don’t make the massive contributions that so many people make, but I firmly believe in supporting the organic family farms, donating blood, being human and healthy with people, getting a good night’s sleep, and generally being a positive influence on friends and family. These are things that make me feel good about myself. Now I am trying to boycott Whole Foods for the most part, since they helped promote the Dark Act. I oppose fluoridation and excess chemical in our water. About the only meat that I buy comes from an Amish farmer. I am currently striving to find any method to avoid a root canal that my dentist recommended to me, so I don’t have festering bacteria underneath my teeth that don’t get cleaned out by my bloodstream. There is so much going on. I aim to take care of myself and help others. And God bless Vani and all the wonderful people spreading the news, and teaching people things that they never learned earlier in their lives.

  41. Wow, I can’t even believe the great lengths these people and businesses go thru to try and destroy you! Smh… I’m glad it all ended up well in Hawaii. I’m so much healthier today because of you. Some of my friends and family now follow your advice. Organic food is becoming more and more accessible and cheaper around me. A new holistic and organic farm opened up down the street from me 2 years ago, around the same time I read my first food babe article! Keep up the great work and don’t let haters bully you. You are amazing! 🙂

  42. Vani, thank you for your loyalty and calling. I share the same passion and I’m so grateful to have found your blog. You inspire me and I’m a better mom because of you!

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